
Well-known Member
On this site at several places, such as tractor tales, tractor talk, etc.
This week I have counted at least 39 cases of misspelling, and aboot 69 instances of poor grammar.
No one has scolded the authors of those issues.
But everytime I misspell or use bad grimmer,there are a lot of people that try to "JUDGE" my intellect level, and scold me for it.
"Why is every body always picking on me?"
It's a public forum and there are always going to be people like that. I had a guy bust my bearings because I posted a question on two forums recently. Mostly I just let that kind of nonsense go by but that day I took offense. Some folks just seem to feel they have to police other folks. Whatever floats their boat I guess. Seems like they would have better things to do. Blow it off.
Been there done that lol Been on the receiving being scolded side I mean. I learned over almost 20 years on here NEVER SAY NEVER AND NEVER SAY ALWAYS because as sure as the world the dudes who lurk in the bushes just looking for one small bit of mis information crawl out of the woodwork and scream I GOTCHA LOL. They may never contribute otherwise but love to play gotcha. Although most others are polite and professional about it and offer opposing opinions and corrections with respect, not ridicule. Oh well it takes all kinds and it goes with the territory, but all in all theres a fine group of gentlemen on here who are kind to help folks.

Speaking of mis use of the Kings English, the one I find hilarious is people who say IRREGARDLESS. Far as I know MAYBE JUST MAYBE BUT MAYBE NOT LOL NEVER SAY NEVER the word is REGARDLESS.

John T Engineer and lawyer but NOT an English major, so no warranty take it or leave it at your own peril
LOL! Some of us just do it on purpose, from time to time, hoping to stroke out "the grammar police"!

Trouble is the "grammar police" aren't always the most knowledgeable folks when it comes to tractor repairs.

(And, I suppose it works the other way around, as well!)

Harvey, you are new here so you haven't seen the many criticisms over the years for grammar and spelling errors. You, however, purposely alter spelling of various words so that the spelling mirrors how they would be pronounced by a person with a specific accent. This is very different from mistaken grammer and spelling. You obviously enjoy doing it so I suggest suck it up and enjoy the rare criticism too.
John t you will like this at 1:55. Bill
barney miller
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Harvey, sometimes I misspell a word on purpose. Being frum the Saowth, we po' ignernt fokes ain't suposed to no haow to spell, ennyways. If anyone doesn't like the way I spell or phrase a sentence, that's their problem, I have more important things to be concerned about. Personally, I find much of your conversation quite amusing. I understand what you are saying even with the spelling, and have no problems with it. Some folks just need to get a life!
You have made an assumption. You judge that we are uneducated because we choose to misspell words. We do this to bait and annoy the spelling police. We have obviously baited and annoyed you so we shall now move on to our next victim. LOL
Yall best ta wach how yous spelling them thar words
My grammer died years ago. On the udder hand my grammer would have never been able to figure out my grandy kids text messages. I didn't know us unedgeamacated dingalings were not supposed ta post on this site. Best advise I could give those that judge spelling or grammar would be when you see a post from the dumber than a rock person like Dick L skip reading it. Ya kant be offended by something ya dint reed.
The levels of language proficiency vary widely on this forum, and some who have the most practical knowledge and the best solutions to problems do not express themselves well. We do not critique their spelling, usage and grammar because we value their participation and do not want to drive them away. As long as we can understand what is being said, we usually let it go at that. If someone is so challenged that his post comes out as gibberish, we generally just do not respond, rather than flaming him.

You come under fire because of your faux Norwegian-accent postings, which many of us find more annoying than clever. Its one thing to lack the ability to communicate well, and quite another to choose not to, just to irritate others.

Tractor Tales is a unique situation. The pidgin-English banter back and forth is enjoyed by the participants, and that's fine with me. I even join in sometimes. And when we misspell something, we know we're doing it.
Using irregardless instead of regardless shows you have a larger vocabulary than those that only use regardless. It's a step up in the bar scene to use flowery words, even when made up, when giving advise. When you get home you can think back and say I really impressed those guys. :)^D
irregardless has always been a quiet gripe of mine as well.
I might be a bit too frank in what I have to say but here goes anyways. I don't get too worked up over misspells because I figure most of it is due to the fingers being out of synch with the brain. I have to slow down to type the word "because" due to my right hand being a fraction of a second faster than my left otherwise it becomes "becuaes" which we know is not a word in at least the English language. I am sure if most of us took an old fashioned spelling test we could pass no problem but all the years of smacking our hands with hammers and such has reduced the dexterity of said hands.
The mind can also be a funny thing. Some common words that I know from school just seem like they have been stuck in the corner of the mind so long it takes more time to double check spelling than it is worth. At least on Jeopardy my guesses pan out over 2/3's of the time. Also, my mind is sometimes figuring more than one approach as to constructing a response and sometimes two approaches "merge" unintentionally on the screen.
Lastly, if I recall correctly you are the gentleman who likes to work the "Dutch" into your responses. The biggest problem with that is we don't know you which is to say we don't know if you are doing that to flatter us or mock certain people. My paternal grandparents put up with a lot of baloney because of their German background back in the day by non-Germans. And I don't mean friendly razzing either. So maybe I am a little sensitive to a little shenanigans here on the net.
Myster Shadetree Ret,
Yo make a gud point.
The only reason I put this one oot is to let sum folks know that I don't care vhat day thank.
As long as i'm not violating a commandment or law I couldn't care less what others say as long it doesn't cause the person signing my pay cheek to sign sum other ones name to it.
When I was on the road engineering the semi-truck on the highways and byways and talking on the CB radio, a great many of people wood ask if I wuz from Boston,or London they all thought I was a college english professor. So I thout maybe that I shud talk more like the masses.
I'm able to git a good nites sleep every nite.
Cielito Lindo
I just find it annoying. Similar to the difference in how some posters talk on this board vs. "downstairs". Reminds me of slang when CB radios became popular. Something makes people talk differently.
John T:

According to the WEBSTER'S New Twentieth Century Unabridged Dictionary - "irregardless" is actually a correct word.

"irregardless, a. and adv. regardless: a substandard or humorous redundancy."

Just thought you'd like to know . . .

Trying to recall a Mark Twain line...

"Ain't never had no use for nobody that spelt all his words the same as everbody else anyway!" LOL
Going through school I was one of the 10 percent the teachers kept passing to the next grade, whether we knew anything or not. if it wasn't for my fingers, and calculators, I couldn't I add. As for spelling, all I can say is thanks for spell check. In high school my best grades were in metal shop and wood shop. The other classes were c's and below. About the only thing I would have changed in school is getting to know the girls better. Stan
check yer back-lol
I love the USA; but ever sense I have bean hear I have had trouble understanding the eonglish language.
I regret that I cannot spell as well as most folks. I was identified as having a learning disability while in High School. Dyslexia I believe is what the teachers called it. I have to struggle with even the simplest words. Keeping the letters in the correct order is always a fight for me. Has this held me back in life? Not sure that it has . Have I been called out on my inability to spell? Yes! I think it has made it easier for me to for give short comings I find in others, being far from prefect myself. For me it has always been more important to know how to plant crops , milk cows, fix broken equipment , and be a honest man . So for me, spelling and good grammar are just another thing I have little control over, but I do my best. Don't get me started on numbers , sheesh!! Never ask me to give you a phone number. Needless to say, my wife keeps the books. Bruce
I often skip over your posts, due to the annoying faux accent spelling.. I think you would find much better acceptance, if you used normal spelling..
Harvey 2, I think you have stirred the pot tonight. I have a backup, my wife. If I write something important, she always proof reads it.

My best day of school was my last day. When they said brains, I thought they said trains and I missed mine.
You know, I spent about 5 minutes typing a logical, meaningful, respectful response to this post. After all, Im one of the ones who thinks you sounds/type/whatever like a child, but I decided against that. You evidently are lacking in something that makes you think your so unimportant, or your very lonely, that you must post in a fashion that makes you feel like a big man. So be it! If your that insecure, Ill let you be from now on, and just ignore your attempt at being a "man".
(quoted from post at 16:34:41 07/01/14) On this site at several places, such as tractor tales, tractor talk, etc.
This week I have counted at least 39 cases of misspelling, and aboot 69 instances of poor grammar.
No one has scolded the authors of those issues.
But everytime I misspell or use bad grimmer,there are a lot of people that try to "JUDGE" my intellect level, and scold me for it.
"Why is every body always picking on me?"
I have known many a person over the years that had little to no formal education and very poor spelling.
Many of those I have great respect for as what they have accomplished in life speaks for itself.
You will not find me picking on somebody who's spelling is less than stellar, I could really care less.
Now you on the other hand go out of your way to attempt to make a mockery of the english language.
You have admitted counting posts with bad spelling and grammar so I will assume you have a good command of the english language or you would not be able to identify those errors.
You seem to have the impression that people are trying to judge your intellect.
Nobody is trying to judge your intellect level.
First impressions tend to do that on there own, and you go out of your way to come across as something you are not.
If you are a person who would be comfortable in a situation where everybody was intentionally mocking proper english then so be it, but speaking for myself and probably a few others on this board. Life is too short for bovine feces.
I know a few young folk who walk around with there pants half way down there hind side that might enjoy your talk as well I know others who would find your manner very insulting.
I can't tell you who you should try to appeal to or please.
I am just trying to give you an idea of the impression of yourself are making to others.
Your choice.

I have no issue with your posts, but tend to avoid reading them because they are hard to follow.

I do not ever know if you are doing this for a joke or for real.
Grammar what the heck is that??? It was all I could do to get by in English Class in high school.
Now Science and math that was a different story and had high grades.
I look at it this way Judge not least you be judged in the same manner that you so judge>>.. So where does that statement come from??????????
Bruce - There's a 'support' group for folks with your problem. It's called "DAM"- Mothers Against Dyslexia"......
never mind the spelling of the English language as it is suppose to be the texting generation is taking excellent care of that
i never really realized before i saw the movie "johnny dangerously" how much i enjoy butchering the English language, or any language i can get my tongue on for that matter. i enjoy going down to the basement (tales) and letting my hair down and expressing myself in the worst grammar and spelling i can come up with, and i enjoy everyone else's fun with it. up here i realize that some folks carry a big stick up there (fill in blank_____) so i proof read and spell check to please (or not offend) the masses. ain't as much fun, but i do it. just saying
I've said it before and I'll say it again. People on here give free advice. If it's too much trouble to figure out what someone is asking then there will be few if any good answers. If you know the answer but nobody can figure out what you are saying, then you wasted your time answering.

Both of my parents attended one room schools and were taught to much higher standards than many posters on here claim to have been. I went to grade school in what was then (1960s) one of the poorest (in dollars) school districts in Indiana, but most of my teachers and both of my parents cared. And as a result it does bother me when people write poorly and then claim that they didn't learn any better.
EXACTLY why I said "No warranty" and "maybe just maybe" lol to cover it just in case whewwwwwwww glad I did, it proved correct to NEVER SAY NEVER LOL

John T
All I got to say on the matter is, you wail and cry about people not speaking English, and how English should be the "official language of AMERICA, by Constitutional amendment," the least you can do is make a concerted effort to use the language properly yourself!

You see two people speaking Spanish to each other on the street, and throw a temper tantrum... "Why can't they speak ENGLISH?!?" Then when your forum post is a incomprehensible run-on sentence with misspelled words and no punctuation, and someone calls you on it, it's "I'm not no college-edumacated person. Who cares as long as the message gets across?"
This has nothing to do with the original post,I'm staying out of that one,but I'll tell this story about what you said. We had friends here from Sweden and Denmark a few years ago,deer hunting. The boys took the Danes to the mall. These guys aren't poor by any means or obviously they wouldn't have been here just to hunt. They had spent a considerable amount of money at the mall and were walking along having a good time,speaking Danish to each other. Some woman (and I use the term loosely) said "Speak English you fu##ing foreigners!"
Not a proud day for me to be an American hosting these guys.
"Well i"ll swanie!"
I counted 56 different opinions,didn"t know I had that great of following.

Thanks to all that had a positive and negative comment.

Now I don"t know what to do, bake a cake or cut a watermellon.

Hvordan si ha en gad day
I agree 100%.

I once did proof reading for a newspaper, so I may be a bit more sensitive to the issue.
Kind of surprised that no one caught the last sentence. I'll add another. "Who called the English teacher daddio" - Charlie Brown!
Well Harv, It's kind of hard to take a guy to seriously who types in a phony German accent seemingly on purpose.
And there's another group that protests against society's prejudice against dyslexics. Their motto is "Dylsexics, Untie!"

I met a dyslexic atheist one time- he was trying to convince me that there is no doG.
Far too often, those who decide to beat up other individuals over their grammar and spelling seem to have nothing worthwhile to say themselves. The alleged correlation between spelling/grammar/sentence structure and a persons intelligence is over-rated. I'd much rather read a misspelled, poorly structured sentence that has content worthy of my time than a correctly spelled, well punctuated load of BS.

And then there's the fact that some people glory in beating down another person in any way possible so as to lessen their own feeling of inadequacy.

My opinion? I couldn't possibly care any LESS how you spell or phrase a sentence so long as you have something intelligent to add to the conversation.
As the fellow on the call-in radio show said just a few days ago. "Weuns ouda thow out them furners and imgrunts that ain't never lernt to evin speak proper english." Hmmmmm!
(quoted from post at 00:58:31 07/02/14) I've said it before and I'll say it again. People on here give free advice. If it's too much trouble to figure out what someone is asking then there will be few if any good answers. If you know the answer but nobody can figure out what you are saying, then you wasted your time answering.

Both of my parents attended one room schools and were taught to much higher standards than many posters on here claim to have been. I went to grade school in what was then (1960s) one of the poorest (in dollars) school districts in Indiana, but most of my teachers and both of my parents cared. And as a result it does bother me when people write poorly and then claim that they didn't learn any better.

I don't think that I have ever seen any one post on these forums about what a good education they have.

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