Combining 2014


Final had a chance to load some pictures, sorry will not rotate. 760 Massey/4 row wide 1144 corn head. Oct.25
It is nice to see the older machines out in the field rather than the new stuff. Thanks for posting.
Bet that 760 just runs off with a 4 row head. My cousin runs a 6 row head on his 760 and it just plays wiyh it!! Cmore
Hauled grain for a farmer that had a 750 and he never pushed that thing. If he cut 1000 bushel of corn a day he thought it was a good day. Glad he didn't ask me to run it. I could not of went that slow.

I drove from NJ across into PA and then MD WV and then into VA today. Nine states in ten hours. All across PA pretty much all the beans had been picked, never saw any one out working. Once I crossed into MD I saw four combines in about five miles, well two of them all I actually could see was the dust cloud.

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