Cabin Fever Reprieve


Well-known Member
After checking out my "tractor" yesterday I watched some TV.

There are a couple of outdoor channels that I watch when in the mood. One is World Fishing Network and the other has to do with hunting.

Current programming has to do with wild turkey hunting. These guys get all dolled up in camo and sit for how long waiting for "Mr. Gobbler". Sometimes alone other times as many as 3.

Guys have dekes that look real and are on a rod whereas the wind can make them rotate with it. This seems to really have it's benefits.

The guys get the female clucking call a going and next thing you know here comes Mr. Hot Dog. On the way he usually does several Gobbles and it's interesting just how much effort he puts into that.

Then he comes up to the dekes and is nothing short of a bully after he puts on his fan show on the way. It's Real TV, not Reality TV and really is enjoyable for a guy that never hunted them and knew not of their mannerisms.

I don't have to hunt them. Just watching the show is enough for me. They also show a lot of bow hunting for deer and some rifle hunting.

If Cabin Fever is getting you down and you have Satellite TV (probably cable has these shows too) might tune in. On Dish channels are up around 400 or a little below.

The sun is beginning to peak out here in So. Central TX. I'm reality TV'ed out after all this cold, drizzly weather. Gonna put the front axel back on my MF 50 this morning and I hope to make the Texas Kickoff Antique tractor Show and Pull in Halletsville Saturday. Always a good one and the weather looks to be nice.
I would rather turkey hunt than deer hunt any day. two years ago I had a big tom gobble about 5 feet from me and it was the loudest sound I have ever heard. It was a truly amazing experience. It was a good day as my wife and I both got birds an hour apart..
They say the tom turkeys are hard to hunt. But if you lay real still in an open field the hen turkeys will circle overhead and finally come down to you. Tommy
JD,Jim, You just brought back a memory from 50 + years ago. I was running my muskrat traps, hip boots , and crawled up a ditch bank only to "flush " a pheasent about 2 feet in front of my face. Boy does that get your attention. joe
Same thing happened to me hunting Bob White Quail, when I was young. They call it "flutter fever". When the birds flush, their wing beats are horrendous and mesmerise you to the point that you are paralyzed for a few seconds before you realize you flushed them. That few seconds is enough for them to get out of range and has saved many a bird just for the Fire Ants to eradicate.

Know what you mean. Ruffed Grouse still do that to me, no matter that I have flushed hundreds of them over a lifetime.
When I was a kid and we wanted to "hunt" turkey, we just went out and shot one off the roof of the house. My brother would get so pizzed to find turkey shet and scratches all over his Lincoln. They always used the cars in the driveway as a launch pad to the trees, and from the trees to the house. We sure didn't have to dress up in mossy oak and play hide-n-seek with em.

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