my wife's chemo is done !!

My wife finished her last chemo treatment on Jan. 21st. The MRI done then showed nothing that was unexpected following brain surgery! This last treatment was the worst as far as side effects but not too bad. All the blood tests are coming back normal now. We have an eight night Florida and Bahama cruise scheduled to begin 2/13/15 (yep Friday the 13th) if the doctor approves it at her appointment on the 12th. Future treatment plans call for MRI scans every 2 - 3 months. Thanks for all the prayers and keep praying that the tumor does not come back. To keep this on topic I won't be plowing any snow with my CIH 885 TRACTOR 2/13/15 til 2/22/15.

Glad to hear that. My Wife's colon cancer came back the last of December. Tomorrow she was a port put in, and session of chemo starts Monday. Eight sessions, then surgery, then more chemo.
Port is the way to go. My therapy completed Sept. 2013. Been
clean ever sense. Next checkup is end of March. If the CT scan
is clean I'll have them take the port out.

On the port it's not a problem. You know why it's there. You
want it there vs IV chemicals. It itches ever so often but not
much. Some people the nurses said can't stand it. I can.

Good luck,
A cancer survivor,
I sure am glad to hear about your wife, wish her and you the very best, and will say a prayer for her.

Coincidentally my wife met with a surgeon today to schedule her port removal. It will be done Wednesday February 11. That's another milestone in her battle against lymphoma.
Wife finish her chemo about two years ago and got a clean bill of health 6 month ago. Doctor said he would leave the port in. Wife don't know what to do and it does bother her sometimes. Thankful your wife is doing fine now.
That's what I had. Below the stomach are a couple of chambers on the way to the small intestine. Mine were almost completely blocked off with a massive growth. Also had 3 huge lumps across my abdomen each about the size of a small orange. Then the ones on the neck and cheek and inside my mouth.

The one that sealed off my digestive system kept my stomach from emptying and the stomach acid used for digestion had no where to go. Like someone stabbing you with a thousand needles.

About 25 miles down the road was a Texas Oncology hospital. Had outpatient services for Chemo and Radiation. 6 sessions, about 4.5 hours duration, 3 weeks apart was the therapy. Within 3 days of the first session my pain started subsiding. Just kept feeling better. Apparently I had the cancer in somewhat of a dormant state for years as I was always having stomach problems. Checks revealed nothing wrong with my stomach. It was the blockage below and stomach acid.

I was totally amazed that I could get cured 25 miles down the road. Didn't have to go to some big fancy hospital in a distant town. The logistics of that alone would have been immeasurable.

I feel better than I felt for the last 20 years and stomach pain is a thing of the past; no more Maalox, Tagamet, etc.

Hope these comments help someone in need.

My wife's hospital is only seven miles away, and they have a superb oncology department. And the nurses in the Infusion Center were the best. They saved her life.
I finished my chemo (for a male only cancer) 35 years ago. I wish your wife as good a run as I have had.
Tim in OR

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