Common Advise On YTMAG

Duane WI

Many times people ask for opinions from the YTMAG guys before making a major purchase. Often it is about what level of product or service to buy. I always see advise like:
1. It is cheaper to buy the upgrade now than latter.
2. You might want the better product latter.
3. If you can't afford to do it right the first time you can't afford to redo it.
I don't think this advise is very good. If over someone's life they buy what they think they need and the few times they are wrong they buy the better product latter they will come out way ahead. I have done this all my life and have had to replace some stuff but I am much farther ahead. I also never buy an extended warranty on anything. Yes I have had a few items I wished I had but again I am way ahead overall. Your thoughts???
Not exactly what you're talking about,but my brother always said sometimes you have to settle for something you don't want,then upgrade and sell the one you bought first. I quit doing that a long time ago. I was always the last sucker in line and never could get rid of what I didn't want in the first place. For the most part,if I can't get just what I was looking for,I keep looking or go without.

#1 Most of the time they should ask first and purchase later. There is an endless stream of inquiries from new owners of Deere 1010's, Deere 2010's and Ford N series . With trouble due to design that can not be solved.
#2 purchase the operators, service and parts manual then READ IT. I'm just waiting for the next donk to ask what points gap and plug gap to set on his "new" tractor.
Yes I know the feeling, whatever I am looking to buy is gold, whatever I try to sell is junk. So since I cannot recover anything thru resale, I just use it til it IS JUNK. gobble

Tom , I agree with you . I always preach to my buddies that it's easy to buy and hard to sell --but I always don't practice what I preach L.O.L.

Larry --ont
How do you know for sure you are way ahead? You can never know the true difference between a Ford and a Chevy unless you drive both.
@ buickanddeere - That last sentence is very true. Unfortunately it would eliminate 50% of the posts on this site.

The only other thing I would add is there is a "SEARCH" feature at the top, people please learn how to use it. It amazes me how we can have a discussion on a topic and only a day or two later someone asks almost the same question again. A little research for me has gone a long way.

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