What bites at night and leaves a blistering welt ?

Billy NY

Well-known Member
I don't know what it is, but for as many years as I can remember now, at least 10, every year, almost the same time, late June, July, early summer, I get nailed while sleeping, at first it looks like the worst a mosquito bite could get, (and lately for years, rarely do those even effect me anymore)

It seems this happens once, every summer, don't recall it happening any more than that, so I am good for another year.

It leaves a welt bigger than a silver dollar, and blisters up in the middle at the where the darned thing set up its drill rig LOL !

I've checked my bedding, what have you, late at night, with a super bright light, no sign of anything, just the annual event, they kind of itch, and can go from a rasberry red to a slight red in color, swell up a bit, not like dermatitis with say Urushiol from poison ivy or similar, that will itch and drive you nuts. Everyone is different in regards to these things, it lasts over a week, worst skin reaction is below the belt, on the legs, one on the abdomen is not nearly as bad as the ones on the legs.

They look similar or the same as images of chigger bites I saw on the web, which blister in the middle. Darned things have to get you when you are asleep, its baffled me for years now, have considered spiders, but nothing seems to match up, anyone else deal with anything like it ?
I have thought that is the only thing it could be, but I've torn the room apart looked under the fin tube radiators, used the shop vac, comes back every summer. Looks worse than it is, this years don't look nearly as bad, last year it almost looked like necrosis, but it was not, not sure about brown recluse spiders around here, but if I got nailed this many times by one of those, it would have to be a lot worse, sooner or later something has to give, bedbugs leave a blood mark, these don't, and those you can find if you look close enough, and they would bite you daily, and of course I've been now where else but here anyway. One on the back of my leg is red the diameter of my coffee mug LOL ! Welted up a bit too, but tolerable, have not had to put any anti itch ointment on, just ignore the darned things its all in your head, must be aliens coming in at night LOL !
everyone in my house gets bit in the night except me. they don't swell up as bad as you describe, but more like a mosquito, or bee sting type. Maybe they just know That I am to sour and don't taste very good. Not like the lovely wife and grand daughters.
I get that at the yearly physical, definitely don't need any extra prostrate examinations at night LOL! Just strange, I got nailed a few days ago, maybe 2 days in a row, then nothing last night, so should be good for the year, its the darnedest thing, not knowing what the heck is going on when your sleeping, and being under the covers, no flying insect is going to get you, has to be something that crawls.
im almost certain it's spiders. it used to happen to me every year, so i went and got some of those roach foggers, 2 in the bed room and 3 more around the house. come back a few hours later open all the windows and doors for awhile to air out and no more problems. hope this helps.
I would also say a spider or deer fly.........if it aint that then maybe the wife or (ex-wife)
Unfortunately up her is SD, I set the thermostat at 76. I like it cooler than that, by SWMBO. gets cold at night. So at 76, I sleep on top of the covers with just underwear on, and she is cuddled up underneath the covers and right up against me. She gets bit, and I don't.
Sounds like a spider to me. Over the years I"ve heard the same thing from folks several times, and even read articles where someone finally found a spider hiding inside the box spring, having gotten in there through a tiny hole somewhere, or inside a wall, having gotten in the same way.

I know everyone is different in the way their body will react to different bites, but other than a spider, or maybe a horse or scorpion fly, I can"t think of anything but a spider that would pack that much of a punch and not be big enough for you to see, or notice crawling on you and wake you up.
FWIW, I bought a few of those little LED lights that clip on to the bill of your cap and in the dark they light up spider eyes just like coon eyes in a spotlight.
SPIDER happens here as well. those little buggers crawl in under the cover NOT on top. I get maybe one every couple years, wife gets them every year. seem to be a week or so and then no more. Must have something to do with weather or mating season or something. I have accidently caught one of them when I woke up at night and felt it crawl over me. managed to squish it till I could get my hands on him. Just a big spider.
We put glue traps behind every piece of furniture in the house including the beds. In and under the kitchen cabinets. Try to change them out every couple of years. It is amazing how much they catch. Spiders included.
Billy, I think you are getting bit by blister beetles. You are probably getting the beetle on you outside and bringing it in. Google blister beetles and blister beetle bites
Spray around the outside and under your house if you can with TEMPO. That will stop any spiders and most other bugs. We get them all of the time with these old farm houses having rock foundations.

If it's a brown recluse bite, you will know it in short order, for sure. My nephew got bitten by one. Pretty intense pain right away, compared to other bug bites. Necrosis began within a few hours... turned purple and infected-looking ooze. Pain and swelling intensified.

Told sis to get him to the doctor in case it was a brown recluse bite. Doctor said, you will not believe this because they are rare in MN... but your son has been bitten by a brown recluse.

He lost a patch of flesh larger than a deck of cards on the top of his foot... flesh just rotted off. It was nasty.
It could be fleas. My wife is allergic to their bite and gets welts like you describe. Only happens when it's warm and they're active.
(quoted from post at 04:25:21 07/13/14) It could be fleas. My wife is allergic to their bite and gets welts like you describe. Only happens when it's warm and they're active.

While my guess is a spider,
I agree with Tom, that for some people flea bites can get nasty.
Asked my sister once if she tangled with a bees nest, nope, just some fleas that her cat brought in. She looked like someone attacked her with a bat with a nail in it.

old house here, lots of spiders.
dang silk strands when ya walk around.
fogging the attic and basement regularly helps.
mothballs in every 'dead' space you can find helps too.
I've considered those, but I had them in an apartment one time, was delivering roof trusses in a rural area of vermont, owner talked me into going up this driveway and the trailer got pinned against a tree, iced up driveway, so I rode with him and this mangy one foot in the ground old lab, with fleas and I took them home with me, you could see them, tiny little bit marks, and lots more of them, just no comparison to these, and you would see them. YOu never know, but I hoping I don't ever see any fleas, I don't have any dogs or cats, but there are feral cats or ones from peoples homes running around all the time outside.

Definitely going to take in consideration all the suggestions here, spiders are abundant, I do need to spray around the house for sure.
Much appreciated, all the suggestions, ideas etc., these are some unsightly welts for sure, hopefully I can mitigate this problem, lot of area to cover, every darned year it happens is what gets me LOL !
LOL ! you mean possession mark right ?

Well they are just as prominent, nasty looking today, more like poison ivy now, darned things !
Ive had three bites that sound very similar, with the last one I believe I found the offending little critter and it was indeed a spider, smaller than recluse but brown, the bite area ended up about the size of a dollar coin and looked like some kind of flesh eatin disease before it started to finally heal about a weeke later... very ugly and very painful
Sounds similar, well I'll ransack the room and get started on mitigating insects, I know there are spiders in the garage/basement, so I've got some work ahead of me I am sure. It is necrosis looking, at times as I think back over the years, I did take a few photos last year and now, this year its just blistered, and red, not the rasberry red with various shades and or depths of red.

Its kind of like a bad spot of poison ivy, medical people generalize that into dermatitis, but the one thing different, is it just does not itch nearly as much, you know its there, but can ignore it.

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