A prediction.........
With the way TV is going; everyone in Alaska will have been on TV at least once by the end of 2015.

What ever happened to a good educational program where you actually learned something.
Use to watch the history channel but most of their stuff is junk now a days.
Still can find some decent educational stuff on the science channel.
If it weren't for the cable bundle with internet; and the fact the grandkids like the TV I would get rid of it.
The only show I really stop what I am doing to watch is "This Week in Louisiana Agriculture"
What surprises me is how mundane all the supposedly exciting, action packed reality shows are. Take catching a gator, most people who are so inclined where I come from have been gator hunting since they were kids and started their own kids off young, same for hog hunting, coyote killing etc. Logging, gold mining by digging with a trackhoe, pulling sinkers out of 4-10 feet of water, are all things that can be dangerous if you are stupid but basically, everyday jobs for many people. I must really be out of touch with modern America because I have a hard time understanding how so many people could believe this stuff is way outside the norm.
See things on TV now that I did often when I was on the farm. They make a big deal out of pulling a calf or a colt on TV; we just considered it as something that we had to do - and it was no big deal back then.
There are people in America that have no clue that Canada is here, and we are joined to the U.S, some educated, people my mom and dad spoke to down in Vegas don"t even know where North or south Dakota is when a guy says our part of Canada is north of there!. So I would imagine there are people even in the states that have no foggy clue about half what goes on in these shows, and are impressed by it.
Not trying to start a diplomatic cross border incident here, just stating what I know from my experience.
Regards Robert
What gets me is how people believe these shows are true and not scripted.

We had one on the gator show quit because the script called for him doing something he did not believe in.
Another one on the gator is laughing all the way to the bank and enjoys sitting in his nice; big; new house the show has brought him.

Then you have the guy on the logging show. He is crazier than the show makes him out to be but at least the show supports his bad habits.
We were in California 3 years ago, bought some stuff at an antique place and paid with a check, showed Louisiana drivers license for ID and the middle aged lady checking us out asked me where Louisiana was and if it was overseas.
What's funny to me is watching the guys on any of the shows having equipment problems. I remember several times on the Gold Rush show where they made a HUGE deal about a machine running out of fuel, and how it was going to mess up the machine and potentially end their season by putting trash from the bottom of the tank somewhere it didn't need to be. I guess they forgot about that the system has filters to prevent that...... Even worse, they showed a diagram of a fuel system once, and didn't even get it right.

Then they make like getting the fuel back into the system is a HUGE deal too, and then proceed to keep on trying to start the engine without bleeding the system. As they are talking about the tragedy of running out of fuel, and how nearly impossible it is to get fuel into the system, the primer pumps is being shown clearly in the picture, right beside the guys knee.

Yep, to call any of these shows "reality" shows is about as insulting to those of us that have real lives, and real jobs, as anything they could do.
We gave up on TV 2 years ago, just wasn't worth the time . I feel the same about watching sports, as watching reality TV, who cares which team wins? They all get paid ,win or lose, and a new season will start again in two months any way. Bruce
You mean you don't want me to watch pawn stars, american pickers, or modern restorations?

While in Vegas, I actually went to the pawn stars store, on the weekend when the pawn stars weren't there, kinda of neat place. I didn't buy anything, just looked.
My wife and I got rid of our television about 12 years ago and haven't looked back.

Well, actually, we still have a TV and a VCR/DVD player, but we don't have any external connection to it for broadcast programming,

Maybe when we're home-bound, we'll invest in another one, but for now, we're doing fine without it.

Tom in TN
this is exactly why we have had no programed tv in our house for close to 20 years.
oh and Louisiana is just south of us. GGG
Agree with most of the comments here. Don't watch much TV, but when I do, it's mostly old movies if there's a good one on. And that's in the winter or if the weather is bad. Surfing from Ch 2 through 196, I'll hit commercials on 90%, garbage on the rest. During the summer, I'm more interested in living my own "reality" than watching someone else's fake "reality".
I love "TWILA" but they have it on at such a bad time I don't get to watch it much. When I first got Direct TV it was on Wednesday nights back to back with Georgia Farm Monitor,but late afternoon on Thursday doesn't work very well.
Yes if I had to rely on RFD to watch it I never would also.
With the Louisiana Superstation; Southeastern College Channel; and the local parish channel all covering it we get several prime time viewings a week.

You could always watch it online.
They were talking about a record corn harvest in La for the 3 year in a row this week among other things.
We only have what ever the antenna will pickup and I don't even watch that. I waste my time on the internet. The Grand kids watch TV when they are over and the wife has maybe 2-3 shows she watches.

I agree with Bruce. The reality TV shows and sports are just not entertaining to me. Watching guys that make million of dollars play a kids game and then complain about how tough their life is. Not something I want to watch/support in anyway.

I used to watch movies but with most of Hollywood think they can be "experts" on all things an their opinion is more important than mine. So I don't support them either. Have not seen a "new" movie in 8-10 years.
How's Mike Dana doing? That was a tough break for him to get hit a second time around like he did.
I watch some of the reality shows. When I need a good laugh.Since I live in oil country. Black Gold is a really funny show. Those guys wouldn't last five minutes on a real rig.Cops is pretty good. Just can't believe people are that stupid.Even though I know quite a few officers that tell me some people are.
Ya,my brother in law in Kentucky is intrigues with that "Ice Road Truckers" crap. He can't believe they can drive on a road with ice on it.
I just have to laugh. I've tried to tell him that ice really isn't even slippery below a certain temperature. A lot of the roads are ice covered all winter here in Michigan. It doesn't stop people from driving 55-60 on them.
When the Olympics were in Atlanta a few years ago, I heard a fellow from New Mexico tried to buy tickets and was asked if he had a passport.

I'm frankly appalled at the lack of history and geography that is being taught in schools nowadays. And the history that is taught is usually revised with a abundant slant.

I remember studying about the Spanish Armada and Spanish Inquisition when I was probably in the third grade. And that was in a one room country school.
Before my FIL passed he would ask me over a couple of nights a week to watch TV. I enjoyed Swamp People because they not only showed how they did it they also showed how these people live and some of what the local communities were like. Pawn Starts was only interesting because the went into some of the history behind some items. Wasn't impressed with American Pickers. Ice road truckers was only interesting in how they build the ice road, I was bored to tears with Gold Rush and the 2 different logging show were interesting only because I'd never seen some of the equipment used. So there is something to learn even if it's darn little.

I don't have anything hooked up here but our TV is hooked up on the net. There are several sources to stream from and you can pick what you want and are not stuck paying for the junk.

How many people believe that NYC includes ALL of NY State. NYC is 305 square miles while NY State is over 54,000 square miles.
Seems when reporters say something about NYC all they say is NY. When the Twin Towers were hit I had someone on a messenger ask if everything was OK where I was and had to inform them NYC was close to 5 hours away. They were from Oregon and clueless.
SWMBO told me she ordered something over the phone and other end was shocked to learn we had trees and horses and grass.
Those of us in State of NY would rather NYC became 51st state as our taxes could be cut nearly in half.

To our Canadian friends, I know where you are (about 90 minutes north of me) :D
I don't remember what I was watching,but they were talking to somebody from Japan or somewhere. They were on a ranch and the guy said that from the impression he got on TV,he thought the whole United States was one big city.
We do NOT have cable. I usually watch Masterpiece on PBS and a couple shows. TOO much advertising of garbage. I try to watch "24" on the net. Look at who is controlimg the media.
John in La
Isn't Shelby from Ax Men also from Bedico? Have you ever met him or seen him? I liked the first season of Ax Men but after that it got so fake you couldnt even watch it.
Shelby lives in Lee's Landing. Nothing more than a boat launch on a dead end road.
But yes the closest gas or gallon of milk to him is Bedico so I have seen him before.

I try to avoid him like the plague because you may think he is crazy on the show; you have not seen anything till you have met him in person.
There's a chainsaw group on facebook, there's a couple guys on there who claim they keep Rygard's number in their phone so they know not to answer it. Claim those guys all get 100K a year plus the network provides all the equipment and the timber. Because the timber companies want nothing to do with the show. And Rygard will even leave his dad out on the mountain with no light and no vehicle at the end of the day, just drive off without him. Sounds like the guy's a real piece of work.
The long and short of the whole thing is, people in general don't want to watch "educational" shows. "BOOOO-RING!"

If networks like Discovery, History, etc. did not latch on to these high-drama "reality" shows, then there would be no Discovery, History, etc..

Sure there are a few who will sit for hours and watch an animal forage for food while some nerd prattles on about its eating habits and classical music plays quietly in the background. Just not enough to support a network. They would go broke in a few short months.

Shows like this put people to work, plain and simple. From the loggers who would not have a job if not for the show, to the production team, to the technicians and people back at broadcast HQ. Hundreds of people, who would otherwise be collecting their "unending unemployment" from the government.

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