Feeding round-up ready corn stalks

Question for you guys. I raise cattle and give beef to my family members. Couple of years ago I baled up the corn stalks after picking the ear corn because we had a bad hay crop and the cattle, horses and goats ate it all up. Last weekend my dad (not a farmer) said he didn't want his beef eating corn stalks that are GMO. I did a google search on this topic to see what came up about feeding Round-up ready corn stalks. Found a few articles with one farmer saying it made his livestock sterile using a certain variety/brand of RR corn and another farmer that started having smaller litters and a lower rate of gain with his pigs when he changed to GMO corn. Another article said "gmo corns are being bred to stand better in high winds and insect pressure. This leads to a tougher stalk. And another article said GMO corn contains an activated insect-killing bacterium called Bt Toxin. GMO corn engineered with Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) produces its own built-in pesticide. Simply put, the Bt toxin is part of plant’s DNA and repeats itself in every cell. When bugs bite the plant, the poison splits open their stomach and kills them. When humans eat food with Bt Toxin, the toxins remain in their colon, kidneys, liver and other vital organs". So does this happen to cattle when they eat it? Same article said "Feeding GMO corn to cattle requires the prophylactic use of antibiotics to prevent disease because cattle who eat GMO corn for more than 140 to 180 days become very ill and die".
Just wondering what your opinions are about feeding the corn stalks from round up ready corn. I know you can't believe everything you read on the internet. Do you feed RR corn stalks to your cattle??
I have been feeding Round up Ready corn silage to my milk cows for about 10 years, They were all still alive at milking time this morning.Oldest cow in the herd is now 16. Sounds like some one has fed your Dad a pile of BS. on RR corn. You can find any opinion you want to find on the internet, and I guess this is mine.Bruce
I would say most of that is hogwash. I have fed RR corn to my cattle since it was developed and haven't seen any adverse effects. I don't know about the corn stalks but wouldn't anything in the stalks also be in the grain?? Like you say you can't believe all you see on the internet.
Someone here is buying into tree hugger hype. I've fed GMO products for years & yet to have any animals go steril or die as a result of what I feed. I have 2 strong healthy boy's So I can Assure you it didn't make me or my wife steril,,,but that's been a few years back. I guess that idea doesn't prove long term affects.
Ditto what Pair-a-dice said on RR corn- and virtually 100% of beef you buy (other than certified organic) was fattened on, you guessed it, RR corn (and soybean meal).

Bacillus thuringiensis has been the darling of organic farming for years, and remains so. It kills bugs, not people or mammals. Google Bacillus thuringiensis organic and read the articles.

Sounds like Dad needs to find another supplier.
Thinking my dad saw something on tv talking about how GMO stuff will kill you or something. Like you guys said just about all livestock is feed corn that is round-up ready weather it be shelled corn, ear corn, silage or corn stalk bales. I'm not to worried about it. Might just have to keep a steer in a separate pen to keep the old man happy.
Yes, I have fed genetically improved cornstalks and corn grain to cattle with no problems. Really drives me nuts that someone can manufacture any falsehoods they please and put em on the net with complete disregard to the truth.
Here we go again.... what a bunch of horse sh!t from start to finish.
I know of no research that indicates any of what was stated about GMO corn...

It must be the truth,you can't post anything on the internet if it isn't true. Ain't that what they say in the insurance commercials?
It's all a load of garbage from the religious followers of Michael Pollan. "Growing corn is destroying the planet".
Yes,the stalks tend to be tougher these days than they used to,but the cows just flat won't eat the tough stuff anyway. Anybody who you're "giving" beef to who want to look a gift horse in the mouth deserves to go hungry.
Is he OK with you feeding GMO corn to the cattle, or just the stalks? Doesn't make a lot of sense if there is objection to just the stalk.
Simpely put your old man is full of crock..RR corn never hurt anyone, as bad as the tree huger would love you to believe. World would sure be getting hungry or paying more for corn if it were not developed.
The wild eyed tree huggers don't even know the difference between GMO corn and BT corn. Without going into details, GMO is a genetically modified organism modified to resist a certain herbicide. A BT ( Bacterial? Thur--- I don't know the rest of the word) plant kills insects that eat on that plant. They claim BT kills Monarch butterflies that eat on milkweeds that have cross pollinated with BT corn. Haven't heard that claim now for awhile.

One of my sisters-in-law, who farms with her husband, is a health nut who is down on 'BT' corn. She was telling me the corn isn't BT till Glypho is sprayed on it, then the corn is 'BT'. THIS IS THE MISINFORMED ATTITUDE OF THE AMERICAN HOUSEWIFE, EVEN THE FARM WIFE!!!!!

I told her Glyphosate has nothing to do with BT. GMO corn is bred to resist Glyphosate and it is already GMO before Glypho is sprayed on it.

She was telling me my irritable bowel syndrome was caused by this 'BT' in the food we eat. I've had this problem since childhood, for Pete's sake!! That was long before this new poisonous corn was developed. Jim
Don't tell my hogs - they are still farrowing on that corn. Have a litter due a week from today from a sow that always gives me a dozen. Thank heavens the corn cut her down some - she doesn't have that many more teats.

The world just doesn't understand how RR plants work.
Since there is no real way to know what corn is being fed to animals, what difference is it if you feed the corn stalks? Being trained in Natural Health, I do my best to avoid anything that is GMO, once the organism is modified, your body no longer will accept that food as "natural", everyone has an opinion, most farmers love it because they do not have to cultivate, however, weeds are now becoming resistant. Eating food that survives being sprayed with toxins while it is growing simply can't be good for us. They blame the increase in cancers and auto immune diseases on everything but the actual source, we are eating way too many preservatives, and toxins in our food, breathing a little air with car emissions is not the source of our problems.
BT is a naturally occurring toxin that several plants use to keep bugs away.

It does not harm mammals, it's been around for many centuries.

I believe bT cornstalks have less disease, less damage and so are harder to digest. Cattle prefer slightly damaged, softer stocks.

This does not mean the stalks are bad for them in any way.

Gotta' tell this it's from when the first Gmo Corn came out. There was a farmer from around here that claimed the GMO/BT corn was poisonous because his cattle never grazed the stalks on that part of the farm. The general consensus was that the cattle had no reason to go there because there wasn't as much corn on the ground compared to the non-GMO corn on the rest of the farm. IMHO healthwise there is nothing to fear about the GMO corn soybeans, it makes farming a little easier for me.
Dr Oz.

He had something on gmos last week, he was selling another book, have to stir up the masses with alarm and worry so those book sales keep going!


If I was still farming I would not be raising any GMO crops of any kind. Second last year farming told seed dealer NO GMO on beans. Long story but when planting time came Father-in-law just passed so friend picked (Also a retired farmer) up the seed and planted it, then when things calmed down from funeral he asked me about it. I complained to dealer where I ordered it, they said they thought that was want I wanted and they did not sell any NON GMO seed. Told them I would be getting it someplace else the next year. And did. And I did not use roundup on those beans supposed to stand it. Will not use Roundup on anything except quack grass in wheet stubble. I thing GMO should be baned and I am with the rest of the world that will not buy our grain because of it.
You guys complain about food prices now? Take away GMO and see what happens to the prices at the grocery store.

Nearly everything on the shelves is either made from, or was fed by, grain, and I bet at least some of that grain was "GMO."
I both rotationally graze standing corn and chop corn for silage, as do most of my neighbors. Its all round up ready and has been since RR corn came out. Most of my dairy farm neighbors have been feeding continuous triple stack GMO corn silage for at least 5 years continuously.

So, if he doesnt want his GMO fed beef sounds perfectly fine to me. At 2 bucks a pound live at the stockyards I'd just sell his and when he goes to buy some high dollar beef at the store remind him...
Way before Bt corn came out, I was looking at a garden center for something to kill insects in my garden. The person who waited on me could best be described as a long haired, hippy type, tree hugger. He almost insisted I buy their "organic" bug killer which was Bt. I later did some research on it and started paying attention. All the Organic crowd was ga-ga over the beneifts of Bt cause it was "natural"

So which is it gonna be? It was great back then. but now that farmers are using that same technology in a different fashion, now its bad?

As for stalks being tougher, I do crop adjusting work in Mo, Arkansas, Oklahoma and some in Kansas. I have noticed the corn is not standing near as well as it use to, so I would say the stalks trend to be weaker now.

I remember my dad saying that my grandpa and some of the old timers said that wheat that was combined with a combine, and not put up in shocks and dried in the field was no good for flour. People get funny ideas.

Didn't Bt corn come out before roundup ready?

Oh, and another thing. What about the decrease in the older, hotter herbicides and insecticides we use to use? Sencore/Lexone, Lorox, Ramrod, Lorsban, Aldrin, lot of the old bad things are gone, in part due to GMO.

Folks seem to want it both ways, plus have their food.

If the US didn't keep increasing food production, wonder how many folks in other countries would starve (besides the ones already starving.)?

Bottom line. Feed your animals how you want to. If he wants his fed organicly, he can either buy one like that or raise it himself. I suppose he was telling you this with a cigaret hanging from his lips and a beer in his hand. LOL Probly not going to research those out. And probly drinking diet soda with nothing natural in that at all. It just rubs me the wrong way when someone says they won't eat one thing because of this, but they will turn around and eat something else not knowing a thing about it. I would be willing to bet he does.
What you mean "I know you can't believe everything you read on the internet"

Didn't you see that TV Commercial where the chick tells the dude "They cant put anything on the internet that isn't true" then when asked where she read that she responded "On the internet" Bonjour

John T
GM crops by itself may be safe to eat, it is the chemicals to which they are resistant to and are sprayed on for weed control that scares me.
Same with the widespread practice of desiccating of crops nowadays.
These chemicals get absorbed by the plant and stay there, what/whoever eats these seeds or plants adsorb these chemicals as well and that can't be good for ones health no matter what they say.
You ever wonder how come Allergies, diabetes and asthma and the like are running rampant these days,...mostly in kids.
Ya think cellphones are causing that!!!?:roll:

I for that matter don't use fertilizer or chemicals and medicate my animals only if i absolutely have to.
Better safe than sorry.
Gut feeling and I also believe the health departments of those countrys better than the one here in the states.
Exactly. If he says anything,just say "you said you didn't want any of this".
Yes I would do the same thing with my parents if they lost their mind over a fad. Afterall,they were the ones who told me a few times when I didn't like what we were having for supper,"If you don't like what we're having,there's bologna in the refrigerator.". I didn't have to be told too many times before I learned to just get it without making an issue of it.
I dont know about anyone else here, but there is not enough able bodied people in my area to go back to conventional non gmo farming. Gonna have to import the labor or the non gmo product.Paul
(quoted from post at 20:13:32 10/10/14) And yet the life expectancy keeps increasing.

Gene, :lol:
I was reading this thread thinking the EXACT same thing and was about to post such when I came across your comment at the end. Well said and I'd like to see the statistics that back up those who say "it can't be good for you". People who talk about the increase in diabetes need to look at the obesity of those who are getting it. And by obesity, I don't mean obscenely fat. My doc has been bugging me to lose weight. I lost 10 lbs and my sugar came down to where I'm not technically a diabetic.

As a last point, if this stuff is so bad and 99.99% of the population in the US eats it, why aren't we dropping like flies? I'd rather eat it and take my chances rather than not eat and starve.
I've been feeding GMO and BT corn since it came out. However, I am having trouble with joint pain, heart problems, respiratory trouble and a lack of libido in general My knees and back are killing me, and I can't see as well as I could before the GMO and BT crops were marketed.

Doc tells me that this getting old just ain't fer sissies. But, I am harvesting more and better corn and the cows love it. I just gotta work about three times harder to process all of the extra material I can produce now. So, I guess I'm just wearing out quicker.....
BT corn is through and through a GMO product. It
is genetically modified just like liberty link or
RR/RR2. I'm not saying that BT and resistance to a
spray are the same thing, but it's all a GMO. Upon
researching BT corn, I don't see much wrong with
the concept. Copy and pasted fro wiki. ""The Bt
protein is expressed throughout the plant. When a
vulnerable insect eats the Bt-containing plant,
the protein is activated in its gut, which is
alkaline (the human gut is acidic[12]). In the
alkaline environment the protein partially unfolds
and is cut by other proteins, forming a toxin that
paralyzes the insect's digestive system and forms
holes in the gut wall. The insect stops eating
within a few hours and eventually starves.""

The BT trait doesn't hurt humans, being that our
stomach isn't alkaline, but acidic. RU-Ready
scares me more than BT, but then you have to
decide if you want atrazine sprayed on your corn
or Round up. I'd prefer Round Up over atrazine.
You're always stuck between a rock and a hard
place with this stuff. You have to pick the lesser
of two evils.
Those increases couldn't have anything to do with the eradication of the more lethal childhood diseases in the early-mid 20th century(more people living long enough to develop cancer), and the sterilization of our environment (leaving the immune system with nothing to do but fight itself) could it?

I suppose I need to eat a highly alkaline diet so my pH is not acidic and I'll never be sick again, too?
If you are in the mosquito killing business like I am you will find that BT is one of the active ingredients in " mosquito dunks" which are a briquet you put in any standing water you don't want producing Mosquitos. All the BT does in the water is prevents the mosquito larvae from developing into a full blown mosquito basically suffocating them.

Please don't go telling any animal right groups about this stuff or it'll get banned just like D-con!!! :roll:

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