Back when I was dateing girls they use to tell me that I should handle my clutter. You know clean up the back yard. Threw the years I kinda did that but like clock work always some body would call me asking for a part I threw away. This last year I get this letter from my city that tells me that I needed to get some clutter ceane up. So I had worked hard and had two parts tractor hauled away. One tractor had some parts I could had used on it this year (for the char-lynn power steering) but it is to late so I had to by all new stuff for my dads farmall M. Clutter is a good word I have learned there is money in all of it. This is a part I can not find any where and I am happy that I did not throw it away as clutter. I need it for the power steering stuff fo my daddys farmall m.
One man's junk is another man's treasure!

Amazing how persnickety some municipalities, townships, neighborhoods are getting these days.
Had a friend with a few well kept rabbit cages in the back yard - out of sight. Made her get rid of them. Another friend had a 2 wheel utility trailer - it had to go. Messing up the neighborhood... Ended up at my son's. A divorce, and he now has a trailer without a pedigree, going to be a problem to license, as it was licensed in HER name.
Clutter---Good word! I am a pack rat with the philosophy that if you are throwing something away that I can use, I'll take it. I'm not a fanatic about it, but I did get a load 2 x 4s from when my friends pole barn collapsed. Lots of pieces, 4-foot or so but a few longer ones too. Already used a couple of the long ones for side rails on an above ground kennel for a new puppy coming next week. I'll use the shorter ones to frame a door in the end. Floor slats are boards my dad had that I saved from the dumpster when we cleaned out his garage. Always on the lookout for skids to stack wood and implements on. Like most, I'll not need some things until I throw them away.

Had neighbors that bought and collected all kinds of "stuff" since before the 1940's. Old man is gone; son batches on the place. You can drive in the driveway a short way, but you have to back out as no room to turn around. Stuff scattered over 20 - 30 acres.

They rarely sold anything; I have often thought what a job that will be when the son passes on. Family will inherit but will have months (years?) of work to clean up the place so they can sell it. There is some valuable things mixed in, but someone will have to be able to recognize it or it will go to the scrappers.
Thank Goodness we don't have any of those busybodies around here. I'd be in jail PDQ if somebody set foot on my land and started telling me what I could and could not keep.

I do try to keep things neat, but I'm a packrat too, and I'll lug off ANYTHING I think I might be able to use.

Just last week I came home from my new "job" with a truck load of aluminum angle, aluminum scrap, EMT and PVC conduit and all sorts of little odds and ends the owner was throwing away. Snagged 'em right out of the dumpster!

I've taken on a "work your own schedule" gig as a general handyman for a guy that owns a big commercial boat-building business, along with a half-dozen or more rental properties. They give me a list, mark anything they want done sooner rather than later, give me access to their accounts at the applicable suppliers (lumber, plumbing, automotive) and leave me to it unless I have questions.

Didn't take long to get the Boss trained. Today he gave me a brand new unopened spool of 1/16" wire rope and 8 feet of perforated decking that he was gonna toss.
Several years back a lake shore owners association (mostly money people from the Twin Cities) tried to get our county to pass an ordinance that would bar all farmers from parking any equipment or hay outside. Most of the people on the board were money people who were not going to be running for reelection. They were trying to hold the meetings in obscure locations and were only meeting the required notices of the meeting. That's a newspaper ad that they did put out in fine print. Luckily a couple of big money BTO's caught it and made sure every farmer and equipment owner in the area knew about it. The county didn't drop it until a couple of the big guys retained a law firm from the twin cities and told the board we are not going to sue to stop it. We are going to sue so that all lawn equipment, docks and boat lifts are included. Shortly after the next election the new board passed an ordinance that prevents the county from doing something like that and acknowledging that agriculture is part of the county heritage. The same lake people then tried to get the state legislature to address it and it was introduced as a proposed law. It never got out of committee.

brent, i dont consider them clutter. i am saving "antiquities". when i'm gone, my wife and dottir can have one heck of an estate auction!!!
In Ohio Agriculture on greater that 5 acres is exempt from ALL zoning and building codes.

On Twp Zoning Commission
Farmer I know was once told he ought to get rid of all that rusty junk iron that was sitting in his yard and behind his barn. His answer was: “So what am I going to farm my land with then”. I think I would have to say the same.
"Back when I was dating girls..."

Maybe I am just wrong headed, but the first thing I thought of was "wonder what he is dating now?"
I'll admit I'm a packrat. I'm having to clean out my shed so a contractor can repair a wall and spray insulate it. My wife called me a hoarder...
I am the third generation of farmer on this farm, third generation of pack rat. Never been an auction here.

Its kinda sad.

I'm caught now, gramps stuff got old enough to be worth something, and I still can think of uses for dads items - tho probably never will.

I love to go to auctions, but I got to go stand somewhere else when they are on th hay racks!

The scrap iron guys are going to need to come with 2 trucks a piece when I sell out.....

(quoted from post at 20:56:28 11/06/14) "Back when I was dating girls..."

Maybe I am just wrong headed, but the first thing I thought of was "wonder what he is dating now?"

I thought the exact same thing.
Won't be long and the county and city will be using google earth and drones to enforce the "clutter" ordinances....
My dad was a pack rat ,still is. I inherited the curse.Every time I went home to visit I come back to my place and clean shop and throw away junk ! I did so much cleaning and getting rid stuff selling scrap and unused tools etc that I was able to open up anther bay in the shop and install a 3rd new hoist. Man it feels good to purge !
(quoted from post at 19:51:06 11/06/14)
(quoted from post at 20:56:28 11/06/14) "Back when I was dating girls..."

Maybe I am just wrong headed, but the first thing I thought of was "wonder what he is dating now?"

I thought the exact same thing.
Me three! LOL
I'm in the same packrat boat though.
Have a good friend that farms. He has a big shop, built fifty years ago. He has a regular machine shop in there and can make anything for you. Now the problem is there is just a path to each machine. That means one foot in front of the other and don't lose your balance. He seems to know where everything is at.
I am getting rid of some scrap iron now. It's hard to toss Dad's stuff out. His old plow parts that have been under his work bench for 60 years, will never again be used. At least they are being tossed out with some dignity, rather than by some scrapper when I'm gone. As I go through the iron pile and tossing some in the metal bin, and some in the keep pile. I'm keeping some things I doubt I will never need, but you never know. I tossed out a Fresno (tumble bug as some call it) I'm about ready to pull it out. Going to try and leave it in the bin. It's going to be hard. Stan
I live it. My dad passed 7 years ago and he was a collector. I've got the same gene. I think there should be a law to put all that good stuff out by the road so we can all go shopping. The high dollar residents here by the St Lawrence can go live somewhere else if they don't like it. Personally I think boats and jetsiis look like trash.
After some of the experiences I had with my ex-wife, I think I may be better off just hugging my toolbox. Wimmens can do more harm than good sometimes.
(quoted from post at 00:04:41 11/07/14) I live it. My dad passed 7 years ago and he was a collector. I've got the same gene. I think there should be a law to put all that good stuff out by the road so we can all go shopping. The high dollar residents here by the St Lawrence can go live somewhere else if they don't like it. Personally I think boats and jetsiis look like trash.

HAR!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Ain't that the truth! We have a local guy that fell into a lot of money. Used to drive a ratted out Ranger and was one step away from arrest most of the time. Likeable, but not trustworthy, you know the type. Now he's had enough time with his millions to get a swelled head and he's the #1 complainer about other peoples vehicles, yards, etc. He's already forgotten where he came from.
It is an inherited gene and unfortunately, I got it on both sides. It is a curse, but I can not part with all this "stuff". Can't believe I made enough money in my life to buy all this crap. I pity my kids trying to dispose of it. They will probably hire a grapple and a dump truck to help.

Just came across 2 full boxes of new decoys and a new golf bag still in the box...must be 15 years old.

Anyone need some 20 year old and very out of date skiis?
Just yesterday I was moping a floor at one of the schools I clean. I had this parent of a kid say to me ( I need a rim for my 1951 ford F 100 do you have one?)Guee I stood there and was about to say Yes I do but than I realised I threw it alway last year. When I cleaned up the back yard. Why is it when you throw it alway it becomes needed? Thanks for all of your replies it makes me feel like I am not the only one that does this.

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