Like in the Movie Deliverance


Well-known Member
Yesterday I answered an ad to look at some used front tires over in West Virginia. They didn't have both tires like they advertised so I left. The place was pretty run down and on the farmhouse front porch, as I walked by I swear there was a guy who looked just like the guy in the Deliverance movie with the creepy eyes and teeth that played the banjo. There was also somebody staring out a window through the curtains. Man I started walking faster and by the time I got to my truck I was into a full gallop. I hopped in the truck and buried that gas pedal getting out of there! Has that ever happened to anybody ever, where you're just glad to get out of somewhere like that?
Yeah, in Washington, DC; Baltimore, MD; Chicago, IL; Phoenix, AZ; Johannesburg, SA, Barranquilla, Columbia; Seoul, ROK; Toyoko, Japan;, and a few dozen other armpits of the world.
I've also met some WONDERFUL and FRIENDLY folks in West Virginia, Hazard, KY; Alabama, upstate New York, and a LOT of other places.
All folks in those hollers aren't bad, no Sir!
Almost every time that I had to go on a collection call for the company. The funny thing was, I was good at collecting.
My sister-in-law was a renting house a couple years ago. She lived 200 miles away, called and asked if I would go over there and fix the AC, and check a gas leak on the stove.

OK, so I get there, there is the tenant, running around in the side yard, and I mean running, like running in circles, pretending he's an airplane or something! I knock on the door, kid lets me in, place is filthy. I get started on the AC, which the evap is totally clogged with pet hair and years of neglect, not a quick fix.

In comes the tenant, starts in on me about what a horrible place this is to live and he's not paying his rent until everything is fixed. If I don't do something he's calling the sheriff... This guy is freaking out! Wierded out on meth!

I'm explaining I'm just there to do repairs, I don't own the place.

"Well you're lying! Yes you do own it!"

This was getting scarey, but he finally goes back outside, I get the AC cleaned up, and start on the gas leak. The complaint was the gas valve won't shut off, he can smell gas when the line is disconnected. I wanted to ask why was he disconnecting the stove, but knew better than to try any communication with him...

So I turn off the gas, take the valve off, take the twisted and ruined flex line off, go into town to get parts. I get back and the gas company is there. He had called them and reported a gas leak!

I go in, the man from the gas co. goes in with me, we replace the valve. He's looking around the house, the tenant keeps coming in and going out, spouting off crude insults, tells his kids to watch us so we don't steal their stuff... Gas man is figuring out who's who, asks what's going on, what's wrong with that guy?

"Meth" I answered.

"Whoa... I think you got this, just turn it on when your done. I'm outt'a here!"

That was a freaky situation, not something I ever want to put myself back into! Looking around the kitchen, there was profanity, nonsense poetry, Satanic symbols written in marker on all the walls! What was sad was the kids, little kids growing up in that! None of them ever spoke a word, just stood wide-eyed and started, watching to be sure I didn't steal anything, as if there was anything there to steal.

A couple weeks later, SIL calls me, wanted me to go tell them they had to leave or pay the rent... I declined the offer!
Yeah, I had a guy come up to me at an auction wanting to sell me a field cultivator. When we got there my wife refused to leave the car and actually locked it behind me. When the guy drove me back to my car I did one of these "would you look at that" comments and pointed at something in the yard. When he looked back I was standing OUTSIDE the truck waving goodbye. Never again.
You can get into a 'situation' about anywhere,that's why I have a concealed weapons permit.
Just like water you never give it much thought until you need it and there is no substitute(LOL)
Marine General James Mattis said, "be polite, be professional, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet". I knock on a lot of doors in my quest for old iron, and there have been days where carrying a concealed weapon has been a comfort, but so far has had to be drawn. I meet a lot of interesting and nice people.
I'll tell you what, as a shiner myself, revenuers or fellas that look like revenuers aint welcome nowhere on the property. We know what you guys are up to. Come pokin around, saying that you're lookin to see if we have any tires for sale when the whole time all you're really interested in is jailin us over shine. One thing's pretty clear about your post, either them fellas are pretty bad shots or you're a pretty fast runner. Grin.

yup, just happened on Sunday to my daughters and a friend at a 2nd house I own in the country. They were coming back from breakfast and were near the house when 2 guys and a gal flagged them down and said they needed a ride to a gas station as their car ran out right across from our driveway. Said they had a gas can in their van. (Made my girls suspicious as they were walking down the dirt road WITHOUT THE CAN!) My girls declined but said we've got some gas at the house. The people said they knocked at our house (and the neighbors) before they started walking the 2 miles or so to a gas station. Guys didn't say a word, girl did all the talking, kept her hand in her pocket. Daughters poured a little gas into the van to get them the heck away from our property and to a station. Said they all looked like druggies.

I'm hoping that when they knocked on the door that the 3 dogs going crazy trying to get at them and the burglar alarm notices on the windows will make them think twice about coming back if they had any such intentions.
I live in the county where a lot of the movie was filmed. Things were great before. Spent all kinds of time fishing, canoeing, camping and just enjoying the beautiful country we HAD. After the movie, all kinds of weird folks came in and took over the whole river, mountain area. All of a sudden, they think they own the whole area and don't even want any body fishing the river.
I sold my canoe after the movie came out. Not because of good old local folks, but because of crazy folks that came in thinking they were better than everyone who had lived here forever.

Richard, wishing life was like it used to be in NW SC
At an auction one day couple from Chicago
bought this nice farm was going to bulldoze
everything thing and put in an airstrip to
land a twin engine plane. Somebody had
pointed them out to me and a buddy and she
was wandering around talking to people when
she got around to me and my buddy we
already had a chat. She asked us what we do
for fun I told her in the winter we take
the fire truck out and ice down the curve
coming into town and watching the tourist
hit the ditch she asked don't they get mad
told her we push them out but we laid it on
thick after that a year later the sold out
and went back
So you go to someone else's home with a concealed weapon? I control what happens on my place, if someone does not want me on their place I would respect their property rights and leave.
I'm not anti-gun by a long shot, but I would never go up to another persons house to answer an add that I chose to answer with a pistol in my pocket. There will be one in my vehicle because there is one in every vehicle we own 24/7/365.
If someone were really trying to rob you like some of the CL crimes that have been reported that gun in the vehicle would be useless,a gun is only any good if 1)you can get it in a split second 2)Its loaded. No big deal but it pays to be careful when people you have no idea who they are know you have a lot of cash with you.
(quoted from post at 22:50:12 04/28/15) So you go to someone else's home with a concealed weapon? I control what happens on my place, if someone does not want me on their place I would respect their property rights and leave.

You might think you control what happens on your place, but reality will teach you. Yes, I carry everywhere allowed by law, and since I conceal that, you would not know. Like the "Pickers" on TV, I knock on doors without invitation and do not consider myself a "solicitor", as I am buying and bring cash, but respect trespassing signage and closed gates. You never know who you will meet, so "be prepared".

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