Gas question


Well-known Member
So since gas prices are down can a guy say buy 40 gal. of gas now and save it till spring so as to save $$. Figuring you buy it when you see the price starting to go back up which we all know will happen. My self not sure if it would still be good say 4 months down the line due to alcohol in it and absorbing water from the air
Four months isn't too long to store gas. You might fill the containers fairly full. The less air in the top of the container will mean less water getting in the gas.
I agree with you old, a good idea but the gas will probably be crap by this spring, Just my thoughts I'm not an expert. Lol
Old I have been asking myself the same question. I do not think this low oil price is going to last long. I would like to buy gas now and store it for later use.

I do not believe the guys that post on here about starting cars and tractors that have set for years with alcohol blended fuel in them. I have had it go stale in under six months let alone a year or more.

Am thinking more along the lines of several thousand gallons. I have two one thousand gallon tanks that are not used much anymore as we bought larger diesel tanks and usually buy it just a few times each year now.

So I will second your question. Does the amount of gas make the storage better or worse??? Will it go stale slower?? Will it pickup too much water??? Would premium/ethanol free store any better??

How long is gas stored after it is distilled anymore??? I know it used to be stored for a year or more commonly. The large tanks west of Dubuque used to fill with gas in the late fall for usage the next summer.
use a stabilizer, such as sta-bil brand. sure it will take a bit, think its 1 oz for every 2 gallons, but it will let you have gas stored for a year. we used a similar product when i worked at a boat bussiness. youd store a boat from fall until spring, sometimes they would be in storage longer. i use it mowers starting in the fall cause im never sure when the last time they will be ran, and i dont know for sure when they will be used again. its better to have a full tank of fuel than get the condensation caused by the temperature changes.
I've stored ha in my garage all summer a couple times, haven't had a problem yet. And I think I will for sure buy as much gas as I can store before the price hikes up again. Pretty sure Dad will do the same, but that still won't be enough to last more than planting or chopping hay.

Donovan from Wisconsin
I have a 300 gallon gas tank that I topped off with 175 gallons just recently. Each of the last 3 years I"ve used 120-300 gallons per year, in the backhoe, the D17, shop truck, and the lawnmower. Every delivery was E10. No issues with stored gas.
The question is how long would it take for you to use 1000 gallons? There is additives you can add to gas to store it. I don't have a clue of the cost of it though.
I think you could store it for a long time as long as it was sealed up.

Evaporation is the enemy. I found an old Coleman lantern in the attic, been up there for 9 years, probably about 5 more since it was used, so 14 to 15 years with unleaded gas in the tank. I opened up, smelled just like fresh gas! Granted, this would have been straight gas, no ethanol, but I've had pre ethanol gas go bad from siting in a vented gas tank. My theory anyway...

I'm going to fill my plastic gas cans, probably this weekend. Got room for about 20 gallons. I have a storage building in the back yard, pretty safe place for them. I sure wouldn't be comfortable with them in the attached garage!
I would be afraid of it separating setting very long. Also setting in a metal tank could be another problem.
Saw a petroleum guy speak at a 2 cylinder meeting number of years back. The short of it is due to emmision standards there are winter and summer blends for starters.

The bigger think I took away was that the shelf life of most gas by the time I pump it is about 6 months.

Due to both these factors I don't keep much more than 40 gallons on hand at any time other than what is in tanks.

What makes you think it's not going to go lower? I have heard that winter gas has a lower boil point so if you still have some when it gets hot it might evaporate. Keep it out of the sun and on the floor so it doesn't change temperature a lot and it will be fine. I filled my boat last fall thinking it was cheap then! Oh, well!
All indications are that gas prices will remain low for sometime. The Saudi motives are not clear, but if they're trying to break Russia, Syria or Iran that's going to take awhile. If they're trying to halt US oil exploration, that will take even longer.

The key to keeping gas fresh is to prevent it from evaporating. Most fuel containers aren't sealed well enough to do that. If you're worried about the fuel absorbing water from the air, you should be even more worried about evaporation. Also, right now the gas sold in most of the country is "winter-grade" gas, which has a high vapor pressure and evaporates at lower temperatures. If you want to store fuel for several months, gas formulated for summer is better. The switch over to summer-grade gas happens around May-June.
With a gas can full of gas and the cap on just how does it absorb moisture just too many silly tales going around about gas. Like a tractor sitting in a shed getting moisture in the tranny do they have a vent system that has a fan running air thru the tranny for extended time.
Ethanol Shield is the best brand of fuel stabilizer I have ever used. 1 oz per 5 gallons and they say the fuel is good for a year. Tractor Supply or Family Farm and Home has it. All my small engines get it and it works great!. I have had no luck with Stabil.
I have my 300 gallon overhead filled roughly 3 times a year. That's 4 months,no problem.
old i have a 100 gallon gravity flow tank on a stand.i might take 20 gallons out every 3 months or so.but then a week later i might top it back off.i do put stabil conditioner in it.i use it mainly for lawn mowers and 4 wheelers.right now its been full for about 3 months.i havent had any problems yet but you guys got me just a little worried now.i think i will start using some of it better safe than sorry i guess actually i kinda forgot how long its been setting there.

I buy all my gas for the farm at one time. It is fine for a year. I put nothing in it. I buy about 200-250 gallon. I also buy all my diesel fuel for the year. That is about 1500 gallon. I know not the thousands of gallons some are wanting to buy. I use no conditioner of any kind. I usually buy in the fall so the fuel is the winter blend. We have 1 tractor that is a gas the rest are diesels.
SO I would say you could buy it for the year and be fine. It would also depend on your supplier.
From what I've heard, we're looking at 2-3 years of this.

The OPEC nations, the Saudis in particular, have increased production to drive oil prices down for one of two reasons:

1. To put the US oil fracking industry out of business.
2. In cahoots with the US government to put a hurt on Russia.

IMHO, it's #2.

Either way it's going to take more than a couple months to have the desired effect.

The thing about #1 is, as soon as the prices go back up, someone will start fracking here again. So, they would have to keep oil prices low for a long-long time, possibly forever.
Where I live there we have a winter blend. I'm still using summer blend in one tractor that had a little difficulty starting yesterday morning.

Don't know the difference between summer and winter blends. Just know my truck and car get less mileage on winter blend.

I like to run all my tanks empty and start off with fresh fuel come spring. Same in winter. I have a few gallons left in cans and them I going to stock pile fuel in case I need to run generator in winter.

I don't like to store fuel more than 3 months or so. I have enough cans that I will easily fill up truck and cans and buy 60 gallons.

I have an overhead tank that holds approx 270 gallons. I fill it twice a year with ethanol so the last gas to leave that tank is six months old. I've never had stale, yellow stinky gas come out of that tank yet. The last drop smells just as fresh as the first.
Talk to your local car mechanic about gasoline. Best is a private guy that is busy because he is good, not a dealer repairman. Mine said he has just been to a school about stored fuel and most are not good for more than 3 months. Seperation evaporation condensation and molecular break down all contribute to degradation of fuel. He says most fuel produced today has less actual refined petrolium in it than other additives.
I think we may be able to add a third one to that too...

3. Drive the ethanol business and bio diesel business into the ground. I think ethanol is a big thorn in the side of big oil.
I just went out and checked one tractor, the gas was put in in the fall of 2013 and the tractor was run very little last summer and it was put away in October of 14 and I just smelled the gas and it smelled alright and it is 10 degrees here and it started just fine. I will use that gas in the spring and put fresh in.

Saudi's agreed at an opec mtg 30 days ago to hold oil production at a steady level not increase production. It was reported by many media outlets.
My farmall H sat for 2 years with E10 in it. My son put a battery in it this summer & it fired up. He then drove it to the gas barrel & added some fresh gas to it. Now it will set until??????? before we use it again.
I usually try to have 4 or 5 gallons in the generator tank, especially in the winter in case of power outages. I try to empty that tank into one of the tractors once a year or so and put in new gas. Never had a problem yet.
My old girls are stored from Nov. - April with the same gas and they are fine at start up time . I would also like to buy bulk gas , but what would I store it in -- plastic jugs or 45 gallon steel drum or my old wrecked trucks in the field ?
Marine Sta-bil gasoline additive works well in ethanol/gasoline blends.It does mitigate the negative effects ethanol has on fuel system parts.Lotsa people around here use it in their boats.Mostly used in older small engines.Hope this helps.
I have a 40 gal aux tank out of an old truck I am thinking about setting on my pick up and then fill if up slowly over the next month or so as to have gas for doing the hay this summer since I figure gas price will go up by summer
I second cow mechanic. Routinely buy 30 gal at a time in 5 gal cans. last can used can go 6 months or more. Have had boat fuel last a year no probs. with stabil marine, especially if air exposure is minimized.
Hi I'm guessing the gas problem is with vented tanks that aren't sealed tight.
As for the tractors you have never owned a fordson major by the sounds of it. I know of one thats not left out in the rain and is regularly serviced. about once a year the guy drains water out the Bottom of the trans. There are also many more guys comment on forums about it. Mine are all left out and have water in them. But won't comment on those as it's not a fair comparison.
Regards Robert
Went to the grocery store today. You get points for grocery purchases that you can apply to your fuel purchases. My current purchases amounted to a 30 cent per gallon discount. Reg was 1.88 (- 30c) so I got about 13 gal for about $20 and diesel was listed at $2.75 making farm diesel $2.35. I'll take it. Time to fill up my farm tanks.

But we all know the Arabs are p...... how do I know, the news says so, because we are getting self sufficient and have the resources we have so they are deliberately flooding the market in an attempt to run the newly developed US little guys out of business so that they can jack the price back up and rob us. Ha! I love it. No more 1975. They can kiss......................the sand.

Corn-based ethanol production has to be very low on the list of things that concern the Saudis. Depending on who you talk to, corn-based ethanol production has either a negative net energy gain or a very small positive one. So the more ethanol we use, the more corn we grow and the more petroleum we use to grow that corn.
In my tractors that get used thru the winter, I use ethanol reg. gas and stabil. If they are stored I drain them and put a few gallons of marine gas(no ethanol) with stabil. No problems with either.

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