Memorial Day

John T

Well-known Member
I know, I post this EVERY Veterans and Memorial Day and believe it or not someone took offense to it one time but that isn't stopping me from still posting it those two sacred days so be forewarned. Its NOT my words, I'm only the messenger, its from an E Mail I received from a Veteran friend.

What is a Veteran?

A veteran - whether active duty, retired, or national guard or reserve is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check
made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life", and there are way too many people in this
country who no longer understand that.

It is the VETERAN, not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the VETERAN, not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the VETERAN, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the VETERAN, not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the VETERAN,
who salutes the Flag,
who serves under the Flag,



Thanks Veterans and God Bless you all

Ol John T Happy and so proud to be a Christian Conservative Patriot
Thank you John. I enjoy it every time I read it. There will not be any complaints here.
Dale...... US Army '64-'66.
My wife and I would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts all who served our country. Her father and uncle both earned Purple Hearts in WW2 and my father served in the Navy as a radar technician. He also was in charge of all the aft ventilation systems when the USS West Virginia came back to Bremerton WA from Pearl Harbor. All these men served in the Navy.
John T,
Very good words, some paid the ultimate price, so we at home could enjoy our freedoms.
In todays political climate, did they die in vain?
This is still the home of the brave, but the land of the free is slowly eroding away.
May YAHWEH bless this country again.
There are 2 more lines which I will add. I have a framed copy of this on my wall.

(quoted from post at 06:17:58 05/26/14) I know, I post this EVERY Veterans and Memorial Day and believe it or not someone took offense to it one time but that isn't stopping me from still posting it those two sacred days so be forewarned. Its NOT my words, I'm only the messenger, its from an E Mail I received from a Veteran friend.

What is a Veteran?

A veteran - whether active duty, retired, or national guard or reserve is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check
made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life", and there are way too many people in this
country who no longer understand that.

It is the VETERAN, not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the VETERAN, not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the VETERAN, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the VETERAN, not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the VETERAN,
who salutes the Flag,
who serves under the Flag,

[whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.]



Thanks Veterans and God Bless you all

Ol John T Happy and so proud to be a Christian Conservative Patriot
While recently reading my June, 2014 issue of Naval History magazine, I learned something I hadn't heard before.

A couple of hours after the Normandy invasion began, troops on Omaha Beach were pinned down and pretty much at a standstill. Then, much like a Cavalry charge in an old west movie, about a dozen Navy destroyers came charging to the front through the heave traffic, turned parallel to the beach, and began firing their 5" guns almost point blank into the German defenses. A couple destroyers worked so close into shore that Germans were hitting them with rifle fire. One witness in a Higgins boat said he saw a destroyer go barreling past, black smoke coming from its stack. He said he thought, "My God, that guy's going to beach right in front of the German defenses". He said at the last second, the destroyer made a hard left turn parallel to the beach and opened fire.

The truth was, the overhead bombing and offshore fire from battleships and cruisers hadn't been as effective has had been hoped in softening up the German defenses. The destroyers' five inch guns at that range were far more effective. More through luck than accuracy, one destroyer managed to put a 5" round down the barrel of a German artillery piece. One German emplacement proved difficult to silence: through concentrated fire, two destroyers shot up the cliff directly under it until the entire cliff collapsed and the German emplacement fell down the bank.

Several Allied tanks were attempting to advance up a hill, but were being held up by the Germans. One destroyer fire team couldn't see exactly what the tanks were firing at, but fired where the tanks were firing. It was repeated over and over. The tanks would fire into a particular area, the destroyers would fire into the same area, the tanks would advance a ways, and the routine would be repeated.

A destroyer would typically carry 1500 to 2,000 rounds of 5" ammo. Most had depleted some of it earlier in the morning. In this melee, the destroyer Captains were ordered not to deplete over 50% to 60% of their remaining ammo before going back to England to replenish. It was an order that was promptly ignored. One destroyer fired 1137 rounds of 5" in less than two hours. Others came close to that amount. Fire crews aboard the destroyers were spraying down the guns with water to try to keep them cool enough to keep operating.

After all was said and done, and the invasion began advancing again, it was found only one destroyer had suffered minor damage. The destroyer Captains had repeatedly switched their engines from "forward" to "reverse" to keep from becoming a sitting target.

In a post war memoir, General Bradley said, "The Navy saved our hides that morning".

I've always had nothing but respect for destroyer crews. I've never been aboard one, but I recall being aboard an aircraft carrier in heavy weather in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. From the rather solid vantage point of the carrier, you'd look to the side and see a destroyer that was escorting the carrier rise to the top of a wave--and then disappear. You'd swear it sank. Then a couple of minutes later, here it would come again.

Didn't mean to ramble on, but as I said at the start, the Navy destroyers' actions and participation in the landing was something I hadn't heard before and apparently was never publicized to the degree it should have been.
Thank you John T
Walt Davies MR-2
USN 5304643
USS Fort Marion LSD- 22
1960 off Subic Bay Philipenes 5 days in a Typhoone 200 MPH winds and green water over the bridge 80 ft. Above waterline.
We almost lost the ship when we turned her around to get out of the storm. 48 deg roll our max was 45 a wave hit us and we came backup to normal was not anything I would like to do again.
Always a timely reminder, especially for the clueless. JMS/MN, Army Special Forces A-Team demo sgt, "64-67.
I figured they had some hard winds in the PI. While stationed at Sangley Point. Not far from Subic. The Quonset Huts we lived in were held down my large cables Stan
Thank you for the post.
When I was a boy it seemed that all men were veterans of WW 2. The Scoutmaster, the Sunday School teacher, our fire chief, our doctor. They were men you could always depend on to set a good example for the citizens, young and old.
One wonders how the example of 1% of the population can spread far enough to help our young people.
Vietnam 68, 71-72
Thanks JT

USN 82-86 and defense contractor till 92.
My Dad served in USN as did my eldest.
Youngest is now home on leave from USMC.
(quoted from post at 08:26:21 05/26/14) While recently reading my June, 2014 issue of Naval History magazine, I learned something I hadn't heard before.

A couple of hours after the Normandy invasion began, troops on Omaha Beach were pinned down and pretty much at a standstill. Then, much like a Cavalry charge in an old west movie, about a dozen Navy destroyers came charging to the front through the heave traffic, turned parallel to the beach, and began firing their 5" guns almost point blank into the German defenses. A couple destroyers worked so close into shore that Germans were hitting them with rifle fire. One witness in a Higgins boat said he saw a destroyer go barreling past, black smoke coming from its stack. He said he thought, "My God, that guy's going to beach right in front of the German defenses". He said at the last second, the destroyer made a hard left turn parallel to the beach and opened fire.

The truth was, the overhead bombing and offshore fire from battleships and cruisers hadn't been as effective has had been hoped in softening up the German defenses. The destroyers' five inch guns at that range were far more effective. More through luck than accuracy, one destroyer managed to put a 5" round down the barrel of a German artillery piece. One German emplacement proved difficult to silence: through concentrated fire, two destroyers shot up the cliff directly under it until the entire cliff collapsed and the German emplacement fell down the bank.

Several Allied tanks were attempting to advance up a hill, but were being held up by the Germans. One destroyer fire team couldn't see exactly what the tanks were firing at, but fired where the tanks were firing. It was repeated over and over. The tanks would fire into a particular area, the destroyers would fire into the same area, the tanks would advance a ways, and the routine would be repeated.

A destroyer would typically carry 1500 to 2,000 rounds of 5" ammo. Most had depleted some of it earlier in the morning. In this melee, the destroyer Captains were ordered not to deplete over 50% to 60% of their remaining ammo before going back to England to replenish. It was an order that was promptly ignored. One destroyer fired 1137 rounds of 5" in less than two hours. Others came close to that amount. Fire crews aboard the destroyers were spraying down the guns with water to try to keep them cool enough to keep operating.

After all was said and done, and the invasion began advancing again, it was found only one destroyer had suffered minor damage. The destroyer Captains had repeatedly switched their engines from "forward" to "reverse" to keep from becoming a sitting target.

In a post war memoir, General Bradley said, "The Navy saved our hides that morning".

I've always had nothing but respect for destroyer crews. I've never been aboard one, but I recall being aboard an aircraft carrier in heavy weather in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. From the rather solid vantage point of the carrier, you'd look to the side and see a destroyer that was escorting the carrier rise to the top of a wave--and then disappear. You'd swear it sank. Then a couple of minutes later, here it would come again.

Didn't mean to ramble on, but as I said at the start, the Navy destroyers' actions and participation in the landing was something I hadn't heard before and apparently was never publicized to the degree it should have been.

Don't know how the Army feels about it, but there's nothing a Marine likes better than close in Naval fire support, preferably from the biggest guns the Navy has. :wink:

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