Seized up engine

Why Worry


Engine in DR Trimmer seized up. I had drained oil and was in process of changing, something came up and didn't get to until the next day. While I was away work my well meaning son thought he'd surprise me and have the trimming done. You can pretty much see where this is going.

Anyway, I guy I work with does a lot of side work as a mechanic and says remove the plug and pour Coke in the cylinder and let it set for 2 hours. He swears my this.

Just curious if any of you folks ever tried this and did you have any luck?
Reality is a harsh mistress. Lack of Lube and seizure is more likely to be terminal. Dissassembly enough to see the lower end will tell the tale. Replacement engines (clones or real Honda or Kawasaki are probably in your future. Next time Remove the Key or spark plug, or tape the oil plug to the starter rope. Jim
Save yourself the time and junk it.I have seen the coke trick work on rusted engines. But with no oil. Most of the time it welds the piston to the cylinder wall.Ruins the rod.
I have one in my shop that the man ran low on oil. Took out piston,rod,crankshaft and messed up the bore. Repairs will cost more than a new engine.
I repaired a B&S OH valve 11hp on my neighbors lawn tractor that ran with a loose oil filter. Got lucky, only seized the rod to the crank. Polished the crank, put in a new rod, still running 6 years later. You might get lucky!
Any engine run with out oil will never run again or if it does will run very long. Rod will be bad crank shaft where the rod sits on it is bad. Cam maybe bad etc. Nothing in the world will fix it other then a TRUE engine rebuild
I doubt there is any miracle fixer that can be poured in. My father didn't check the oil in his tiller before using it and apparently it uses it and it was almost nothing in there. He called me to say it quite while idling at the end of the row and he though the electric starter was broke. I couldn't pull the pull start rope either. I noticed the oil level. It was seized. Not much to loose at that point in trying a quick "fix". I put some oil in the crankcase and a few squirts in via the spark plug hole. I tipped and turned the tiller as best I could to coat the inside of the engine. I then took a 1 foot bar and a socket on the flywheel nut and pulled first one way then the other back and forth. It took some force to get movement but finally I felt it free up. After a few turns I was able to use an air ratchet to turn it for a few minutes until it felt about the same resistance to turning through out the complete revolution and I could spin it sufficiently to start it with the pull starter. I fired it up and it's been fine since. Changing the oil again soon isn't a bad idea either as it surely has to "hone" itself back in as it resumes running and might just deposit more metal in the oil during that time. I told him it most surely would burn oil now and I couldn't guarantee how long it would last--so far so good.

I can't blame anyone for forgetting. I've done it too though thankfully nothing has seized before I remembered. Worst I've had happen is increased oil usage and smoke afterwards. I'm a bit paranoid about doing it again and do things like put the new oil containers in the seat or sit them on top the engine immediately following opening the oil drain now.
Old you are old enough to know but here is a truthful one. Younger days and had a wore out rear engine snapper. Wife mowed and about halfway thru the yard would have to add 1/2 quart of oil. Went in one afternoon and she had mowed without me adding the oil and said the mower quit. I went out and sure enough engine locked up. What the heck go a pipe wrench on the output shaft and finally got it moving. after getting it to turn a full round I added oil and fired it up. Thing ran for over 6 years aft that. Now I will agree most time when one runs without oil it is toast but that happened to me about 50 years ago.
Oh ya once in a blue moon it happens but more times then not the rod will cause a vent hole in the side of the block if run with out oil and seen that more times then the other way.
Sort of reminds me of a lady who came into a station back in the early 80s. She asked if some one could help her. The guy ask what do you need. She said well the oil light came on in my car and then after a bit the engine just stopped running and it will not turn over. She then asked if they could fix it so she could get home. Guy told her sure but most likely will need a new engine. She then asked why it was just a light that lite up
That is why I always disable anything that ahs the oil out of it.

I would put oil in the crank case and some penetrating oil in the spark plug hole. Then rock the crankshaft back and forth. You may have to use a pipe wrench on the crankshaft.

I have been able to get several lose but only about half would run after they were locked.
Rick in Iowa,

That's well said. My dad would let me have the car, knowing full well that if I did not check the oil, I'd be in deep trouble.

Still can't start an engine without checking oil first.

(quoted from post at 15:06:56 03/13/15) Howdy,

Engine in DR Trimmer seized up. I had drained oil and was in process of changing, something came up and didn't get to until the next day. While I was away work my well meaning son thought he'd surprise me and have the trimming done. You can pretty much see where this is going.

Anyway, I guy I work with does a lot of side work as a mechanic and says remove the plug and pour Coke in the cylinder and let it set for 2 hours. He swears my this.

Just curious if any of you folks ever tried this and did you have any luck?
he Coke Trick only works on motors that are stuck from setting up for a long period of time, not from lack of oil. If it had no oil and it seized then the piston probably started to melt and gall. Even if you get it freed up I doubt it would run again and if by some miracle it did it wouldn't be for long. Buy a replacement motor or a new machine.
A DR cost a pant load.
Engine would be cheaper, but you need a cast iron
I purchased a used DR clone. Crapsman model with
Tecumseh engine. I found a cast iron flywheel and
put a 3.5 hp briggs flat head on it. Works great. I
don't thing you need a 5 or 6 hp engine.
I would try putting oil in it and forcing it to turn over backwards then forewords a few times and starting it up. First things first as there is always time to rip it apart.
Lots of ways that can happen, some more painful than others. When Dad was in his early 80's, he had our son come over and weed-whack for him. Ran out of gas, so dad brought over the gas can. Son asked if it needed to be mixed with oil, Dad said no, it runs on straight gas. Son (age 12) cautiously asked again, Dad got a little testy so son let it go. Of course, it soon seized up.

Dad and sister hinted that I should fix it. So I found a used crankcase at local Stihl dealer, fixed it, then told dad that maybe we could "share" it now, and keep it at my place and have son bring it over when dad needed whacking done. Justified it as us being worried about him trying to run it himself and getting into a jam. That seemed to satisfy him. Naturally, son also brought over the fuel.

Turns out dad had kind of thrown son under the bus when he explained the problem to my sister, so I told her "the rest. . . of the story." At that point, we started thinking about assisted living for him. He was a good man, but old age really can take a toll on the mind.
Old memory: Farm use motorcycle to chase cows was a Ossa with the 250 Ducati 4 stroke engine that had replaced the previous model 2 stroke engine. Brother that bought it decided to change oil and had drained most out when mother yelled 'dinner time'. Since the oil was still dripping, leave it set and go eat. Just after dinner was time to take food and gas to tractor driver in far field- so into pickup with the refuel tank and go to field. At same time another younger brother has to get a small part in town 5 miles away- decides to take motorcycle. Motorcycle owner gets back from refueling, etc and sees no bike in shed door, looks inside and no bike there at all. Mother comes out and says brother in town and motorcycle was rattling and won't start, is in parking lot at store. Drain plug is on bench next to the cans of oil and now full drain pan. Poor little engine got freed up, fresh oil and ran afterwards but smoked a bit- smoked a lot really when first starting, some people thought it was a 2 stroke engine like previous years model. Had to keep brothers separated when working for a long while- especially if use of long handled tools was involved like pitchfork when cleaning barn gutter.
Low oil minders getting common in small engines and cars now, no wonder they are needed. RN.
Was a young lady that saw the oil light in car, asked boy friend to check it. He went out and came back in a hour later and said 'fixed, no more light'. 2 weeks later engine rattles sputters, dies - and no oil in crankcase. discussion was something on line of- You said you changed oil? No, I removed the little red light bulb. $4000.00 still owed on carthrough mother credit union. A used engine found for $1300.00 at a salvage yard- engine needed is specific for 2 years production- and price told, boyfriend says buddy can get one for $600.00, SO, skip on friendly deal at salvage yard and engine goes to next buyer. $600.00 engine pulled from car 2 years older or so- OOPS, won't bolt up, wires don't work, computer is way off- got to get the right year engine-- but that one is gone and the current price is $3000.00 rebuilt with $500.00 core deposit or maybe a used $2000.00 engine from other yard. Last seen the car was setting in parking lot of parts store, repo order number scribbled on windshield, mother of young lady suing boyfriend in small claims court- no longer going with daughter- and daughter asking to be taught how to load shotgun shell with rock salt for boyfriend. RN
Ive seen many engines run low on oil that are a real mess inside. Take it apart to look at it and get an idea of the damage. You will prolly need a shortblock. Snake oil aint gonna help.
I'd love to.

I taught him this when he was 10 years old. However at age 24 and after multiple tours overseas, coupled with an IED and a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and 100% disability, he took his own life on the evening of July 20, 2014.

Now Sir, do you have anything meaningful to add to the discussion or is it just easy and safe to call ball from the cheap seats?
Old Kohler K series 8 horse, low on oil not out. couple minutes of warm up and about 15' of mowing and Bang, cylinder still oily, all parts still oily but....
seized rod to crank, rod broke, remains of rod break block. Motor replaced with rebuilt 12hp K series. I always check the oil first but somehow this one got past me


(quoted from post at 19:30:33 03/14/15) Now Sir, do you have anything meaningful to add to the discussion or is it just easy and safe to call ball from the cheap seats?

I thought his post was quite meaningful and helpful, you dont agree? I hardly think it was from "the cheap seats" as you put it. Maybe you shouldnt be posting on yesterdays tractors and should find a place where you can discuss the issues you are having related to your sons death. It will help. Think about it...

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