Getting caught up


Picked up another 8-10 acre field yesterday. With this rain I may not be able to finish plowing all the new ground this week. I hope that I can get back to it by Wednesday. Still have about 5 acres left on the 12acres I picked up and 2 smaller fields of about 2 acres to do still as well. The old 400D with 3-14 is doing a wonderful job. My dad tried to come help with the 450 and the other 3-14 but could not seem to get the plow to work right. He kept plugging the back bottom. I believe he had the plow out of level but he got frustrated and left before I could take a close look at how he had it set up. Plowing down 3+ foot tall grass can be a challenge. He seems to thing that because the 400D is a narrow front that it is knocking the grass down in front of the bottom making it easier to plow where as the 450 is a wide front and is not knocking the grass down making it harder to plow or more prone to plugging? I think that he will hook up the 10' disk and start disking while I plow when I get ready to go back out to the field. It is nice to see him out on the tractors. I know I appreciate the help as well. The price of off road diesel went up to 2.60 a gallon here locally from 2.44. The old 450 is a gasser so it is quite a bit more expensive to run than the 400D. But I guess in the name of saving time I will pay for the gasser to run just so I can hopefully get everything worked up good mellowed and hopefully planted by June 15. I need to go get more seed this week as well. I think I am done picking up bean ground as I now have about 30 acres of bean ground. I will start looking for ground to fallow for winter wheat once I get caught up. I think I can obtain about 20 more acres by September for that purpose. I am glad to be back to farming instead of off globe trotting in third world countries toting a gun.
Thank You for your service to our country. We will never really know the results from your service, but I will say, we have not had any car bombers or sub-way bombers or significent terrorist action here at home. So You, indeed have protected us the US. Happy farming hope you can make it work. gobble
I'm so jealous - I have not a single bean acre ready and it keeps raining. It has been 31 days today that no one around here has been in a field. All of us are kind of like zombies in town - just walking around dazed and confused with no real purpose. I'm going to go cut a pasture today to have a little time in a tractor. I'm all "odd jobbed" out.
I was at an auction 2 or 3 weeks ago. They had a 400 and 450 gassers in the line. Auctioneer said they run all day on a few gallons of gas. Obviously he does not work very hard. Same guy a few years ago said that they thought the starter needed work on a 300. It had sat for eight years. I don't know if he is that stupid or just dishonest.

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