Room with a nice view

Richard G.

Well-known Member
Well after our son's big wedding in the creek bottom, I had a little vacation in a nice 4th floor room with a beautiful view of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Wedding went well in the creek bottom with no rain and no trees falling. About 280 guests sitting on bales of straw with patchwork quilt covers made by my wife.
About 9:30 that night, started having chest pains and was TOTALLY exhausted mentally and physically.
Had sweated like a mule for 2 days getting everything ready. Had been working like dogs for weeks. 2 good friends from Kentucky followed my wife and I around Friday and Saturday with water bottles making sure we were drinking enough and stopping occasionally to rest.
Went to the hospital Sunday and got put into the cardiac unit for a bunch of tests. Spent the night and all of Monday in the unit. Had a chemically induced stress test. Went back this this morning for another type of nuclear heart imaging. So far everything looks good. Waiting for the last test results.
Did not tell the bride and groom so the would not worry on their honeymoon. I will try to post some pics of the wedding when I can.
Richard in NW SC
well congrats and glad to hear and sorry to hear. i hope the test results come back good. no one needs a room with a view like that, huh. :]
WAKE UP CALL.. Hope your test come back only showing you have aged and need to slow down. Now I need to do what I write.
I remember that room (2 Times) only I got a ride in a really noisy van that didn't stop at red lights.
May your tests show its just time to slow down a bit.
Jennifer, I can go to the top of the hill on our place and see the same view. That is the way I prefer it. I must say that looking out that big window at those beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains really made me rest and think.
Yep John. About a month ago the problems were muscular and joint related in my right side of my rib cage. The joint where the ribs meet the sternum.. This felt totally different and was scary. Thanks for the prayers.
Richard G.,

Congratulations on the wedding.

Hope the health issues turn out ok for you. I think it's nice you kept it from the bride and groom so they could enjoy their honeymoon... (unless you find out something serious is going to happen quickly like a surgery).
Richard-glad to hear the wedding went well, really enjoyed the pre-wedding pictures, it is a peaceful and beautiful setting. Good luck with your health, stats say weddings are very stressful.
The chemical test was much easier than the treadmill I did many years ago. I was so pooped this time, they decided not to do the treadmill.

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