Tresspasser on farm how do you handle it???


Well-known Member
You come back and discover someone on your farm Looking at your old tractor or the 47 REO truck by the silo!!!!!!!! The guy was older and and just looking. But parked right by a no trespassing sign. Not the first time it happend Had a couple guys looking over 2 tractors i have. Really don"t like it but wondering what all you guys would do????? For me i would at lest ask if i wanted to look at something.
Put up recording devices, & signs that say "SMILE YOUR ON CAMERA!" Wont stop them necessarily; but might help keep them in line. Video could also be shown to law enforcement, so they could go talk to them with hard evidence!
Today, play it smart and play it safe, be cunning, get their I.D. discretely if you can, license plates, whatever. I'm all for hidden recording devices, sure it may be innocent, but trespassing signs do mean something. They should ask in some form, not barge in and then ask.

I try to handle it here with some tact, that benefits me, and I don't put myself in situations that do not whenever possible, never know who you are dealing with, you hope and for the most part it's nothing, but one does have to be discerning today, be extremely observant and skeptical.
We have this sign at the Farm.... Any Questions ?
I don't worry too much about the ones I discover. They would be pretty stupid to pull something once I've seen them. If he looked innocent enough I'd probably ask him if there was anything I could help him with (and when he wasn't looking write his license number down) On the other hand if a guy looked suspicious at the very least I'd ask him who he was and what the heck he thought he was doing there. And if I felt it was warranted I'd hold him for the Sheriff. You know, like the guy you find actually loading items. I'm gonna make pretty darn sure he don't go nowhere til we get this settled.
On my farm, a few years ago, I caught two teenagers snooping around my equipment shed early one morning.
Walked up on them with my shotgun--not pointed at them---and they appeared to be terrified! While talking to them, I made their picture, which they didn't like, as they were walking back to the road.
Never saw those fellows again.
Another time, I did basically the same thing to some adults hunting on my property.
I asked them where they lived and they pointed to a house trailer at the back edge of my property.
I asked them if they had killed any squirrels and they showed me four. I then told them to continue their hunt but don't come back!
I also told them that now that I knew them and had their picture, they better hope nothing happens to any of my cattle.
Never saw them again.
It is my opinion that one has to be careful and not pi** someone off because they can come back and do you a lot of damage! Second time would be a different story!
Yes, some time later, I was told by a friend that one of the adult trespassers told him I was a nice young man but the got the message to not come back.
I came home once and saw an old strange truck parked on my land so I raised the hood and removed the coil wire. The dude came to me and after I reminded him this was my private property I gave him the wire and Ive never seen him here since.

Memorializing the event with good evidence such as names and license plate numbers and pictures etc and a record of the occurrence is what I would advise for my clients followed up by a call to the Sheriff and a police report. IE get it on record.

John T
I spend most of my day on the farm alone. I always have my phone on me in case I have an accident and need help (it was JD Sellers acquaintance with the silo that got me doing that). My phone has a camera. Snap photos of persons or license plates. Real easy to call sheriff folk too, since we all know each other. With one call I can have every neighbor assembled and ready. Calf out or stranger, it doesn't matter. We watch for things suspicious on each other's land.
As long as the guy was as you describe and not somebody who looked like they were on crack and looking guilty,I'd probably waste a fair whack of time talking to the guy.
I'd probably overlook it unless the guy came back.
Some people don't mean any harm and that's just there nature.You might make a new friend,he probably liked old trucks.Now,if he's rude and not very nice all bets are off and get off my property or i'll call the sheriff.
Try holding someone for the sheriff in ohio and you'll go to jail.The guy will tell the sheriff you held him at gun point and threaten to kill him and you would be in a lot of trouble.It's just your word against his.
My uncle did something similar. Took his 3020, chained to their bumper and pulled their car from blocking the gate to his pasture. Then locked the chain through the car frame and around a tree.

They got the message.

He also had some canoe folks camp on his land. He politely told them it was $20 per person. They didn't want to pay, so he went and collected at the canoe rental place. It was added to their bill. I bet they were surprised how that small town worked.
I would be friendly and say hi leave him alone and get rid of the no visitors sign people are so afraid someone gona carry their dirt off omg
As long as he was not carrying wrenches or parts, I would strike up a conversation. Have found a few guys looking at my stuff and reliving their younger years.
I'm pretty much a hard a**. I always ask and expect the same courtesy. Now if I drive by and see you in the drive and I like the looks of your old truck, tractor, etc. I'd stop and ask if I could look. If you're gone, I'll drive on by.

I have a year-round running permit for my dogs and the property is so posted. I've had folks stop who thought it was open to the public and inquire. I set them straight. I don't allow anyone I don't know to hunt and I don't let anyone run their dogs without me being with them--my dogs like to run too. I also want to be on good terms with my neighbors and a stranger has no clue to boundaries or property lines. When my dogs took a rabbit from my place to the neighbors corn field, the first thing I did was ask if that was okay. Keeps things friendly.

We live pretty far out and have No Trespassing signs around the house and barns, No Hunting around the fields and woods, and big dogs that are push overs, but intimidating just the same. Generally speaking, we try to get along with people, but there are limits that depend on them.

I remember reading about a Texas rancher that got tired of illegals trouncing over his place, stealing stuff, other things. Finally one time he pulled a gun and held three of them until the law came and I think carted them off. By the time all was said and done, some judge charged the rancher for holding them at gun point, gave him a whopper fine, and gave his ranch to the illegals. A couple of weeks ago, I heard on the news that some guy up in Wisconsin got tired of people cutting through his bushes, so he made a spike strip out of nails and maybe a board, I don't remember, and put it in the bushes. I think that someone stepped on it and he got into big trouble, because it sure made the news well outside of his state. The town or county came up with a new rule making what he did a big crime. My point is be careful, this world and our country are upside down these days, so be smart and careful. Don't allow a predator to turn him or herself into the victim at your expense, and these days, there's a lot of that going on, worldwide.

Good luck, keep a low profile, but be vigilent.

Had an old guy pull in the driveway and turn around real slow as I was working in the shop. I stepped out and asked if he needed anything, turned out 30 years ago he had been the hired hand on the place and was just feeling lonely, and reminiscent.
While I was still in the Army after my dad passed a few of the locals here thought they could do anything on the farm they wanted. Basically there wasn't much my mom could do. When I retired that came to a crashing halt. I started walking the property line every day with a rifle in hand. A state highway cuts through the property so people saw me, a lot as I would pause there in plain sight of the road. Never confronted or threaten anyone. The jerks who had been trespassing/poaching/hunting without permission were not happy but never said a word to me. I think most of them were afraid I was a little crazy and intimidated by that.

Two farms down there is a farm with absentee owners that I keep and eye on, cut the grass etc.
Drove by yesterday afternoon with daughter who was late for a hair appointment. Seen a vehicle on two farms down that did not belong. Could not stop to investigate as Daughter like Mother shall not have anything interfere with their plans.
Called neighbour 1st farm down to make certain the absentee owners were not up for the long weekend. 1st neighbour She said nobody was supposed to be there then mentioned she was at the police station due to a hit and run. Told 1st neighbour to tell the cops and send and officer out.
Called wife who was following 10 minutes behind and not in a rush.Told her that strange vehicle was two farms down and to slow down and get the license plate.
I was keeping cell calls brief as cops here charge heavy fines for cell use while driving. So I didn't all the cops myself.
Turns out both women have no brains. 1st Neighbour who was at cop station did not say anything to officer. She was sure upset and wanting cops there right now when I told her that three cords of firewood was missing from 2nd farm. Some valuable stuff dragged from house and piled up. 1st neighbour is now afraid somebody will rip her off next. Well duh, that did not occur to you until now?
Mrs B&D drove by and looked in 1st neighbours lane and proudly noted that nothing was amiss. I asked her find but what about two farms down where I told you? Well she didn't seem to know anything about that.
You're right Ray! My brother caught a guy breaking in at his neighbor's place, just south of Medina, and held him at gunpoint til the law got there. He thought he was gonna get in worse trouble than the burglar. Same guy had previously broken into brother's shop and painted "Now I'll kill you" on his concrete floor. Obviously nuts.
Last year a farmer found a 4wd truck stuck in his recently leveled rice field. The truck had done several thousand dollars worth of damage and the field was going to need to be leveled again so he took a track hoe and dug an 8' trench around the truck with a note saying they could get their truck when the damage was paid. It was covered by the local TV so more saw what could happen if they decided to go muddin. I never heard how it turned out but it was classic poetic justice.
I pulled into my property before deer season to work on a hunting shack. I started walking down the wooded lane with a hammer, nails and a few boards when I noticed a pickup up ahead. We've had problems in the area with tree stands being stolen. That is immediately what I thought was going on. I went back and positioned my car so they couldn't get out. As I approached the truck to take a picture of the license plate I saw movement inside. Thought I had them caught. I walked up ready to rumble, looked in the truck and saw more of her than she'll ever see of me! I asked the couple what they were doing, like I couldn't see. They didn't have a good answer, got dressed really fast, and politely asked me to move my vehicle. I did, they left, and I don't think they've been back.
Haha, that would be my oppinion. Around here, "pest" control involves:

12 or 20 gauge
50lb bag of rock salt
3 bad lookin dogs

Problem solved
(quoted from post at 23:06:20 07/31/14) I would be friendly and say hi leave him alone and get rid of the no visitors sign people are so afraid someone gona carry their dirt off omg
ure sounds like a city slicker comment,bet you've done your fair share of trespassing!
In Missouri it has to do with the conservation dept. Had an agent come out and I signed the papers due to people riding 4 wheelers in the creek and also stealing tractor parts from me

I'm with Randy, Ray and Cas. How bad can an older guy that likes old tractors and trucks be? How about a coffee can on the running board with a sign asking for donations for looking?
After having several things stolen and varies problems I have put locked gates at every entrance its a hassle but it keeps from having to constantly engage people that come to 'look'.BTW one of the guys they caught that stole my trailers and other property had a couple weeks before been up in the field where the trailers were 'just looking'.
I have that happen a lot. I just tell them that nothing is for sale and please leave. I took all of my stuff out back, 16 tractors, baler, rake, haybine, fitting tools, thinking it would solve the problem. Nope, people still walk out back and roam around. It bothers me some but not as bad as the tricks some play. The Craftsman 18 horse I use to do chores sets behind the house out of sight. I use it every night and morning. Started it one morning and the smoke rolled out of the exhaust and quit. I thought something broke like a piston to let that much smoke all at once. That evening I removed the plug and it was fouled with oil. I washed it out and gave to a try. It started and quickly died and the smoke poured out again. I puller the dip stick and it had oil clear to the top. Drained out more than twice the oil it should have. I filled the crankcase with diesel and drained it out, cleaned the plug again, put new oil up to the full line on the dip stick. That was late spring and it has ran without smoke and has not used oil. Other thing have been rain caps removed, switches turned on, gas lines loosened. pee in gas tanks and drawbar pins removed from swinging drawbars. I figure it is most likely ex employees doing the tricks getting even for me expecting them to come to work for a check and not be selling pot on the parking lot for extra money. I heard I was a bad person for setting in a dark office watching and then walking out and catching them selling. The ones roaming around always say they thought it was for sale or they heard it was for sale. I sharpened the blades on my Woods R59 two weeks ago. I had in front of the shed two days with the mower up in the air with an engine lift. I went out to mow and about 30 feet or so from the road I hit a rock that bent the center blade. The only way it could have got there would have been for someone to pitch it there from the road.
You tell them they are trespassing and to leave immediately.. If they refuse or come back again, its changed to aggravated trespassing. That changes the crime from a minor misdemenor to a level 3 misdemeanor.. If they have a weapon, its automatically bumped up.. If its night time, you can shoot first if you feel threatened. If the gate is shut, its trespassing.
Last weekend, I was driving through my property and found a car that had pulled off the main road and was resting just off to the side of my lane. I pulled up alongside and peered in. It was four people that looked to be in their mid 20's, all of the passed out. I honked the horn a few times. They finally awoke and rolled down their window. I asked them if they were Okay?. They said yes. I then suggested to them that they go back to sleep and sober up before getting back on the road and they are more than welcome to pull off at my place anytime.

They said thanks and slept it off.

At least they weren't out driving.
I get kind of perturbed when people ask me if a certain implement or item is for sale. I always tell them no, for two reasons.

One, is that it really isn't for sale.

Two, is that the only reason you'd know I had it, is if you were snooping on my property, and now I already don't trust you!

I tell ya, the nerve of some people. :(
I see trespassers it must be time to start target shooting.

If night a shotgun fired in any direction gets their attention.

Yes it helps to have a reputation of that crazy old guy down the road with guns.

Had some kids tear up a field with their 4 wheelers. I shot a shotgun a few times , not in their direction. Their dump butt father came back with a deputy and told him I was shooting at his kids. The deputy asked him where this took place. The father showed the deputy my field and said they were just riding there. I said nothing. The deputy pointed out my no trespassing signs and said if I was shooting at them they would be dead and charged the kids/parent with criminal trespass due to the damage. They cut a fence getting in too.

I know all the law around here.
(quoted from post at 16:15:52 07/31/14) As long as he was not carrying wrenches or parts, I would strike up a conversation. Have found a few guys looking at my stuff and reliving their younger years.

Same here. I have had some that were pretty shady come on the place - usually a 'What can I do ya for' results in a tongue-tied request for directions to some place and people I've never heard of followed by a retreat to their rig followed by a quick exit. Once, a couple of guys were getting pretty pushy so I excused myself long enough to retreat to the house and pick up my Mossberg. As I walked back towards them they back-pedaled to their outfit and LEFT ...... PRONTO! i don't know what was on their mind that day and have not seen them since to ask. But, they were an exception; mostly they are people with an interest in what ever it is that is 'on display' around here :D
(quoted from post at 13:13:44 07/31/14) You come back and discover someone on your farm Looking at your old tractor or the 47 REO truck by the silo!!!!!!!! The guy was older and and just looking. But parked right by a no trespassing sign. Not the first time it happend Had a couple guys looking over 2 tractors i have. Really don"t like it but wondering what all you guys would do????? For me i would at lest ask if i wanted to look at something.

Had this happen the other day...wife took care of him!
Still trying to get people next door to stay on thier side of property line they had surveyed, and sued us for DUHH! They have torn down several of our posted signs. Cops do nothing about it but tell us to stay off thier property or we'll be arrested. Working on learning trigger point of trail camera and will put it trained on new securely mounted posted signs. They gonna have to really work at getting them down and should be caught on camera. My thoughts are 1) tresspassing, 2) vandelizim(sp), 3) theft of property and anything else they can be charged with. We WILL press charges as they have been more than warned to stay off!!
the ranch i live on now we have our gate at the property line with a sign that says "no trespassing" 1/2 mile outside from where we live, however, we did have a "geologist" with i guess his wife and kid. walk up one day and i was out there first, i asked him if he noticed the gate and no trespassing sign and he said yea, but i am a geologist, i was going inside to get my gun and dennis was coming out, dennis nicely explained that they were trespassing and that he would not let any test done on our property and to not come back again. they ain't been back and that is not how i would have handled it, i would have given them a chance to run at gun point off the property. no trespassing means no trespassing as far as im concerned. when i had my own 40 acres, i was known as that crazy woman that was well armed. didn't have any trespassers. :)
Seems anytime talk of trespassers comes up, there's always some tough guys that want to go all Clint Eastwood on them. Well, go ahead. Just remember, not every trespasser is the same. Sorry for the crude language in the video clip.
of course i was raised to be invited to someone's place. i wouldn't even consider trespassing on someone's place uninvited. old school manners i guess.
find out who it is, and what there doing here first, somebody may need help, or have a ligitmate reason for coming here, if there obviously casing the place for either scrap or other goodies, first remind them, that up in town, the rich people have lawyers, and they'll use them, out here we have guns, and we'll use them
You run a trasspasser off and you are the one in trouble with the law, I know as I had that happen to me. And this group had been told to stay off before. Cost me over a thousand dollars.
I dunno.... I think if he was just looking at an old truck or tractor I'd probably just chat with him, find out who he is, etc... Sometimes I see stuff like that which interests me. Normally I go ask if it's permissible to look first... but sometimes if there's nobody around and it's out in plain sight of the road... I might go look.
I guess if this happens a lot mabey you want stuff somewhere other than out in plain sight..

Let me get this straight. These people have been warned to stay off of your property, go on it all the time anyway, and when you complain to the police, they just tell you to stay on your side of the property line or you will be arrested. Now after all of that you think the police will help you or arrest them if you get photographic evidence? Sounds to me like the police are friends of theirs.
Get this straight. Police do not like to be shouted/screamed at. Getting in a cop's face, no matter how "right" you and your cause are, instantly makes them not want to help you. No matter how duty-bound they are, they are still human beings and react in human fashion.

I know some of you guys get real "upset" so to speak if someone so much as kicks a pebble across your property line, and are not afraid to express it.

Calm, cool, collected, factual, professional. Be friendly to the officers. Call it a game if you must, but you must play that game if you want to win. Act like an overstimulated baboon, and you will find yourself on the wrong side of the police car door.
Seems anytime talk of trespassers comes up, there's always some wimpy guys that want to go all vaseline and bent over barrel for them.
That 47 Reo may be what is called an "attractive nuisance" and you may have to build a fence around it! He should have asked first, but hope he meant no harm.
I have the same signs as BradyW .. They get a chuckle out of friends and a weary look from others...Kind of makes them wonder ??
I'm with you Jocco - I'd never think of stepping foot on somebody else's property other than to go to the front door.

But - I also have a few friends that would think nothing of doing something like that. It's just how they're wired. There's not a bad or unfriendly bone in their bodies - they just don't have the common courtesy gene.

If it's just a couple of guys interested in a tractor/truck or whatever - well, I'd just roll with it, as long as they're friendly enough.

Knowing some friends who are like that makes it easier for me to understand it and be ok with it.

You can tell them they're not welcome to barge in, but it doesn't do anybody much good. Not like they're going to be stopping in daily - I think it'd be safe to assume it's a one time visit.
After re-reading here, might help to suggest over reacting is probably not the best policy either.

I don't particularly care for strangers doing things like the above or trespassing in general, however I try to deal with it accordingly. I've dealt with a scant few unfriendly people, whom made me glad I was armed, which they did not know. Thinking back, its seemingly rare, however I also never forget what happened to a good friend, 14 years ago this past June, who was being kind to a stranger, which got him shot in the head at point blank range for no good reason, and died within the hour, they never caught the person who did it and it was done in front of witnesses. So, you can't ever rule out, that people do these things, and always will, whether it happens to you is the luck of the draw, it does not hurt to be skeptical of anyone for any reason and conduct yourself accordingly.

Some weeks back, caught 2 teenage kids on dirt bikes, one got in a bind, got stuck, in a marsh, but I spoke with them for a bit, and they were just a couple of good kids wanting to ride, they knew my concerns, told them bluntly if you cross me, it won't work in your favor, but that was all, just a couple of kids, both had jobs, bought the bikes themselves, and had great attitudes, you'd hire these kids to do hay or something, so often times it is nothing. I exchanged numbers, called them to verify in front of them and said if you want to pass thru, here's the rules, just text me, like a friend does, I may spot check if I am home, but enjoy the ride and please don't do anything stupid, go fast etc., if I see or hear any of that, you are gone, they thanked me for not yelling and going that route, no problem I said, I try to be cool about it, won't hesitate to ask you to leave or put angle iron tire spikes out, all the neighbors know that. An owner does have the expectation of privacy, if the land is conspicuously posted per the NYS law and if they get flats, I don't worry, of course I've rarely put them out, nailed one years back, he never came back, they do work well, boards and nails are a joke, the nails bend. I have not heard from these kids since, and just one friend passes through on side by side to get to a neighbors house, whom sends me a message when he does. I can hear him and know what he drives.

I saw a '57 chevy bel-air convertible in an older shopping mall parking lot in the middle of the day, red with a white top, and I knew it had rare options, was admiring it, and taking a photo, when I saw the owners, man and his wife in the distance waving to me, CAUGHT red handed !!! LOL !

They came over and were the nicest friendliest people and I told them not only am I a fan, but I have a good friend and his dad who owned and was a fan of these era cars, so I thought I'd take a photo of it, being such an exceptional model with a bunch of options, in appreciation of it. They were so much fun to speak to, about the car and in general, let me take a bunch of photos, told me to hop in, (which I did very carefully and respectfully) so they could take a photo of me in it with my camera, I emailed them the photos later. Now the car was locked and parked, in a public place, I'd have never went on someones property to look at it without asking. They were a great couple too, he told me all the details, a dozen factory options, if I recall, I thanked them and said my friend and his dad will really enjoy the photos of this one, and hearing about it, they were so glad to allow me to do this, I never thought about sitting in it, nor asking, they insisted, here's a photo of me in that car, great little memory of meeting some kind folks who did not mind someone genuinely appreciating a classic such as they had. Great story behind it too, clean original, one owner kind of scenario.
(quoted from post at 12:57:59 08/01/14) find out who it is, and what there doing here first, somebody may need help, or have a ligitmate reason for coming here, if there obviously casing the place for either scrap or other goodies, first remind them, that up in town, the rich people have lawyers, and they'll use them, out here we have guns, and we'll use them

Good common sense there ericlb! We have folks come up our drive rather frequently for (mostly) legitimate reasons... to try to sell us something, ask for directions (our road is the same name as one in the city nearby), fix and paint the barn roof (had them do it), trim trees (hired them too) convert us to some religious offshoot, survey the neighbor's property (wanted to let us know he was doing it), working on the fence line in the back (go ahead, it's not my property anyway) wanting to hunt (not much to hunt on 8 acres, they think we own the whole 100 some!) deliver packages (UPS, FedEx, USPS) and sometime they just want to look at the llamas and take pics of them. One time saw three does running up our long drive, about a minute behind was a buck chasing them. Two minutes behind the buck were two hillbillies in a pickup charging up the drive. I intercepted them, told them this is private property... they turned and left.
The only problem with a sign like that is if you actually have to shoot someone. Some eager beaver DA will accuse you of plotting to kill someone.
Knew a guy back east who had an equipment repair shop and PennDOT was replacing a bridge right next to him on the highway. Before they started they were notified that they couldn"t park in his shop drive, they kept doing it anyhow, even though the foreman kept saying that he was telling them not to.

I guess a White 2-105 will pull a pick-up quite a ways out into a plowed, muddy corn field. Several of them, and a couple cars, actually.

Still not as good as pulling across the hood of the truck that"s parked out in the back of the back field, and lettin the slurry spreader rip.

I have found that a lot of lead sent downrange,in a short time, and one of the targets, with holes that can be covered by the fired revolver, hung from the mailbox, works as well.

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