Auto driving trivia


Well-known Member
How many drivers out there have never had a ticket of any kind?
How about any drivers that have never been in a accident
Anyone ever out run a cop? I have done the first two, and a friend of mine and my self tried the last one, but it didn't work out. The cop actually let us go. Back in the 60s thing were a lot different. Stan
I've had one speeding ticket, no accidents, never out ran a cop, even though I've thought about it lol, it'd be fun until you got caught.
Oh yeah, I've had tickets,(not many though)
Oh yeah, I've had accidents.....
Your post reminded me of one I heard the other day.
Bruce Jenner never had an accident till he was a woman driver!
No moving violations or accidents, though I do have two warnings for speeding. DOT violations, that's another story.
I once out-ran a cop on a 90cc 'motorbike'. I didn't even know he was following me. I was going home on a good, winding road I used all the time, it was late and there was no traffic and I was always trying to go faster than the last time. I got home, parked the bike and the cop pulled up behind me. It was a very small town and I'm sure he knew me but all he said was something like "I was trying to catch you but couldn't keep up. Nice driving but you probably shouldn't make a habit of it." The good old days.
Yesterday in the right lane, I passed an old, beat up 70's Chevy dually, the guy with a welders cap, hunched forward, both hands on the wheel.
In block letters, on the door, beneath the drivers window read "LET ME GUESS, 'LICENCE, INSURANCE, REGISTRATION'"...slim

(quoted from post at 21:50:29 03/03/15) How many drivers out there have never had a ticket of any kind?
How about any drivers that have never been in a accident
Anyone ever out run a cop? I have done the first two, and a friend of mine and my self tried the last one, but it didn't work out. The cop actually let us go. Back in the 60s thing were a lot different. Stan

I've never been in an accident when I was driving. I have had a couple of speeding tickets. I out ran a cop once, I was 14. At that time the cops would let you drive by yourself on a learners permit if you stayed in your home county. It was at night and I spent 3 hours hiding behind a rice irrigation ditch getting eaten up by skeeters.
No tickets, no wrecks that were my fault, and never tried. Have been stopped, headlight out, taillight out that sort of thing, but never got even a warning ticket. Been driving 30 years with a license, and Im guessing 6 or 7 years before that just up the road and back type of thing with the farm truck, tractor, or whatever from field to field.
Back in the late 60's and early 70's I knew every cop in the area because of all the speeding tickets I got. Never had a accident that was my fault. And yes I did successfully out run a cop, but then he was Barney Phyfe's identical twin.
Traffic tickets: affirmative, including speeding and stoplight drag racing.
Accidents: affirmative, several, some my fault, some not.
Outrun an officer: Negative, never had the nerve on the roads where I grew up. Knew some that tried it and succeeded, some got caught,and some are no longer on the green side of the grass.
My wife could pass the first two test and tries to keep me from ever getting another ticket also. Tells me every time I exceed the speed limit and reads all the warning signs to me while I am driving. Her idea is if everybody did what they are suppose to we would not need nearly so many police, jails, lawyers, prisons and laws. I tell her that we don't all live in pleasantville. She has never lived over six miles from the school where she taught so her exposure to the highway has been very minimal. I had to laugh recently when we were about to board an airliner one of the TSA inspectors was one of her former students. He recognized her and just smiled and wished her a nice trip as she went through inspection. Me, with titanium knees I always get frisked. I could set the buzzer off if I went through that machine completely naked. It doesn't matter who I am married to.
Let's see, my first speeding ticket was 27 years ago, and was for 60 in a 55 zone. I was actually doing 65 when stopped, but the cop cut me a break. I honestly thought it was a 65 zone but the cop said that it didn't go to 65 'til a few more miles down the road. What I didn't sell him was that I was coasting, and didn't even have my foot on the accelerator when he blue lighted me. It was late on a Sunday night, so I was the only car in site, so a few miles up the road I had floored it, and had run a couple of miles going over 110 MPH. Thank goodness I backed off when I did, or I might have had to give outrunning him a try.....LOL

Beyond that, one ticket in the local speed trap ((Mom got her first, and only ticket in the same spot)), and then one a month back. The first you can't help but speed unless you slam on brakes when you hit the top of the hill off the main road (got hit for 43 in a 35), the other I didn't realize the limit had dropped and I was running 49 in a 35, but he dropped it to 40 to keep me from getting points.

Beyond that, one ticket for not remembering to put my seatbelt on, and I'm good on that part.

Been in more accidents than I can remember, but only two that were deemed my fault....and one of then was due to the fact the woman had no brake lights, but I broke both of them when I hit her, so there went my proof.

Tom I could set the machine off naked and I don't have any metal parts. Maybe I just look suspicious. LOL.

Marilyn has been stopped for speeding three times, that she's told me anyway, but she was fined only once. The first time, my 8 year old son had put a gash in his hand with a scissors and she was going a little fast taking him to the hospital and was picked up. The lady officer came up to the window and Marilyn explained the situation and grabbed my son's hand to show the officer. My son let out a scream and the officer said OK drive safely. Second time she was stopped it was early morning and again, a lady officer got her for speeding. While Marilyn was sitting in the officer's car the officer was rummaging around in the back seat. Marilyn asked her what she was looking for and the officer said she couldn't find her ticket book. This was before computers. Officer got grouchy and gruffly told her to just go. Third time she was picked up she got a ticket.
Yes I've had speeding tickets.
Yes I've been in several accidents.
No I've never outrun a cop. But I've tried several times. LOL
had my share of tikets, been a while , last time I got one was seat belt violation some 10 yrs ago ,been in accidents that others hit me while they were supposed to be drivin ,, had my share of slide offs in the snow ,even a blowout ditched me with a loadedctrailer .turned over a gravity wagon in the field and one along the road when she swayed into a swampy ditch . and I have turned over 3 different small4 wheel drive tractors with loaders ,all 3 times I was in reverse , little fella backed up from under the load and flipped rite over ,, And Yes ,, My brother and I outsmarted a cop chasig us, after he layed some rubber with his 66 Fairlane one nite . . we topped a hill, brother made a fast left down a hairpin paved road off the hiway , and slid in behind the bushes , doused the lites,and watched the cop go speeding down the road ..couple yrs later I got a ticket for 101 mph , I stopped soon as I saw the lites flashing . that was in 1974 , never been behind bars yet, but had I resisted in any way that nite , and been less than a gentleman , things would a went different
In 49 years of driving I've had one ticket. Got it for a "red light facing forward" (one of the 5 cab marker lights on a grain truck had a red lens). Was fined a token $5 by a benevolent judge.

Been involved in 2 accidents, neither my fault: Got rear-ended by an inattentive driver while stopped at a light. And T-boned a drunk pulling out of a tavern.

Sadly I've ever owned a vehicle fast enough to even THINK about outrunning a cop!
I had one ticket every 3 years for about the first 15 years I drove. Involved in minor not my fault accidents. Never intentionally outran a cop --- however ---, I was headed to work in my noisy, dirty, old 69 gmc pickup at 4:45 am in about 05. I got onto the freeway and resisted the urge to mash it. There was a vehicle in my blind-spot on the left, but I didn't care. I took my normal exit and the blindspot driver did too. I just made the light at the bottom of the ramp, and made my left turn, only to go 2 blocks and make a right. After winding thru the neighborhood, I pulled into the convience store I always stopped at. As I was getting out, the whole world lit up. The rookie County mounty (straight out of JR HI)Says "did you know that vehicle is registered to a person with a warrant for his arrest? His hand was on his weapon, and his voice was cracking. I turns out The guy that lived in the same apartment building in the mid 70's, and shares the same name (first middle and last) was on the bad boy list. The deputy thought I was running and ramped up the adrenalin. That was only the first time, but by far the worst.
Tim in OR
No tickets (yet). Never had a reason to run from the law and only one accident. Turned the old IH Loadstar upside down in a ditch. Got it winched back onto it's wheels and after pumping the engine oil out of the cylinders to avoid hydro lock, I drove it home. 26 years later it is still on the job.
I have only had a 10 dollar seat belt fine, that was when I was 16. I was a little over the speed limit and the cop asked me why I was speeding and didn't put on the seat belt, I said my testosterone is in overdrive cause I'm on my way to see my girlfriend! He laughed handed me a seat belt fine and told me to drive safe and use protection!
Just got a warning ticket cop didn't like my humor had license plate upside down. Coming out of town a little to fast local speed trap saw cop turned into road looked up and seen the sign dead end shucks fortunately semi going by slowed the cop down and he didn't see me pull off now he's flying by I was debating if I should chase him down or not.
I plead the 5th on first 2 and only had 1 car that should have been able to out run a cop but felt wasn't worth doing it just in case it wouldn't.
1 & 3 back in my younger day's. I'll let ya'll in on a little secret. Don't matter how many times you're successful on the last one the first time you see the flames from Barney's 357 headed your way you will hit the brakes and never try again.
Just remembered cops around here have new trick got pulled over for seat belt they asked for proof of insurance gave them the usual ticket that came with bill .that's no good I didn't have proof that I paid it means you have to have cancelled check or signed paper that you paid it 70 bucks shot.
70 years old been to driving school twice and at that meeting they stated that 80% of people that drive have never had an actual ticket.I had cars that could outrun the police but not a radio.I was successful one time as I met one at night near one of my farms so didn't use brakes and went in a field lane I knew was there and thought it was funny to see patrol car fly past with lights on.I knew the lady patrolman and laughed about it a few years later.
I drove for well over a year BEFORE I got my license.

Then, VERY FIRST DAY after I got it, I also got a reckless driving citation and lost my license for 2 years.

Never had another since in over 50 years of driving.
im a ticket magnet now that im old, the quality of cops here just keeps going downhill, you now get tickets for breaking a rule that the stud muffin made up just standing there talking to you, easily beat in court, but you still have to pay the court costs, what a racket,when i was young i outran cops several times, usually because i had the faster vehicle and i knew the back roads they didnt as well,the scariest time was when i worked at a ford dealership, i took a customer home in a brand new ford truck, i think the sales dept was trying to impress that guy with the truck, anyway in the next town i dropped the man off at his home and left, their local cop decided to whip a u turn, since i was the only vehicle in sight, and since i wasnt needing a ticket that day, i lost him, 2 days later i came to work only to find that truck on the showroom floor, not good! nothing ever happened but that was the longest 2 weeks of life
Had two speeding tickets, both in the slowest vehicles I've ever owned, both I deserved. Two slid off accidents in wintertime. Was tempted to outrun cops, never tried. Thing is you might outrun the cop car, but not his radio. Former boss years ago used to like racing ahead of trains at each country crossing. Had a change of heart when the engineer he knew told him, "In case of a tie, I win"...
Never had a ticket. But then I never did speed, but I know that a lot of cars that I passed were speeding. (That's a joke)

Now I'm not in a hurry to get anywhere; I use cruise control whenever I can. If a car passes me now, I usually catch up to it at the next traffic light anyway, so why speed and risk getting a ticket?

BTW, there is a bill in the AZ legislature now that will limit speeding fines to $15, but it excludes the double fine for speeding in school and construction zones. If that passes, the cops will be thick where the big money fines are possible ($300-$500).
2 speeding tickets, One at 16 and the other at about 32. Got my permit when I was 14. No accidents that were really my fault. At 19, I had a 71 Corvette. was visiting a girl and her uncle came over. He was the county sheriff. wanted to drive my car. We took off and he scared the stuffing out of me. Sold the Vette soon after as it ate too much gas and way too many tires.
Richard in NW SC
When I got my drivers license at 16 my drivers ED teacher said I was one of his best students, I felt good about that. 2 months later I was rear ended and totaled my moms car, Not my fault. From then till I was 21 I always seamed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I had totaled 9 cars and trucks in accidents that were never my fault. My insurance company really loved me. I got 1 ticket for speeding that I took to court and won! It was a no brainer to win, Chevy 1ton 350 4 speed with 456 gears and 8.25x16.5 tires with a trailer hauling a MH 44 diesel going up a long steep grade. 72 in a 55 RIGHT! At 50 mph that poor truck was screaming! Went to court and told the Judge I will pay double the fine if you can get that truck to 60 mph and tossed him the keys. He took me up on it and left in my truck. He came back in and just flat out ripped into that cop for that BS ticket. I won!

That was 30 years ago and I haven't had an accident or ticket sense! And I plan to keep it that way. I never tried to out run a cop, Had friends that tried and it never ended good for them so I'm not going to try it. I guess its true, As you get older you get smarter! I hope! Bandit
No accidents , no cop chases ,but a few speeding and seat-belt tickets . They watch seat - belts like a hawk around here , fine is $ 260.00 plus 2 points , also effects insurance premiums -- hate wearing seat belts !!!

Larry -- ont
Funny, I tried to outrun a cop in Ann Arbor in the early 70's when I was in college. He chased me through North Campus of the U of M which was mostly vacant with paved streets back then. Let's just say that my buddy and me had plenty of reasons to be locked up that night. We chatted a while with the window rolled down and his flashlight shining on all kinds of those reasons. He just tapped the car door and said, "hey, slow it down" and let us go.

Yup, a totally different world today.
Been driving for 47 years and only equipment violations (headlight out or such).
That doesn't mean that I shouldn't have a few moving violation tickets, but never been issued any.
Only two accidents in that time, probably should have gotten tickets both times.
I don't speed, and always give other drivers plenty of room to be stupid.
Back in '67 had a new Plymouth Fury III,had to try it out ,got tickets 2 nights in a row {didnt learn the first time} lost license for 30 days,but got them back in 10 days.Paid high priced ins.premiums for 3 yrs. Been very careful since. 74 yrs.old now,never forgot it.
The only ticket I ever got was for defective equipment in somebody else's truck.
Two accidents,neither one my fault. Somebody pulled out of a whole line of traffic to pass and hit me head on,and a deer ran out in front of me in the dark.
I had a similar experience with a VW van. Officer accused me of 65 in a 55 zone. Told the judge that the van topped out at 59 floored. Had bailiff try it. no Ticket. He couldn't get over 58
Two tickets - one for 76 MPH in Kentucky, and one for gently backing into a little bitty car that didn't show in my mirrors, no excuse in either case.

I didn't "outrun" a cop, but I got away from one. Just tuned up my Mom's '56 Mercury, and took it for an early morning spin. I was ripping along and met a local state cop on a hilltop. Figured there was no way he would catch me, but that was when the cops had those hot Plymouths and he was behind me in no time. I turned off a gravel side road that I knew real good and he quit for the dust. Next evening I had the old Merc sitting in front of the drugstore and he walked in and sat on the stool next to me. He never said a word about the chase, and I vowed to myself to never be that stupid again.
(quoted from post at 02:50:29 03/04/15) How many drivers out there have never had a ticket of any kind?
How about any drivers that have never been in a accident
Anyone ever out run a cop? I have done the first two, and a friend of mine and my self tried the last one, but it didn't work out. The cop actually let us go. Back in the 60s thing were a lot different. Stan

Haven't had a speeding ticket in a while now, but at one time had a few.

Been in a couple accidents, last one a couple years ago in the wife's car. Clearly my fault, dumb moment, not paying attention.

Have out run the cops a couple times, once I remember by ducking into a side street and killing the lights. Once we were going way too fast on the highway, passed a cop parked on the side of the road. He pulled out and lit 'em up, but then quickly killed the blue lights and pulled over. We expected to run into another cop ahead that he radio'd to, but nothing... Can't say I was ever ahead in the "out run the cops" game though, lol...
Haven't had a ticket since 1971 and haven't had an accident since 1969 (first car and first accident,my fault,'my 65 Mustang hit a '66 mustang. been pretty lucky since. Had two deer hit me since. Haven't tried messing with don't win and now-a-days it may be your life. Some seem to be a little trigger happy.
I have had several tickets but none in the last 30+ years. I have been in several minor traffic accidents; only one chargeable--did $300 damage to the other car. I still maintain that it was not my fault but the police would not listen to reason.

I am still running from the cops.
My first ticket I was 18, got caught doing 91 in a 55 zone (I was all alone rural country blacktop, you could see nobody for miles, cop must have been hiding in the cornfield, I never saw him until he was right on me). That cost me my license for a year but I was living on college campus so I didn't even notice. One more ticket when I was about 24 years old, 45 in a 35 zone, some one horse town in IL, five houses and a church, they didn't even have a bar. Nothing in the last 17 years.

Never tried to out run the cops but a couple of buddies and I got pulled over for doing everything "by the book" and laughing loudly, neither of which are a ticket-able offense.
Cop gave a subtle hint that you were known and would be watched some, behave yourself. Old neighbor used to ride a Harley 74 into town and various places, oldest boy got his license and would take the motorcycle shopping for small parts. Sheriff stopped by and told farmer that local cops had been outrun by motorcycle with dirty plates- cycle looked just like his and rider was tall, skinny - sort of like his basketball playing son. Just a friendly visit with a 'you can handle it now or we will have to handle it later' hint. Next month the Harley 74 was traded in on a Super 10- as in 10 cubic inch/165cc motor. Son griped couldn't do over 100 mph anymore. RN
no no yes

outran him on a yamaha r6, tach and speedo pegged at 16k rpm and 189mph respectively, or i should say electronically LIMITED at 189 sheet gets real on 2 wheels after 120 mph
Two speeding tickets, one for 40 (or 35? can't remember) in a 25 MPH zone on the beautiful campus of Michigan State University issued by the MSU DPS (Don't Park at State). In my defense a ticket from them was almost a graduation requirement I just happened to get it out of the way in my first term. I paid the fine and took my lumps, in retrospect I should of went for a parking ticket. The second one was given to me by a Tennessee Highway Patrol Trooper for 65 in a 45 (how in the heck was I supposed to know I was in a "community" called "Midway" as it was dark and the 5 houses didn't have many lights on) After noticing the Trooper summoned me to appear in the Obion County Court 11 months and 22 days BEFORE he wrote the ticket I went to court, problem was there wasn't Court on that day. After waiting an hour or so I went and spoke to the Clerk of Courts, she informed me I had to come back tomorrow when there was Court, I told her that wasn't going to happen. She said they'd issue a warrant I showed her the ticket I got pointing out the error on the date, she checked the court's copy, simply amazing it had a different date on it. She said she'd call the judge, I went back to work about an hour later she called me at work "the Judge doesn't like dealing with issues outside of court but in this case he agreed to throw the ticket out". The Trooper in question went on to buy a semi truck and hire a brother in law to drive it, couldn't figure out why we at the plant I worked at wouldn't give him any loads.

Accidents my fair share of backing into things I shouldn't of and finding how deep ditches were during inclement weather but tickets were never issued. Four Car-Deer incidents in which I was only able to recover a deer as part of the deal twice. I was home visiting my family during Christmas of 1983 and borrowed my Brother's Maverick that maybe didn't have the best brakes and rear ended a '71 or '72 Cutlass, in my defense the Cutlass's brake lights were covered in snow (they were in the bumper and packed full of snow) and the only thing holding the bumper on the Cutlass was the trailer hitch which incidentally did a number on the Maverick's radiator ( I could tell you what it stuck out like but then I might get suspended from the site again and I don't want that) but I didn't get a ticket. Once during a snow storm I stopped because the vehicle in front of me did but the State owned van behind me didn't and I got rear ended in the new company truck. Tried to pull a U turn using the emergency brake on a VW Bug and ended up putting the Bug on it's side in a ditch, but it was a Bug, we crawled out the top rolled it back onto it's wheels and drove away.

Had a few warnings from Michigan State Police officers for speeding but for some reason they never wrote me. But it was the Upper Peninsula and my address came back as K.I. Sawyer so maybe they gave me some grace. I had quite a few run-ins with the 410 CSG/SPS (Air Force cops) but they were idiots, I used to tell them that, it really didn't do much for our relationship. But then I was the guy on base that controlled ALL of the ammunition and my office was always dealing with "issues" on their ammunition supply point, I had the power to make their life miserable and that bothered them. Then we got high tech wiz bang stuff in the weapons area that the cops didn't have clearance to look at and that really messed with them, they didn't care much to be told by us that they'd have to hold on to the fence while we changed badges and if they let go of the fence we would shoot them. Then there was the day I escorted a SST into the area, the sky cops wanted to search it, the convoy commander and his detail were racking rounds into their pistols and M-16s and about ready to shoot the SP on the gate, he decided searching the SST would be a bad career move as being dead really limits your promotion opportunity even in the cop shop. By the way there was always discussion what "SPS" stood for in the Air Force, they (cops) claimed it was "Security Police Squadron" those of us who got to deal with them on a daily basis assumed it really stood for "Stupid People Squadron."

As for out running the cops, never figured that was to wise of a move especially after joining the Air Force as I could see ramifications of such an attempt having repercussions on my status as a Commissioned Officer in the Air Force. But a friend of mine who happened to be a Michigan State Police Officer informed me I did have one of 3 models of cars he couldn't catch with his Ford Special Service Mustang. Those Three were 1. Another Special Service Mustang 2. One of those "Black Buicks" if the rev limiter had been cut or 3. (My ride) a SVO Mustang. Seems the normal 5.0 Mustangs (GT or LX) had rev limiters in 4th and 5th gears that was difficult to eliminate, but the SVOs and Special Service Mustangs had no such limiters and could in theory be pushed until bad things occurred between things like valves and pistons or rods and blocks.
In over 66 years of legal driving and about 4 more before I hit 14, I've been issued and paid 1 speeding ticket (16 bucks) and no other vilolations EXCEPT 2 DWI's which I honestly earned...and paid for...about 8500 bucks 3 weekends in Butte Co., CA jail. No one hurt but me--not bad, in the first one in 1973, Thank God. Since the last one in Feb.1992, I've never driven while drinking anything and have not been legally drunk at any time.. 2 beers or 2 glasses of wine have been my limit, no "hard" liquor at all...and I'm proud of DWI's, no guilt, no headaches, and no fines......Life is much better than it used to be for me.....Thank God.
I got a parking ticket one time. Visiting daughter and she said it was ok to part there. Hwy patrol gave me a warning ticket about 8 years ago for speeding coming into a 30 mph zone here in town. New to me pickup cruised along much better than older one. Got off for squeaky clean record according to him.
Had enough tickets. Last one was for overweight, by a cop who covered over 3 city blocks in the time I turned a corner, and then nearly slid through a stopsign into the side of the truck. Really worth it for an overweight ticket there, huh?
Might have bluffed my way out if I had known he was behind us. But the guy following me in the other truck didn't tell me he was.
2 wrecks, 1 lost the edge of the pavement, nearly 2 months after the road had been paved and about a 6 inch drop off the edge of the pavement was left, and the road literally left the bridge at an angle, there was no curve to it. Second was after drving 300 miles, on a dirt road, crossed a bridge to find completely different road conditions. Downhill with warm tires you're just along for the ride on rutted polished ice.
Don't know if the cop tried following me, or even got a speed on me, came off the end of a ramp about 85 and looked across the median to see an unmarked going the other way. Called it on the CB and heard "how you like that red Dodge westbound?". Bailed off at the next exit got my parts and took the back way home. I was half way there by the time he could get turned around if he did.

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