Crazy Rats have rights too! group gets d-con banned!


Can you believe this?

So if you get rats and mice in your home, combine, farm buildings? Tough (bleep!) Rats have rights too, don't ya' know?

Their solution? "Providing owl boxes to encourage natural predation".
Yes I can believe it. Wasn't it Myrex the tree huggers caused to be pulled in the sixties or seventies when it worked so well on fire ants? TDF
In medieval times people who thought like that starved to death, therefore were not a problem for the sane population.

Mix a little Corn Meal with your Tannerite, and let the Rats eat it. Then shoot the Rats. LOL !

Fly bait and Pepsi works on coon plus cats and dogs don't get bothered by it. Maybe it would cure the rat problem. Or you could get a tank of just about empty anhydrous and put a pipe on the end shove it in the rat hole and turn it on until you see steam coming out other holes
Hey if spotted owls and snail darters and blind fish and sea turtles have more rights then humans who want to say build a road or a house, then why not rats?? After all its not nice to discriminate were told

John T
I'm not a fan of having poison around for many reasons. Id sooner "see" the dead rat or mouse then I know I got them and I know they wont stink and cause a good animal to get sick or die.
"These super-toxic poisons—called second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides—will still be available for bulk sales to agricultural users and by licensed pest-control operators."

So they are just banning sales to joe public.
Not trying to turn this into a political debate, As this post will go poof faster than a match in gas!. I'm just stating a possible fact.
You guys think all this petty rat poison stuff, is bad wait until one of these groups gets somebody among them elected to live in that big shiny house on the hill!. Then see what happens!
Regards Robert
wow, I'm going to need a lot of owls....
I like this one...
"Effective measures include rodent-proofing of homes and farms by sealing cracks and crevices and eliminating food sources"
Them suit and tie yuppie houses and buildings must be a lot different than mine.
You could seal me in a concrete bunker, my money is still on the rat.......

Those people need to experience a real rat problem to understand.

Falling thru the ground in old coops because of the tunnels.

Buying an old house and putting poison out by the truckload
and being woke up in the middle of the night by the sounds of vicious fights of dozens of rats fighting over the poison.

Walking into your basement and having rats sitting on stuff calmly looking at you.

Not a chance at all that I could have won without heavy duty poison........and the battle never ends...

Just have to remember these people mostly live in the city, where the city does it all for them. They will never understand. I'm very careful with poisons, but I prefer poison to glue traps.

So I guess they are endorsing keeping owls as pets? We've got two cats. They won't hardly touch mice let alone rats. They will go after rabbits.
Yep, myrex was the only thing that would control fire ants. Wish the EPA had a couple dump trailer loads of fire ants dumped in their offices.
So when the black death raises it's head again I guess we can all just learn to live with that too. I just bought a 20 pack of the little bags for the deer mice that infest every piece of equipment I own including my car. As long as we can get it for ag use, I am good. Let the city folk who love the rats learn the hard way.
When they tear down a building in Minneapolis, a few days before the demo guys come the health department throws in some blocks of rat poison into the building so they will eat it and die and not run off to some other location.
I found that out the hard way.
I was doing some salvage work in a building that was coming down and my dog, as usual, was hanging out with me.
I caught him chewing on something that I didn't know what it was and scolded him for it but didn't think of poison.
He was dead about 30 hours later.
Didn't put two and two together till after the fact.
I never thought to blame D-Con or the City or anyone else for him dying. I blamed myself for not paying more attention.
Never knew D Con made good poison, never had any success with it.

I used to work at a pasta factory, the exterminators would use the vitamin K depleters in locked boxes around the perimeter.

One of them told me the street people had discovered they could break into the box and eat a small amount of the poison!

Said it caused internal bleeding, made the system more susceptible to alcohol absorption... Meaning they could get extremely wasted on a small amount of alcohol!

What a life!
Where are the head quarters of the groups that pushed this ???

I will gladly do what they want. I will catch and release. I will safely live trap all the rat/mice I can and release them at their head quarters. Then they can deal with the rodent issue.
Speaking of catch and release, I tried that once. Didn't work so well. Was getting late so I went to bed for work in the morning. I'm nodding off and I hear scratching, but it stops. Nodding off, hear scratching. Turn on the light, it stops. Hmm. Turn the light off, nodding off, scratching. OK, I zoom in, its coming from the corner with the guitar amp in it, so I turn the light on, scratching stops, I get out of bed and go look inside the guitar amp, big ol' mouse. I hoist the amp over my head, go out to the garage and open the overhead and walk down the drive in nothing but my boxers, and shake the mouse out into the road. His lucky night, I was in a good mood. Little son of a gun runs between my feet towards the house. I turn and see him run right up my driveway straight into my dark garage and disappear, and I'm standing out in the middle of the road in my boxers about 10:00 or so. Little son of a gun should have hit the button and closed the garage door and locked me out because I got him a day or two later when I wasn't in such a good mood.

So what is actually being taken off the market? 12 products:

<a href=""></a>

What products will be available? 39 total, including 6 d-CON products:

<a href=""></a>

Hardly the end of the world.

End of the world? No, but if you look more closely, what they are getting rid of are largely bulk forms for over the counter. It basically makes it more expensive. It also prohibits (the actual law, not just this ruling) loose pellets.

Of more concern to me is the capitulation of the EPA (or more accurately the collusion of in light of emails between the EPA and environmental activists) to these activist groups. What they are trying to accomplish is the establishment of a precedent that pests (even ones that present health issues) be protected by law. Make no mistake, the animal rights groups aren't content with even one mouse or rat poisoned, trapped or otherwise eliminated. Not being dramatic, just pointing out their stance. It's easy enough to look up.

I do believe in being careful with poisons though, specifically the impact it can have on secondary chains, such as cats, dogs, birds etc... I'm all for natural means of predation, but natural means won't stop mice from getting into your hay, cabinets, drawers, etc... Our cats have no interest in them and snakes are only useful in the summer, and the cats will kill the snakes if they can find them.
(quoted from post at 00:17:44 10/11/14) So what is actually being taken off the market? 12 products:

&lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;

What products will be available? 39 total, including 6 d-CON products:

&lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;

Hardly the end of the world.

What really drives the regulations is idiots. Not regulator idiots, but the "hold my beer and watch this" idiots. We would not need regulations if some people were more careful in whatever they do.

Btw, I don't use poisons if I can help it. Too many ways for it to get into the food chain or poison a pet or child.
(quoted from post at 18:28:27 10/10/14) wow, I'm going to need a lot of owls....
I like this one...
"Effective measures include rodent-proofing of homes and farms by sealing cracks and crevices and eliminating food sources"
Them suit and tie yuppie houses and buildings must be a lot different than mine.
You could seal me in a concrete bunker, my money is still on the rat.......

Those people need to experience a real rat problem to understand.

Falling thru the ground in old coops because of the tunnels.

Buying an old house and putting poison out by the truckload
and being woke up in the middle of the night by the sounds of vicious fights of dozens of rats fighting over the poison.

Walking into your basement and having rats sitting on stuff calmly looking at you.

Not a chance at all that I could have won without heavy duty poison........and the battle never ends...

That house needs to be torn down or properly repaired. I can't imagine ever sharing a house infested with rats. I grew up in a 100 year old house, if we got a mouse, it was cause for mom to freak out! Things would not settle down until he was dead, and any path into the house was inspected and sealed up. You can get some pretty bad diseases from rodents.

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