Crazy text message count!!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
We still have a company cell phone plan. It is cheaper than all of us having single plans.

The one Grand Daughter sent 5870 text messages last month. WOW!!! LOL She only talked for 115 minutes for the month.

My one son with his smart phone sent 2750 text messages and used 12.1 GIG of the data plan. You get 8 gig with each phone on this plan if you have the smart phones. His phone cost per month is three times mine.

Mine is only $49.75 with all taxes included. I sent 140 text messages.

How can you sent 5800 text in a month???? My fingers would be sore. LOL
Is it possible he sends his messages to 50 people every time. My daughters do this to me. I get some messages I have no idea what they are. We have the Walmart unlimited plan. Talk, Text, and Data 45.00 with Tax is 49. something. But have to buy your phone. Mine was 250. Vic
Remember the Simpsons where Lisa got a phone and ran up a huge bill. The went to see Bill Gates to beg about the bill?
Where do people find the time for all this socializing? I would think even kids today have demands on their time more pressing than texting nothing back and forth a few hundred times per day. My Son told me he was not letting his Daughter have a phone until she is 16, he might do it but she is just a baby right now so easy said.
My wife will text me. I can read that it's from her on my iPhone but can't read the message (font too small). I call her and say "what do you want, you know I don't do texts". She tells me and a couple of days later..... I get a text from her... etc., etc., etc. :roll:
While I have discovered that texting will often get through when the phone signal won't, I prefer to use the thing to actually speak to people.
I am 28 but have never sent a text message. I have had a tracfone for a few years now but I do not have more than about 1.5 friends and most of my relatives think I am deranged, so that cuts back on the need to communicate. I guess I am sort of a troglodyte.
My son I law asked me if I got his text message. I said I never hooked up for texting. He showed me that it was on my phone. I said, I still don't read or answer text. Besides my cell phone is off unless I want to make a call or sometimes when I leave and wife isn't feeling too good, I have it on.
By the time she is 16 it will probable be some other piece of communication technology that all the kids will want. The cell phone/smart phone as we know it today will likely be a dinosaur.
I find the same thing with our 20 year old son.

Guess they just don't want to converse. LOL (darn kids anyway)

I've watched teenaged girls texting sitting in a booth at a pizza place. Their fingers can fly awful fast when they text. They pick up the phone, rattle off a few words, send and lay the phone back down and repeat it every 60 seconds.

I do some texting but it's certainly not a habit, not with my fat clumsy fingers. It is a handy tool to have. An example is a text I got this afternoon asking if I want to have bales hauled tomorrow. I texted back "yes". In a few minutes he texted back "OK, I'll call the trucker". That was the extent of the message, short and sweet.
I don't love texting, even with a smart phone. Still prefer email so I can type volumes in short order. LOL

So I either call our kids and leave a voicemail - or I text them and say, "I emailed you".
We text occasionally, because I can't hear very well! It's handy in deer season, we can communicate without making any noise. But I agree, the kids nowadays are nuts!
Are all these people the same ones that blasted a poster and anyone who watched the Superbowl a couple days ago?? Doesn't anyone have anything to do or anything else to spend their money on anymore ? I get so sick of people at gatherings /restaurants etc coming over (unsolicited) and having to show me a whole album of worthless (to me) pictures of their important life, on their "device". Once they get done they go to the next sucker. Is that called "socializing" now-a-days? They have a very legitimate use as do computers but this post isn't about that.Sheesh!
When I had a regular school bus route I had allot of students texting back and forth on the bus. Even when they were sitting a seat or two apart.
I can see where they could rack up a lot of texting in a month.
Do not have text, never will, also no voice mail. Don't use 15 minutes per month. Most of my minutes come from trying to call someone and the system comes on and says voice mail not yet activated.
My daughter did 7500 one month before we had it out, and ended up getting unlimited texts.
Come to find out, any time you send a text to multiple recepients, like spreading a joke around to several people, each person a text is sent to counts as one. I couldn't imagine how she could have racked up that many until I found that out
That parent it nutz.

But, more and more, services offered to us come so open ended. The phone cos could have a $50 plan, when the money is used up the phone us dead for the rest of the month.

That would serve people better.

But it wouldn't raise as many fees.....

I don't see how the kids do it either. The sad part is they will have to pay the price for abusing their thumbs and fingers later in life just like we do for the abuse we put our body's through. Can you imagine 90 year old hands on a thirty year old? It will happen.
Ah, Leroy, I'm an old fart, and I used to think that too. But my kids dragged me kicking and screaming into the 21st Century, and texting is the handiest thing ever. I know, I know, but once you get the hang of it, it is really fast and useful. I DO NOT text like the kids, I may do one every few days, but it is so handy, you get the message out there, you move on, you dont have to wait, no long drawn-out How Are You??? How's The Kids??? .
I do some texting mostly for work, comes in real handy, I save them and have a copy if someone tries to deny something.
I know that there are some people that actually need texting but I'm not one of them. I've sent 2 text messages and both of them were to people telling them they had the wrong person.
I use my cell phone mostly for a watch and to order feed or fertilizer.
Well said.
I send maybe 75 texts a month. You can ask a question and have the person call back when convienient instead of interrupting their day with a call.
5700 texts is way over the top though. I recently read somewhere that young people are losing the ability to have meaningful conversations face to face.
I don't think much of people who watch a lot of sports but I didn't blast them in the recent posts about the super bowl. What I did blast is people who need to clutter this unique board with sports talk when there are SO many other venues to talk about their games.

I have a younger brother who is somewhat self centered and doesn't email yet, let alone text. He figures that if he wants to talk to someone they should talk to him when he wants to talk. A customer taught me to text. He was adamant that it was how he wanted to communicate. I can appreciate that with texting you are not interrupting whatever they are doing. I called him once in the evening when something important came up. He answered saying "you have one minute". ten minutes later he was making sure that he had everything right, LOL.
I still equate texting to the age old telegraph system dot, dot, dash, dash etc. Can you imagine ole Alexander Graham Bell way back when being rejected of the idea of you can actually talk to someone and hear their voice !
Emails are bad enough too. We get orders at work thru email. By the time you get a whole string of emails going to figure out what they want I wish they would of just called and it could of been settled WAYYYYYY quicker !
Texts are great....
especially if you don't like to talk, and never answer the phone.
and like said, in a non-emergency, they are great for carrying on a [i:7e96244240]conversation[/i:7e96244240] with someone when you are busy...with a slight delay of course.
I [i:7e96244240]talk[/i:7e96244240] with my son and grandson almost daily, and never say a word. And we both don't have to be tied to a phone in the ear for the duration.

We encouraged the grandson to text us at any time. Even though
young people use a 'shorthand' way of talking online, getting the thoughts out of the mind into printed words was good learning.
and speed/ thumbs and auto-complete
and those texters can fly. You know you're getting old when you get 4 texts from someone while you are still replying to his first one. LOL
(sadly, those days are going to be behind us soon. He is now using that video chat feature on his ipad with his friends)

besides....isn't yakking on the phone a wimmen thing?
Can't say I ever remember my father or the men I grew up around ever talking on the phone. I'm not even sure that a few of them knew how to speak at all.....

and not joking...remember in the old days when you got a call...
hold on..I'll take it in the the other room....some privacy...
and you wouldn't annoy everyone within earshot.
In a crowd? use texts...
(quoted from post at 10:26:34 02/04/15) Texts are great....
especially if you don't like to talk, and never answer the phone.
and like said, in a non-emergency, they are great for carrying on a [i:5116002a95]conversation[/i:5116002a95] with someone when you are busy...with a slight delay of course.
I [i:5116002a95]talk[/i:5116002a95] with my son and grandson almost daily, and never say a word. And we both don't have to be tied to a phone in the ear for the duration.

We encouraged the grandson to text us at any time. Even though
young people use a 'shorthand' way of talking online, getting the thoughts out of the mind into printed words was good learning.
and speed/ thumbs and auto-complete
and those texters can fly. You know you're getting old when you get 4 texts from someone while you are still replying to his first one. LOL
(sadly, those days are going to be behind us soon. He is now using that video chat feature on his ipad with his friends)

besides....isn't yakking on the phone a wimmen thing?
Can't say I ever remember my father or the men I grew up around ever talking on the phone. I'm not even sure that a few of them knew how to speak at all.....

and not joking...remember in the old days when you got a call...
hold on..I'll take it in the the other room....some privacy...
and you wouldn't annoy everyone within earshot.
In a crowd? use texts...
ow you just annoy the person you were having dinner conversation with while you stare at msg /text!
Sounds familiar.
for a while, if you took my texts, my wife's and oldest daughters and added them together, then multiply by 3 you still wouldn't catch my middle daughter. At the time she was running about 3500ish a month. Since she's in college that has dropped in half. Only mom and pop have "not so smart phones". Girls can get their own when they get jobs.

Texts are handy for unimportant things. The girls used to complain when we didn't pick them up from a school function. "i texted you" well we rarely carry the cell phones at home. if you want us right away you'd better call the house #.
(quoted from post at 00:02:39 02/04/15) My daughter did 7500 one month before we had it out, and ended up getting unlimited texts.
Come to find out, any time you send a text to multiple recepients, like spreading a joke around to several people, each person a text is sent to counts as one. I couldn't imagine how she could have racked up that many until I found that out
ou my friend are an abuse 'enabler'. :cry:

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