OT pictures, Getting it done.

Lou from Wi.

Well-known Member
Well we got half the wood up. First time we've made it up ourselves in over twenty years from the woods. We always bought it log length in loggers cord.We had a choice, get charged $10.00 more a cord than we payed last year without warning, or do it ourselves. We chose the latter cause we have the equipment to get it out with. Dozer, bobcat, tractor, wood splitter, saws, and a great Son and Daughter. If it came down to a choice ( which we have) we could even buy oil or coal. I love it when you have options.

We called a couple more loggers, one foreman quoted us $85.00 per logger cord, but had to call the driver to schedule, so we called the truck driver the next day for scheduling, his reply was the Foreman should have never mentioned the price and it would be $95.00 per cord, and might be mid July or August. It looks like the logging industry was pitting prices against the home owners, just my opinion and observation.

This month I go in for eye surgery, left eye first, then the right eye in August. It will be nice to have the cataracts off. I got my hearing aids and they are wonderful.Still having a little difficulty with my false teeth. It'll all work out though.

I was watching TV and seen where Johnny Carson was interviewing Red Skelton, Red was asking Johnny Carson, " If there wasn't any Hell, where would we tell people to go?"

My sentiments exactly.


well here is what I have as of last Monday. Don't know if it's gonna be enough but I got to keep after those weeds in the garden too!
I remember the last post on this, you know what, actions speak louder than words and getting it done, is what its about LOL ! I've got most of mine bucked, time to split, good friend does too, we'll still be gathering thoough, so much out there still, another friend just ordered a log truck, with 8 cord/$100 each, I will loan him my splitter so he does not have to do it by hand. His wife put him through the ringer in a divorce for no reason, makes a ton of money, still wanted all his, 2 beautiful little girls he has 5 & 7, nice to be able to help, I had been letting him cut here, but its too far to truck with a pick up to his place, better to just buy and have it dropped at the house.

Hopefully the garden is doing well, what I planted is all green and lush, a lot did not get planted that should have, but health dictates sometimes, next year darn it LOL !!!
Thanks for the post,I can see that you are getting it done too. Nice of you to let the guy use your splitter, it sure saves the back and arms.As the years roll by, he will appreciate that. We have been fortunate in respects that the Good Lord allowed us to do what we do. Glad your garden is doing really good, ours is also producing very nice fresh veggies. Makes an old man smile lol. Hope you don't get ostracized for replying to my post,as I'm not the most popular person here.lol.
Pretty impressive woodpile, it sure will keep you warm come winter. I see you do the same as us, we use everything from the tops as well, we usually burn that in the spring and fall, and use the bigger split stuff during the hard cold times.It makes the forest look better with only little twigs that disappear by the following summer. Most of ours is red, white oak with a little maple in there. Some of the red oak we split 10 pieces off of the base, pie shaped back half was about 5 inches. Big tree that has died over the winter and would have rotted down and had no use to it other than sawdust. Like us we will continue on till all done. Might have the fall off this year with no wood to cut,just leaves to blow and vacuum up for compost pile.Keep safe,
David G,
Good for you,wish we had ours done.How many loggers cord do you go through a year?
If you get bored, we will still be cutting.lol
Stay warm this year,
I don't care about popularity Lou, those contests are for politicians, and we all know what they are.

I enjoy the things that we do in life, the work and the rewards for doing the work, I try to help others when I can. I'll set him right up, I've got all the extra tools and things to help make the labor less intense and easy on the back, may even spend a day up at his place to help. He's 20 miles east in the mountains, near my grandparents old small farm. Splitters do sit much of the year anyway, my way of being thankful to have acquired such a labor saver, by helping someone else. I help my other friend with wood too, we got him a nice pile, he's covered for next season now, and there will be a lot more, the darned heat is important so we do partner when we can, its always enjoyable, have a cold beer after and enjoy the simple things in life while together.

Was an off year for planting, had tmj on the jaw, was on pain meds which I hate, had to sit out some of the prime planting time, these things can and will happen, + was lacking some supplies and badly needed things, well I have all of those now, so next year I will be all set. Small greenhouse, fencing, lawn sweeper for my mulch, somehow I pulled of obtaining all those items. Even went through my pride and joy 7HP Kohler troy bilt tiller, fully serviced, ready to go. A vegetable garden can have its ups and downs, but I'll plant one until such time I am unable to, my grandad started me with tomatoes, before I was old enough for school, I have continued that almost every year since, and though I don't have the variety I usually have, there are 30 tomato plants in, at least 5 varieties.

Its always great to see others doing similar things, garden, firwood, working on the tools and equipment needed and having the passion to do all of it, this is what we do, are thankful to have and enjoy what we can of it !
I was watching TV and seen where Johnny Carson was interviewing Red Skelton, Red was asking Johnny Carson, " If there wasn't any Hell, where would we tell people to go?"

This is the way we do ours. Saves time and labor by eliminating the stacking. Store two summers before using.

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