A new line of work starting tomorrow

Eldon (WA)

Well-known Member
Checked out a job last week and will be doing it tomorrow. I guess it was bound to happen since the I-502 vote last year. Specialty tilling for a pot farm...fellow says he needs the ground worked up 2 feet deep to get 5# per plant. I think he's smoking crack LOL. Guess I will need a name tag and get to be on camera all day - whoopee! What would you use to till 2 feet deep???

Chisel plow? Subsoiler?

If he really needs that much depth he should cut deep furrows and fill them with the proper soil.

I dont know about MJ but from research found that Hemp is not real picky about soils and amenities.
That's hilarious, 2 feet? I'd be wanting to make sure to get paid. I read that initially, at the onset, there was high, (no pun intended) demand for the product, following year they addressed that with increased production. Supply was up, but I forget what influenced price, (same as any other commodity though supply and demand). It ended up, black market or illegal sources were less expensive, causing a reduction in sales. Sounds like a similar racket in ag commodities, not sure if I could find the article, that part was interesting as to the market and price fluctuation with supply and demand, as well as people going to the black market. Get rich quick scenario, not so much from what I interpret out of it. There's a medical marijuana facility on the planning agenda locally, going to be interesting how the community responds to it.
(quoted from post at 21:12:14 05/10/15)
Chisel plow? Subsoiler?

If he really needs that much depth he should cut deep furrows and fill them with the proper soil.

I dont know about MJ but from research found that Hemp is not real picky about soils and amenities.

Well I am using the skidsteer and this rock bucket. I can dig 2 feet deep with it and use it like a potatoe fork. I chose this because he also has a lot of roots and some rocks to dig up in the area he has fenced off. I may use the chisel plow next year once the roots and rocks are removed. I told him it wouldn't be cheap.....

(quoted from post at 22:12:59 05/10/15) Could he get by with postholes? Thinking 18" diameter

I told him I had a 24" auger, but he wants all the ground worked 2 ft deep first....
I don't know of any grain farmers in the Midwest who till much deeper than the 15-16 inches.
They produce some of the best yields of anywhere in the U. S. You might dig a test hole for your customer and show him how deep his topsoil is. Not much advantage going much deeper than that or maybe 16 inch deep. Is it worth it to mix up subsoil with his topsoil?
(quoted from post at 22:30:31 05/10/15) I don't know of any grain farmers in the Midwest who till much deeper than the 15-16 inches.
They produce some of the best yields of anywhere in the U. S. You might dig a test hole for your customer and show him how deep his topsoil is. Not much advantage going much deeper than that or maybe 16 inch deep. Is it worth it to mix up subsoil with his topsoil?

Yeah I don't think we will find much way down there, but he's the boss :D
Personally I wouldn't get near the job,not because of any moral reason about Pot but because its still illegal under Federal Law.The current Powers that Be are choosing not to enforce them,the Powers will change next year and who knows what will happen.If they decide to crack down under racketeering laws any people aiding and abetting a continuing criminal enterprise can be charged or probably have their assets confiscated.That's why most banks are refusing to do business with the Pot dealers.
I am like traditional farmer, I would not get neer it and tell him to get lost, never want to see him again.
Yo man, sounds like a cool job man.....like 2 feet deep man! WOW man...... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sounds like a racket to me.

Round these parts the county/state agencies are pushing an 6-12 inch tillage depth depending on soil conditions. I'm in the 6-8 inch range. Heck I've got a neighbor who just finished tillage on a alfalfa field. He ran over it with a disk twice and planted beans.

My wife (the horticulture professor) says to tell him they don't call it "weed" for nothing. The stuff will grow darn near anywhere in most any conditions.

On a more serious note. I would avoid this job like the plague. What happens when you get some of the crop residue transfer in your equipment, clothing and home? Sounds like instant confiscation of assets to me and a long, expensive no-win legal battle.

Just my 2 cents.

Around here the pot growers pluck out several feet of corn plants. Plant their plants in the place of them. Seems to grow just fine. Not sure I would do the job though. It goes against my morals.
When a new Federal administration comes in and decides to enforce the law, your name might show up on a list. The job isn't worth the future headaches and risk of losing your assets. A new administration is going to be looking for new money and seizure of assets is one way to get money into the treasury.

If you do one job for him, all of a sudden you may find yourself connected to a whole bunch of druggies. Do one favor for them and they will think you are in their pocket.
Your skid steer loader will do more damage than good. Even though you will "work" the ground your going to be compacting the heck out of it with that skid steer. You just need a subsoiler and that will work it to 2 feet with multiple passes.

I also would not do the job. I am against anything to do with POT. IT is not a safe drug. It kills most ambition in those that regularly use it. I have seen many lives ruined by regular use of it.

I know several state voted to allow growing it. I still think that the Federal Government should enforce the laws against it. PERIOD!!!!
Here in California legal growers are using grow bags full of potting soil about 2 ft deep or digging holes that deep and getting plants that produce 3 lbs. Some counties have limitted plant numbers so they want the most they can get from one plant. Traditional plowing yields about 8 oz per plant.
Subsoiler, then till one way or another.
As long as the checks good who cares what they do with it afterwards. If you don't do the job, someone else will. Just my opinion, to each his own.
Well, alot of debate on doing or not doing it, thats going to be your decision. I will comment, on those opposed to its use and simply
say this, Im not against its use, just its abuse. I know someone right now who uses it, in another form or course, to ease his arthritis,
and its the only thing hes been able to take for pain the last year or so that actually helps! And NO, hes not a drughead!
Personally i dont see anything wrong with it as far as the job goes. Dont sound like your growing it
your just preparing the ground. A job is a job some good some bad. I would do it and wouldnt think
twice about it.
you sound raciest....same as when white people are involved...god did not make alcohol,man did.,,,,,,,man also made pharmaceutical drugs ..that more than half the country is on..........wake up ...you dont know what your talking about.....mexicans.........this country used to have to grow hemp for the many reasons....rope,,, non toxic....but dupont and and some other toxin makers can make it with toxins ,,plastic......ther went the good old days...no more glass, tin. more power to you FARMER, GROW THAT NO. ONE OXYGEN PRODUCING PLANT IN THE WORLD.....DEWY
do you grow corn....nobody made any corn alchohal with your morals...how would you know what they did with your corn.....
Hi, do what you want! I think digging 2' deep is
nuts! The soil, if it is soil is dead at that depth. Max
for oxygen is 16". Ed will
(quoted from post at 05:30:09 05/11/15) Your skid steer loader will do more damage than good. Even though you will "work" the ground your going to be compacting the heck out of it with that skid steer. You just need a subsoiler and that will work it to 2 feet with multiple passes.

I also would not do the job. I am against anything to do with POT. IT is not a safe drug. It kills most ambition in those that regularly use it. I have seen many lives ruined by regular use of it.

I know several state voted to allow growing it. I still think that the Federal Government should enforce the laws against it. PERIOD!!!!

I use the skidsteer like a large potatoe fork...just keep backing up and don't run over the ground. I've dug a lot of gardens in rocky soil like this before I till.
(quoted from post at 05:44:21 05/11/15) Subsoiler, then till one way or another.
As long as the checks good who cares what they do with it afterwards. If you don't do the job, someone else will. Just my opinion, to each his own.

That's my feeling...I am just tilling up a garden for someone....
(quoted from post at 03:30:09 05/11/15) For as hard as you are going to be working that machine at a minimum $75 a hour and $200 just to show up.

I do charge $75 an hour with this bucket, he is 35 miles away so I told him $400 minimum. I still have the tractor and bush hog in the field about 4 miles from there, so if I get done early I will knock out a few more acres on that job.
I'd do the work,cash the check(get cash) and not worry.But 2 ft is f#$%&($ rediculous. As you all know,CO. is a grow state. We
have guys growing that stuff in a one half 55 gallon barrel.A few folks even build green houses for it.A lot of 'users' are
older/elderly. It does work for them where other 'drugs' dont or have stopped working.They are finding that is a cancer
treatment that DOES work..You dont have to smoke it.They make cookies/brownies,etc from it.There are many ways to process the
stuff that gets rid of the part that gets you 'high'.The state collects millions of tax dollars yearly from it.The real problem
is ABUSE,not sensible controlled use. Same with alcohol.......And the debate goes on.......
Do marijuana roots go down that far? There is a difference between marijuana and plain old hemp though both share the same family. I dont know anything about the soil profile in your area, but the first thought to come to my mind is that soil two feet down might not grow anything if it is brought to the top. Here in my part of Iowa the top soil has all of the 'goodies' in it.
As long as the checks good who cares what they do with it afterwards. If you don't do the job, someone else will. Just my opinion, to each his own.

That's my feeling...I am just tilling up a garden for someone....[/quote]

I think it is great that you find this work that brings in more income!
Dynamite? "Me no see. Me no tell, Kemosabe. Me light fuse and run like ....

Would probably take care of the rocks, too! Might take the poor guy some time to put all the dirt back in place though. (smile)

I know, I know. Not helping at all. but I just couldn't resist.
if 2 feet gives you 5lbs, maybe going down 4 feet you could get 10lbs?

Not sure about where you are, but around here it'd be easier to bring in 2' of dirt than plow 2' deep.
Im right there with you. I have never and have no intentions to touch the stuff, but I know people that have SEVERE pain killer addictions. Why not offer them something that does the same job and is non addictive? Yes it can fry your brain, but only if you use it excessively for years, but if you drink to excessive on a daily basis your brain and body would be fried too.

Like you said, the debate goes on.
Trencher?? Backhoe? Our local Soil Conservation district rents out a one or two shank ripper. They use it to rip along tree lines to cut the tree roots and improve the yields in fields that are bordered by trees. The idea is to keep farmers from loosing yields along tree lines and then they wont doze out the trees and loose the wildlife and windbreak benefit. They can go 2-3' deep with thing, but it takes on horse of a tractor!!

If I tilled 2' deep around here, I would bring up clay, rocks, roots, maybe a few arrowheads or indian bones if I go through a burial mound.

I know you can't argue with the guy who is hiring you, but the roots need to be in good topsoil. They need access to air, water, and nutrients. Ripping the soil 2' deep might improve the drainage of water, but roots will penetrate as deep as they need to reach the air/water/nutrients they need. Roots also serve to anchor the plant.

A seed bed worked up 8-12" deep would be plenty for anything I can think of. Even if you could rip to 2', I can't see any advantage. Maybe even a disadvantage if available rainwater is allowed to leach out below the roots.

So back to the plan. What are you going to do to get that deep?

5 pounds per plant is what he is shooting for? Crazy talk, not just smoking last years crop. Get paid up front, he is just another starting farmer picking huge numbers out of the air thinking he can hit those numbers. Not gonna happen. He wont even hit those numbers with a greenhouse and hydro. A few people have made huge numbers on their pet plants but its always a hobby, never on a production or larger scale.

When this guy fails to hit his goal, you will be one of the people he blames.

The people that caution you about taking the job/money make a good point, a different administration could take a different stance but with the large volume comming online, its unlikely they will proscute years back to a different administrations blind eye pollicy. When a new guy (or girl) takes over the white house, you can make a decision then if you want to take the work.
Racist? When did residents of Mexico become their own race? I'm talking about the Mexican drug cartels that control Northern Mexico and the border areas of the US. If you don't know that there is a major issue with the drug trade between the US and Mexico you are not informed enough to have a conversation on the topic.
There is a derivative from the plant or maybe a specific strain, that a chemist can make something that will stop seizures. There have been many shows on tv in the past and they profiled a grower who was specifically doing this, because a desperate mother, who had no other interest in it but for her son, who suffered some awful seizures, and it stopped them from happening when nothing else would. The growers greenhouse got busted, he was just ready to harvest and he had to find another means to get it done, he was not giving up on this mother who was trying to save her son. Now I know its tv, but that derivative is not THC, so its apparent red tape. That is one specific use, there are others similar, which have nothing to do with catching a buzz so to speak.
I am not for a complete ban on it butavaible only for medical uses. That would mean 2 unassoitated drs giving aprovel to treat ilness. Then it would have to be grown in a controled way that nobody except the one it is prescribed for could get it and only on a limited basses. It would have to be grown under lock and key as tight as any jail and only distributed by certain pharmitists.
If we grew our own the Mexican cartels would be out of business, or have to move on to something different. Just like prohibition didn't work, neither has the war on drugs. It's time to look at some other countries that have figured out better ways.
(quoted from post at 11:08:37 05/11/15) 5 pounds per plant is what he is shooting for? Crazy talk, not just smoking last years crop. Get paid up front, he is just another starting farmer picking huge numbers out of the air thinking he can hit those numbers. Not gonna happen. He wont even hit those numbers with a greenhouse and hydro. A few people have made huge numbers on their pet plants but its always a hobby, never on a production or larger scale.

When this guy fails to hit his goal, you will be one of the people he blames.

The people that caution you about taking the job/money make a good point, a different administration could take a different stance but with the large volume comming online, its unlikely they will proscute years back to a different administrations blind eye pollicy. When a new guy (or girl) takes over the white house, you can make a decision then if you want to take the work.

Well I am home. Got the area he wanted done, big part of the job was to clear out roots from some type of brush that was in some of the areas....very tough roots. I can rip out 6" pine stumps easier than some of these. Anyway, typical, I get there, gate is locked, nobody answers the phone. I lay on the horn twice in 10 minutes then the wife finally comes out and says they overslept...I was 2 minutes away from leaving. So, everything goes good from there on...get signed in, get my ID badge...dirt turns out to be pretty soft so I do get down 20-24". Dusty and dirty work. This is a retired Californian, obvious long time grower, so I didn't try to tell him 24" was not necessary. So they are happy, said it was the first contractor that did what he said he would do....also want me back to do the rest and pop out some holes with the 2' auger. I did get paid :D

Went over to my mowing job looking to put in 4 hours there, but I had a front tire go flat at 2 1/2 hrs...and the spare in the truck was flat! Oh well, short day, only 12 1/2 hours....

Thanks for all the comments...I was sure this would have been poofed by the time I got home.
(quoted from post at 14:46:46 05/11/15) If we grew our own the Mexican cartels would be out of business, or have to move on to something different. Just like prohibition didn't work, neither has the war on drugs. It's time to look at some other countries that have figured out better ways.

Totally agree!


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