Ice Bucket Challenge


Has anyone done the challenge? We did at work on Friday. Service manager partially filled the grain tank with cold water on a Deere S670 combine. We stood under the unload auger and he let er loose. Wow that was a lot of water in a short amount of time! Spent the afternoon working in soaked clothes but in this heat it felt good.
ANother facebook fad. Like jumping in a river in MArch. That ended when someone busted his neck and nearly drowned.

Next thing you know it'll be jumping off a bridge for suicide awareness.

What are they gonna do if you ignore it? Facebook time out? Whooppeee doooooooooooooo
I did a form of it in 1968 1969...............
Pulled rope on canvas bag, overhead to bathe.

VIETNAM.... showerbag in MEKONG Delta [warm water]
Have you noticed when they post it on face book, the women will stand there and talk for 5 minutes before doing it and the guys say a couple of words and then do it. It's like the women are trying to work up some courage to do it.
My boys would just fill the loader bucket with water and dump it on them selves. Wish I had a camera one time as one of them just had on shorts and no shirt. When the water hit him it depants him real quick. LOL
I've been challenged but won't be home til Thursday. I'll do it then. Most who have done it say it was fun.
My brother sent out a "challenge" to me and several others a couple of days ago. I told him I had 80 acres of hay to mow down and cement that had to be formed and poured in a hog pen the next day. If he was willing to come help me with all of that I would gladly do it. Never heard back.

It was a neat idea the first million times someone did it. Now all the lemmings are doing it. Interesting, seeing as the founder of the challenge just killed himself celebrating a couple of days ago. It seems we need to do a challenge for jumping off a building into water when you can't swim.
Not done it, but it IS raising a lot of money for ALS research. Having a SIL die from ALS this past May (she was 61), I can tell you that this is a NASTY disease - they need all the money they can get.
Did that at Hood. During summer camp. Shower bags just didn't last long. Rigged up a frame with two fifty gallon drums. Hung them off the crane of my wrecker. Got a little longer shower.
Maybe they need to incorporate this ice bucket challenge with those dumb a$$es who are setting themselves on fire and posting that nonsense on facebook. From what I've seen on the news, a timely tip of the ice bucket is just what they need...or if they're that stupid, maybe not.
Some of them just use the water,i guess the ice cubes are to cold.Garth brooks kept his cowboy hat on when he did his,think he got his shoulders wet.
My wife has had it for 10 years, 7 of it in a wheelchair. She can't move her legs or arms. The money will help the A.L.S. org. They have been good for us. It is a bad thing to deal.
Well John I did not know that the term "Ice Bucket challenge" was related to fund raising for ALS.

So I will admit I just thought it was some guys being guys dumping water on each other. LOL

I live in the country and DO NO watch regular TV at all. So I did not know about ALS fund raising gimmick.
My kids volley ball team just did this. They were challenged by a neighboring school's volleyball team to do it. As I understand it, or as it was explained to me, the ice bucket challenge is supposed to raise money and awareness for ALS. Why ice water? Because when you are drenched by ice water, all your muscles go rigid, stiff and tight, giving you a brief idea what it feels like to be afflicted with this terrible disease. Originally, if you were challenged, you were to donate 100 dollars to ALS research or take the ice bucket treatment. Either way the organization receives money or awareness, a win-win. Problem is, for school age kids, they don't have a lot of cash to donate but they sure can raise awareness as evidenced by this thread, so is it really a dumb thing or not??? I can't answer that but I hope people will donate to these causes once in awhile weather they're challenged or not.
Just saw a video on facebook recently where they dumped water on a bunch of local kids out of a loader bucket. Problem was one of those "kids" was pretty tall and the bucket when it tipped missed her head by only about two inches...scary stuff just for some facebook fad..
I have donated to the foundation already. Having two people that were close to my family pass on from this disease, and seeing what it did to them in the process, a little cold water on my head was not that big of a deal. There will be naysayers, as there is with anything. So be it.
(quoted from post at 19:14:02 08/24/14) So did any of you guys make a donation to the ALS Association.
Or did you think it was all about getting water dumped on your head.

Exacty. Just like the pink ribbons and shaving your head, any fool can dump ice water on his head, not many pony up any real money towards research.

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