Greg K

Well-known Member
Do you think people would get as many if they gave them with something like this? It came from grandpa's after he passed. They used it to tatoo hogs instead of an ear tag. Just put the letters you want in it, dip them in ink, whack the hog on the rear, and voila! Instant ratio.
Hey Greg.

I dont know about your machine (cant see it) but it always amazed me that people that can't feed, clothe themselves and can't afford to house themselves have all the spare cash to get elaborate tattoos all over their bodies.

Oops forgot the pics, dummy :)

I never saw the attraction either.Ok one or two , ok I guess, but some people are covered from their knuckels to their ears I see that and just think "Ick" why would someone want to look like they just got done serving 20 to life
Wife knows a couple of tattoo artists. Most of their work is done around income tax time. People with low income and child tax credits. They spend the refund on tattoos and don't have money to buy food when the food stamp benefits are used up around the 20th of the month.
My Uncle Chuck had tattoos--he was in the Navy-- and told me it was the dumbest thing he ever did. Kind of stuck. I don't understand how women can get such large tattoos. I'd like to see what they think 20-30 years from now when the ink is all faded and they are just gray blobs.

I've put this old frame of mine through a lot of trauma and maltreatment over the years, but I've never had the slightest urge to deface it with a tattoo. And that's after ten years in the Marine Corps.

In fact, the Corps has cracked down on tattoos bigtime. Several years ago, a directive came out that no tattoo was permitted that could be seen while wearing any authorized uniform. In other words, if you were standing in your skivvy shorts and no one could see a tattoo, you were legal. Marines who already had a tattoo had to have them entered into their SRB's to be grandfathered in.

The Corps may have backed down a bit on that, I'm not sure.
Brad. They are displaying their ignorance, so everynody will notice em. It surely wont impress their maker when their time comes.
Regards , LOU.
We used tattoo hammers like that at the Wilson Foods packing plant. They tattooed a number on incoming hogs so the carcass could be identified as to where it came in from. No more Wilson Foods, no more hog kill, just a rich chicken plucker making bologna.
Some of the guys at work have just one. They did their ring finger. Just a simple band around the finger. Working on cars and trucks for a living. Its dangerous to have a ring on. That way they have their wedding ring all the time. David
I suppose when or if they divorced thats another thing that gets removed.(the finger).lol
Can't give the finger to the spouse & her
My oldest granddaughter emailed us a pic of her first tattoo. It's a dainty one on her upper arm that says "I will always remember you" in dainty lettering arranged in the shape of a heart. In the middle is "6/28/02" the day her mother passed away.
LOU, They all have rings. Just a way to keep the wife happy. They can leave the ring at home. I seen a lot different guys running around looking for their ring at the end of the day after they took it off in the morning. David
Do a little searching and you"ll find that tattoos have been applied with a device similar to what you are showing. A look on Wikipedia shows basically the same thing used to mark a D on deserters at one time. Too, "native" tattooing is done using a piece with a "needle" that is dipped in ink and then driven into the skin with another piece that is used as a hammer to strike it. In other words there are ways to get them that are just as, if not more painful, and folks still jump to get them done.

Personally I"ve got a fouled anchor with my rating symbol (a propeller) in the middle of it on my right, upper arm, just below the shoulder. I got it there so it wouldn"t be visible when wearing a shirt sleeve shirt. In reality though I don"t really care if people see it or not, or if they like it or not. The night I got it, I had drawn up designs for several other guys and gone with them for "moral support" to get them put on. We came away from the shop in Naples, Italy with me getting the tattoo, and them all chickening out. Basically it was something I got, for me, as a permanent reminder of something I did that meant a lot to me and was an important part of my life that caused me grow into the man I am today.

Check out the link to read a little about Sailor tattoos. Basically the anchor (in many cases fouled, at least the ones I remember seeing) is for sailors that served in the Atlantic. Taken with the propeller that is the rating bade for a Machinist Mate, and then the letters USN (in red white and blue) under it, it"s something that speaks to 6 unforgettable years of my life where I learned a lot, and got to travel around the world and see more countries, and experience more history, than most normal folks (like me)would/will in their life time.

During the time I spent in I saw a lot of really great tattoos, and a lot of really awful ones. In most all cases they were reminders of people, places, things, etc that had a profound meaning to the guy who got it. True, there were plenty of others that guys got just because. One, for instance, was a guy that has Your name tattooed on his butt. He won many, many free drinks with that tattoo because no matter who he bet that "I"ve got your name tattooed on my butt", he did in fact have "your name" in nice, bold letters. I still haven"t figured out the one that had a bumble bee on the head of a more private area....Now that was way beyond extreme......
Sailor tattoos
I was a San Diego Sailor. Remember this song?
I have one on my bicep. Got it when I was 18 years old.
A T-Shirt sleeve covers it. Never saw the attraction in the gaudy.

Goose, the Navy tightened their restrictions on tattoos also.
But guys (who did not survive a sunken ship) can now wear ear
rings in uniform and don't ask - don't tell was only the beginning.

Times change I guess. Sometimes for the better I'm told.
I have two--first one was 2 years ago at age 66 and then the second one recently at age 68.
both on my upper arms--first one was my first dozer
Cat 1939 R2--second one a 1936 dodge fire engine that i went on my first alarm 51 years ago
I got one over a year ago. My dad wasn't too happy but after he saw it he understood why I got it. It's a cross with a cancer ribbon to honor my pap who passed away. I didn't get it to impress anyone, its there for me and no one can see it if I have a t shirt on. I made sure the tattoo artist knew not to go below the sleeve so could keep it covered at all times.
Wayne. I will agree with you about the Navy. It was quite an adventure for me right off the farm in 64. As I look back, I don't regret it a bit. I was also a machinist mate (aviation) Stan
I don't have any. When I was young enough to want one I just couldn't afford it with a wife and kids. Now that I can afford it I don't see the sense in it. I don't hold it against anyone for having them but some people take a good thing way to far. A friend of ours (female) got one of a dolphin jumping over her belly button when she was just out of high school. She is now mid 30's and has had a couple of kids. She regrets it. The wife's sister called on Saturday to tell my wife that she got her first tattoo. She's 56 years old.

don't understand them
exwife divorced me after 16 years of being married. She told me she was getting a tattoo on Saturday with some friends. I told her I didn't want to be married to someone with tattoo's. 6 years later she has no visible tattoo's. did not ask and don't care if she has tattoo's where I can't see
I don't have any tat's, never saw the sense or draw in defacing your body permanently. Now it's a fad, get a bunch of tats to be an individual...because all your friends are doing it. Duh. Around here we're awash in over conditioned heifers and cows that are covered in tats. The lower the income, the more tats it seems. And I personally don't want to be waited on at any business establishment by some freak with tats running up his neck and face, elongated ear lobe holes, foul language written in the tats, naked women or other body parts in the tats, etc. Yeah, it's your body, you're free to do with it as you will. But I don't have to be around offensive, disgusting people if I choose not to be. Why any business owner outside of a bar or brothel would hire someone covered in tats I can't understand.

These days being as offensive as possible seems to be popular. That's a fine example of why this nation is in the crapper and headed downhill.

Meanwhile, tattoo removal is a growing business frequented by people finally coming to their senses. Of course the taxpayer is funding a lot of that too!
I will assume that most of y'all are older.

I'm 29 and got my first at 19, my second at 22, and plans for more.

They don't change who I am, how hard I work, or how smart I am. It's just ink that I chose to have put on my body.

A piece of trash individual would be a piece of trash with or without ink.

Anyhow tasteful tattoos amaze me, random ones are just stupid.
(quoted from post at 00:35:04 06/24/14) Brad. They are displaying their ignorance, so everynody will notice em. It surely wont impress their maker when their time comes.
Regards , LOU.

I have one on my upper arm, intentionally places where it can be concealed in settings where they would not be considered appropriate. To get a tattoo was my choice, and one I do not regret.

Lou from Wi, you state persons with tattoos are displaying their ignorance. Opinions are like you know what, everyone has one. My opinion is you are showing your arrogance in the statement you make, thinking you are above someone with a tattoo.
I'm with you Rick, I don't have or want
any nor do I begrudge anyone that wants to
have them. I really dont understand the
people who want them all over their
Tattoos are used to express individuality - so you can be like everyone else that is expressing their individuality by risking skin infection, allergic reactions and hepatitis.
I liked it alot better when only bikers, convicts ,and sailors had tattoos. If you want to read about a guy who tattooed do a google search on Cappy Coleman. He worked out of Norfolk and tattooed sailors from 700 AM to midnight every day. If you couldn't work the hours he fired you. He died a multi=millionaire .He slipped and fell into the river and left 2 million to the orphanage and money to the church.
I don't like tats, but have seen some tasteful ones and more lately in rememberance of lost loved one. Your body to decorate or deface as you see fit. What really irks me is the "takers" that don't have enough money for food, rent and the other essentials and are sucking on the public teat for them, but have plenty of money for beer, cigarettes, drugs and tattoos.
(quoted from post at 09:07:02 06/24/14)
(quoted from post at 00:35:04 06/24/14) Brad. They are displaying their ignorance, so everynody will notice em. It surely wont impress their maker when their time comes.
Regards , LOU.

I have one on my upper arm, intentionally places where it can be concealed in settings where they would not be considered appropriate. To get a tattoo was my choice, and one I do not regret.

Lou from Wi, you state persons with tattoos are displaying their ignorance. Opinions are like you know what, everyone has one. My opinion is you are showing your arrogance in the statement you make, thinking you are above someone with a tattoo.

Well said. I don't have any tattoos and have no plans to get any.

Isn't freedom of choice one of the things that our greatest generation fought for?
(quoted from post at 03:40:36 06/24/14) I don't have any tat's, never saw the sense or draw in defacing your body permanently. Now it's a fad, get a bunch of tats to be an individual...because all your friends are doing it. Duh. Around here we're awash in over conditioned heifers and cows that are covered in tats. The lower the income, the more tats it seems. And I personally don't want to be waited on at any business establishment by some freak with tats running up his neck and face, elongated ear lobe holes, foul language written in the tats, naked women or other body parts in the tats, etc. Yeah, it's your body, you're free to do with it as you will. But I don't have to be around offensive, disgusting people if I choose not to be. Why any business owner outside of a bar or brothel would hire someone covered in tats I can't understand.

These days being as offensive as possible seems to be popular. That's a fine example of why this nation is in the crapper and headed downhill.

Meanwhile, tattoo removal is a growing business frequented by people finally coming to their senses. Of course the taxpayer is funding a lot of that too!

"over conditioned heifers and cows"

Love it, HA HA!
Amazing thing is that people with tattoos don't care or have opinions of people without tattoos. You all ought to give that some thought.

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