What Do You Add To Your Coffee??


Well-known Member
I tooken to adding cinnamon to my coffee brewer in the morning, two good shakes or so, makes it real tasty. What do you add?
(quoted from post at 05:12:45 01/11/15) I tooken to adding cinnamon to my coffee brewer in the morning, two good shakes or so, makes it real tasty. What do you add?

When it gets less than half full some more hot coffee. I don't like anything in coffee.
If you add stuff to your coffee you really don't like coffee. You then have a mixed drink with an altered coffee taste.

Just plain black coffee for me. I have tried cinnamon and it was OK but not something I want all the time. Sometimes if the coffee is a little bitter I add a few grains of salt to the coffee maker. I do like chicory but it has to be done by someone who knows what they are doing...I don't.

VERY strong coffee with heavy cream is my favorite, but most of the time it's just plain strong coffee. I loved the super strong coffee I drank in Europe but I've never been able to brew it that good here at home. In Amsterdam I had one of those little cups of coffee that had as much kick as a large cup of US coffee, the absolute best coffee I have ever tasted.
I was in a line for coffee at Tim Horton's and the guy in front of me ordered a triple triple . I thought to myself he may as well order a milkshake. I put a very small spoonful of sugar, a dab of powdered whitener at home. On the road I order medium regular.
I have tried coffee every way I can think of, and it still tastes vile. I put nothing in my Herbalife tea.
Half a mug of milk heated in microwave for 40 seconds, topped up with boiling water. 1 spoon of good quality instant
coffee granules, and 2 spoons of white sugar.

Have been known to add a splash of brandy as bedtime "toddy" - HIC!
I don't get enough calcium, so I add powered milk. Removes acid from the coffee. My finger nails are thicker now.
I average about 2-3 cups a YEAR, so I forget if I add anything to it or not! Haven't had any yet this year, so I don't know......
I always drink it black no sugar. Depending on how I feel first thing in the morning it might be 1 2 or 3 fingers of good Scotch, But most of the time just black. Bandit
I use NABOB Breakfast coffee, perked.
I add 1 teaspoon of sugar, and also add some 18% coffee cream - drink 4 cups every morning.
(quoted from post at 10:34:00 01/11/15)
VERY strong coffee with heavy cream is my favorite, but most of the time it's just plain strong coffee. I loved the super strong coffee I drank in Europe but I've never been able to brew it that good here at home. In Amsterdam I had one of those little cups of coffee that had as much kick as a large cup of US coffee, the absolute best coffee I have ever tasted.

me too...black though
turn your pot on....
as soon as there is enough for a cup in the bottom,
snatch it out and fill your cup.
(not recommended if you have a weak heart LOL)
(quoted from post at 11:41:56 01/11/15) I add water to mine.
Just chewing the dry grounds isn't that good.

dang, wish I wouldn't have read this....
now I gotta try mixing fresh ground coffee with my chew.
I'll let you know how it turns out.
If you don't hear from me again.....it was too much......
I don't like plain black coffee at all. A cup of instant with milk is what I like. Otherwise just give me hot water.
Black tea I can handle. Some days I like it better than others but never with milk
I don't know if I have ever mastered making coffee and have it the way I like it. So much of it is just kind of bitter, then you are into the sugar and light cream, and less coffee flavor. I've had it where its smooth, and maybe just a little sugar and cream. I've done fresh ground and know the value of good ingredients, and can make coffee most others will enjoy, just not me.

Maybe part of the question should include, "How do you make your coffee?" as people like me need to know, well er.... um learn LOL !

One thing I do like is Caffe Latte, as when done right, no sugar needed, nice flavor and what a caffeine boost from that espresso, it used to be a daily affair when I worked in Manhattan. There is a place right down the road that makes a great cafe latte, have not had one in a long while.

So I got away from coffee, but across the road is an old place that was started in the 30's, and evolved into a well known breakfast joint, a neighborhood staple, they have a mild coffee there that is really good. SO many of these convenience stores, and similar, its all just bitter, so its nice to have a place that serves a decent cup of "Joe" or "Mud"

Currently, black tea, Irish breakfast tea, with a generous amount of local wildflower honey, there is a perfect amount to add in to balance both flavors, that is a real treat, and I can just drink it plain too, just add boiling water, steep and done. I like it along with a toasted cranberry english muffin with honey on it, nice mid morning treat at break time sort of thing. One benefit of this was changing from adding sugar and cream, can't even tolerate it like that, white granulated sugar is clearly no match for wildflower honey. Mild caffeine, can have a cup later in the day and not have it keep me up. Can't do the after dinner/supper coffee, it will keep me up at night.
Guys, When I was a child 2-3-4 my Dad was drinking Coffee with Milk and Sugar...He could lead me to the jumping off point + 5 more ft giving me sips of his milk & sugared coffee! He later went to straight Black. He also liked Hot tea the same way when it was cold!
When I started drinking coffee I drink it Straight black and still do!
But every Blue Moon or So I will Have To Have A cup of Coffee with Milk and sugar Lots of it!
John A.
Years ago I used to put 2 tespoons of sugar and a little milk...went on a diet and tried using artificial sweetners...OUCH.....stopped adding any sweetners at that time. I only put a splash of heavy cream in my coffee now...real cream..nothing fake.
When I was a kid my parents had a book called "Coffee, Tea, or Me" which I think was about airline flight attendants, but I was too young to read it so I don't know. Without the flight attendant, I imagine no one would have ever bought or read the book.

Grade B (or worse) maple syrup. The dark brown end-of-season stuff that is too strong for anyone but northern New Englanders.
In kentucky nothing is added to coffee or bourbon, however it is acceptable to mix the two if outside temperature is below freezing :)
Straight black, once in a while some Bailey's in it. My favorite and best I ever drank was going to my grandmothers she would give me a half cup with dash Karo syrup and top it with canned milk been over 60 yrs. I can still taste it
just hot and black for me, youngest son won't drink it at all, oldest son uses so much creamer and sugar the spoon will stand up in it. Must have gotten that from his mother.....

Dick ND
My wife is from Missouri, and LOVES that nasty stuff! The thicker/darker the better! I can't stand ANY real maple syrup - it's just too nasty sweet....
I typically add a little French vanilla creamer (peppermint mocha when I want to be festive around Christmas), enough for some flavor. I also on occasion enjoy some Rum Chata instead of creamer.
My brother makes his coffee so strong it will reach out of the cup and slap you!
I get starbucks sumantra at Kroger. Add a half teaspoon sugar and just enough half and half to make it turn in an 8 cup cup. One of those a day and Im wired for sound. ...
If I could, I would be adding donut crumbs as I drank it, but both my wife and my doctor would be on my case if I did that - so I just drink it black.
Just black in the morning. By afternoon if it's cold a bit of Canadian helps the flavor. Come to think of it, it's getting cold right now.

Not a thing. If you don't like the taste of coffee, why drink it? I see people adding so much sugar and milk and flavors that you'd never taste the coffee. Makes no sense to me.
Strong and black with a bit of honey.
At least 15 mugs a day.
Am on my third one right now

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