OT Shoulder pain

David G

Well-known Member
It has been 2 years since I had shoulder worked over, but it still hurts when I move it a lot. I got the walls on my shop loft painted today, rolled about 80' of it. I am so sore tonight I can't think.
Welcome to getting older. I have had surgery on my right should and after a year the pain is back as bad if not worse. Learned to live with it
Had my left rotator cuff repaired in 2005 by a very competent orthopedic surgeon, and I have no problems with it. (I was 60 at the time)
I had my right one done in 2013 by some dork that called himself an orthopedic surgeon, and I truly believe it is worse than it was before he botched it.
The surgeon makes all the difference in the world!
Back in June I had an MRI of my shoulder because of pain and weakness. The MRI showed a full thickness tear with retraction, severe muscle athophy and arthritis. I would need a shoulder replacement.
Now I am pretty much pain free and have regained strength.
I believe the more I use it the better it feels and strengthens.
I have a hand crank corn sheller and I shell about 120 bushell with it. I truely believe that the cranking action has helped my shoulder.
I think the more exercise the better.
Had my right shoulder worked on in 2011. Also had had neck fused in 2010. After shoulder work my shoulder and arm still hurt. Surgeon said he could fix the pain by replacing shoulder socket. When I asked him if he would give me any more motion with my shoulder and he said no, I told him I would live with the pain and wait till the shoulder locked up before I let anyone do anymore operations. Living with the pain and just can't do any overhead work with my right arm.
I had a total shoulder replacement Nov. 18 after many years of pain, restricted motion, etc. Now I have more motion than before, working on strengthening, getting better everyday. So good not to wake up hurting every day. But I put up with it as long as I could, so it was worth it.
I feel your pain. That up and down back and forth motion of the arm. Ouch.

Had a cortisone shot Tuesday. Start PT this Tuesday for a partial cuff tear.
I broke my collar bone a year ago,in August, had it plated in January. It has hurt pretty much since. I had my Chiropractor look at it. She said I had muscle out of its groove. She moved it back, hurt like a SOB!!!!! But since then it hasn't bothered much since.
She told me they moved it, to plate it and didn't move it back.
Just something to think of.
I bought a small electric blanket from Wal-mart,$20. Put it on the recliner and sit on it. I know that isn't a good thing to sit on an electric blanket, but it does wonders for my back, hips, shoulder and neck pain. Try it.
There is a timer that turns off blanket, not sure 2 or 3 hours. I sleep in recliner more than I sleep in bed. Wake up feeling no pain.
You are lucky, ibuprofen causes my stomach to bleed. Tylenol is all I can handle. I sometimes think tylenol does very little good.
Don't you watch TV much? They have just the product you need, some sort of medical breakthrough, it consists of some miracle fiber with copper wound thru it to get rid of all your pain (ex wife does not apply). Even at their incredible price if you order one now, they will include an extra one free,just pay S&H. Be surprised how many idiots fall for such bs. If it worked plumbers/electricians would not be hurting as they handle copper all day.PT Barnum was right.One every minute. Or sooner.
Oh I know the feeling!! Early this spring I had a pretty bad logging accident with my chainsaw, and it rendered my right arm useless for a couple of weeks. Tore something up behind my neck on the right side... HURT!!!

Every once in a while now I will do something, and I feel the "ooohhhh, better not do that" kind of little pain. Some days it still gets pretty soar, but I think that it is getting better quickly...

Hope you feel better soon!

It's good you can take an over the counter med to help it feel better. That's a lot of rolling for anyone. When I built the 'old' shop in 82 I made the mistake of lining it with what was called Blandex at the time. It might be called chip board or OSB or something like that now. It's a 30X32 shop with a 13' ceiling and it took 32 gallons of latex enamel to finally make the walls look white. Marilyn and I rolled it all on. Shoulders were tired and sore but I was only 31 years old at the time so a good nights sleep was all it took to get over it.
Bryce just wait until you as old as most of guys. You will STILL feel that old injury. They add up and come back when you get older.
(quoted from post at 19:12:50 01/03/15)
I have a hand crank corn sheller and I shell about 120 bushell with it. I truely believe that the cranking action has helped my shoulder.
I think the more exercise the better.

Few years back I had physical therapy for a shoulder problem before it completely froze up. One of the machines I used was a hand crank, kinda like a bicycle crank. The therapist would adjust the friction and increase my time on the machine at each visit. That corn sheller may have done the same thing for you. :D BTW, 8 weeks of home therapy and 24 visits to the PT clinic got me all healed up.
I think I had injuries when I was younger that did not seem to count. Now they are back with a vengeance. Seems a little humorous when the MD asks you when it happened and you tell him sometime in the 1960s
Spurs taken off left shoulder about 12 years ago. Rotator cuff fixed about 5 years ago on right. Doc said I may never use that arm again. Have full range of motion now but can't work overhead without pain. When it starts hurting I quit doing whatever I am doing. I might be getting smarter as I get older. 62 and counting.
I cannot take any pain killers except aspirin and I only take those when absolutely necessary.
Been dealing with back pain quite a bit. Ain't getting older fun?
Oh, have a heel spur giving me fits also. Podiatrist said they don't take them out anymore.
Had one removed on same foot 30 years ago.
Richard in NW SC
Shoot, just wait itl your 18 yearold wants to go out in the front yard and throw forward passes.... I gotta relearn, all over again..
Might try some Absorbine Jr.. Most drug stores carry it around here OTC. Has an applicator top and you just rub it on. Takes about 15 minutes to soak through the muscles. I have a hip joint that pesters me a lot when doing a lot of riding around on rough riding equipment. Works fine for me.

Also the mail order (has www also) Dr. Leonards what all rag sheet sells Watkin's Liniment, back by popular demand he says. 11 oz. bottle is about $14 with them. Works great also. Been out there for over 100 years. They say quality survives the test of time. This one works. Every time I use it I think about the "snake oil" salesman in the back of his wagon standing on a platform trying to convince small town country folks that this is the magic cure all. Ha!

David, I would suggest taking the ibuprofen before you are going to do something you know is going to aggrivate the shoulder. When I gather sap, I always take a couple before I go out to gather or for any other activity I know is going to be rough on my shoulders.
after the injury/repair, strap your upper arm to your body..all day.
just one time forgetting and extending that arm and you will re-injure it.
When you can use it, short tether your elbow to your belt.
Go about your normal day, you'll get used to it.
Your arm is just 'shorter'
After you have trained your body to Never grab anything with that elbow too far from your side...you'll be fine, and still bull strong.
just the way it is, some people adapt to far worse.
The 'training' is important.
With bad shoulders and the arms close in....superman,
reaching above shoulder level, to a shelf slightly behind me, to grab a spraycan of carb cleaner..not a chance...
Was in a truck accident 4 years ago, left shoulder took the main
brunt of it! Broke my collar bone (has a plate in it now) and
shoulder blade ended up in 4 or 5 pieces!!! I have learned to lift
with my elbow, as it is impossible to lift my bare arm straight out in
front of me over shoulder high and not at all out sideways or behind
me!! Have hardly any lifting ability requiring using shoulder
movement!!! Best treatment is a good old heating pad!!! Just my
luck I am left handed,,,,,,,lol!!!! But yes once you get used to the
limitations you learn make adjustments automatically, like standing
closer to pick up something so you don't require extending your
whole arm, seems like there is always an alternative method or way
to do something, may take a little longer but at least its better then
not at all!!! Patience dosent come easy but is a necessity!!!!
16 years ago I fell into a truck front end alignment pit and broke the head of the tuber, I think it was called a tuberosity fracture on my other shoulder.
I know the machine you are talking about plus a few others I had to use for the therapy. One was like a ferris wheel and you had to stand in front of it, reach up and keep pulling it down to make it spin.
The therapy worked well.

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