Question for those watching Decorah Eagles

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
I have been watching the eagle cam since back in March. Haven't been tuned in as much lately, but get a few minutes a couple time a day to view them. I haven't seen either parent in a couple of weeks. Ar they still bringing the youngones food?? I don't see any reminents of fish, rabbits, or squirrls.
Loren, the Acg.
I've not checked in on any of them for about two and a half weeks either.

But from what I observed with the MN eaglets, when they got bigger the parents seemed to be gone much of the time. But occasionally I'd see them fly in to make a food-drop and eat some of it themselves.

The MN nest has appeared empty all day... but while I was cooking dinner, a large blood stain appeared in the nest. So "somebody" was there the last couple hours eating something.
I live about ten miles away from there. It amazes me how much attention those eagles get. The funny thing is right below the nest there is a bike trail that the local county and city spent millions on and the main traffic it gets is from people going to see the eagles!

I can stop and wave at everyone if you want sometime. lol


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