battery charger ??


Well-known Member
Can somebody explain these instructions ?
Look at the battery and find the terminal not grounded to the chassis. (wire goes to the starter and or an electrical box and the starter) Its polarity will be marked on the battery top near the terminal. clamp the charger clamp that matches that terminal's polarity to that post. Black is negative, red is positive on the charger. Clamp the remaining charger clamp to a substantial chunk of metal (like a quarter inch thick) and not a fuel line or thin sheet metal. Use charger.
The condition colors on the charger meter face will show the state of charge if the lights have been operated a little (after or before charging, not while charging. (it is the best I have) Jim
What? You can't ground to the carburetor or gas line? I guess I'd better stop doing that. lol
The headlight part ? That removes the "surface
charge " so you get an accurate voltage reading .
There rest of it is correct too...
Yeah. I thimk they's required by OSHA or EPA or sumthin. Disclaimer fer liars. I mean lawyers.....
Why can't they just say hook red to red black to black instead of writing 2 paragraph that say the same thing . Just bass ackwards
Not all vehicles have red/black. That paragraph more or less removes liability from the company that made/ sold the if someone don't understand how to use it. The person that don't know how to use it can't sue for "non-informing of proper use" if something happens because the instructions were printed out.
Don't you just love the way some people write instruction. K.I.S.S. My butt drags the ground a lot. Should I clamp the Black one to that. LOL Most of my tractors and old pickup are Pos-Grd.
Those look a whole better than most of the Chinese translations we see. Honestly they seem pretty clear to me. If the reference to AC and DC cords seems awkward they simply mean the line cord (AC) and battery cord (DC). I admit that sentence seems awkward but it is pretty clear what that means and the advice is sound.
Looks like they are explaining it detail by detail. What they're saying is no matter if it's positive or negative ground system always hook your grounded lead up last to the chassis and to make sure you have the positive lead hooked to the positive terminal on the battery. Basically never go by how the battery is hooked up to the vehicle (meaning pos or neg grounded) Always hook a charger up Red to Positive Post and Black up to negative. This rule applies when jump starting a vehicle also. Always hook up the ground last so if there is a spark it will be away from the battery to prevent the battery from explosion.
I have seen guys use your method to try to jump start a tractor; hot to hot, ground to ground. When the ground changes from one unit to another, the sparks really fly and they can't figure out what they did wrong. ALWAYS!!! hook pos to pos, neg to neg regardless of which is ground.
Yes I hate instructions we have to find the absolute most wordback way of writing something and then make one sentence instruction take 2 paragraphs .

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