well we did it


Well-known Member
bertha's gonna need some welding done on her,

so we broke down and bought a stick welder.
Nice machine!!!How will that solar system handle the
'draw' from a welder?I would immagine it would be a major
power 'eater'.
*PERK* Renewable energy.
It would take more $ to get this place off-grid than I make a year. The phantom loads in this place are HUGE.
On a plus side that's a nice welder you have.
(quoted from post at 22:30:38 05/14/14) *PERK* Renewable energy.
It would take more $ to get this place off-grid than I make a year. The phantom loads in this place are HUGE.
On a plus side that's a nice welder you have.

if you have phantom loads you may have some electrical issues that should be addressed. you haven't noticed any mystery extension cords running over to the neighbors house have ya ? :)
I had a case like that- guy was talking with his electrician brother about why his power bill was so high- they narrowed it down to the well pump, and were looking for a leak that may have been causing the pump to run so much. Found a pipe that they couldn't figure out, eventually dug outside and found that the pipe ran to the neighbors place. The guy recalled that neighbor had asked to hook up a hose years before, when his own pump was broken- a few days later, the hose was gone, and guy didn't think anything more about it. Turns out the neighbor had made a permanent hookup while the guy was at work, and had been using the water for years. Made for an interesting lawsuit, because it turned out that the well was actually on the neighbor's land!
I'd put a few cross straps on the repair rather just weld the crack.Might have been better for you folks to have found a good used welder with its own engine so you'd also have another generator.
(quoted from post at 04:53:34 05/15/14) I'd put a few cross straps on the repair rather just weld the crack.Might have been better for you folks to have found a good used welder with its own engine so you'd also have another generator.

i've been looking for one like that for awhile with no luck, but if i find one and have the money im gonna get it. we have a generator dedicated for the welders. cross straps ? can you elaborate ?
You gave me a snicker or two. A few days ago I had to get some logs pushed off one of my corn fields so the renter could plant corn. Waaaaay too much of a job for a 420 JD and it's loader. Now I also have a weld/re-inforce job added to my "list" of endless things to do as well. Lol!.
The visible crack in the cross tube is first cleaned and grooved to allow good penetration. The the weld is made (E-6011 would be my choice) then chipped and wire brushed. Then a strap is welded (I would use 3/16X1-1/4" mild steel) welded along one edge, then hammered down to contact the opposite side of the original weld and then skip welded (2" leave 3" then repeat) to bridge the original crack. Jim
LOL If I caught 'them' with an extension there would be a new 300' cord hanging in my garage PLUS I'd finally have proof of trespassing as we don't get along.

Phantom loads I'm refering to are all the clocks in nuker and VCR and such and memory chip in TV plus this compuker that takes toooo much time for her to power up thus always on. She's addicted to the grid but complains about the bill ~sigh~
(quoted from post at 06:59:08 05/15/14) The visible crack in the cross tube is first cleaned and grooved to allow good penetration. The the weld is made (E-6011 would be my choice) then chipped and wire brushed. Then a strap is welded (I would use 3/16X1-1/4" mild steel) welded along one edge, then hammered down to contact the opposite side of the original weld and then skip welded (2" leave 3" then repeat) to bridge the original crack. Jim

ok, sounds like a good idea :) DH knew what e-6011 was. we got to get some strap/bar but we don't plan on going back into town till next week. i'll post some pics when we git er done. thanks
Now let's see he is sueing his niegbor for using his water from the neighbors well. John T we need some help here this is a real mess.

Funny when I lived in southern Oregon my neighbor found that the survey was wrong and that hew well on her neighbors land. She could filed for for the land as it was in the original deed some twenty years ago but she she just let it go and put in a new well it was cheaper I think.
I have the older version of that.. Love it and use it.. Im not a welder by any means but can get the job done between it and the gas torch.. :)
Just a question as to who paid for the original well? Did the deed show ergress to the well and any utility on the property, ie electrical service?Just wondering,
I bought one just like that a few months ago and I really like it. It's gonna take a pretty good genny to run it though.

I've been watching your posts, and I thought you folks were looking for a reason to buy a welder. Nothing wrong with that - you'll wonder how you got along without it. That crack in your picture will be easy to fix. Enjoy your new welder!
Use it in great health. Its a tool. Nice tool too. And tell Bertha, "...if you ever try that again, you aint messing with some push over, and don't forget it, because I will fix you, and fix you but good too".

Much good luck and success.

There's a good possibility that the crack was
caused by water getting inside and freezing.
Properly welded up won't need a strap or anything
else but you do have to take precautions with
repairing a crack on something tubular that is
closed off. Stitch weld it and leave a few area's
unwelded until it cools off. That might be big
enough it won't cause a problem but it's best to
play on the safe side. The heat from welding also
super heats the air inside the tube and when it is
welded solid, creates pressure inside the tube.
The pressure can be enough to cause the weld/steel
to crack again. Grind a groove in the crack and
weld it up leaving a few inches unwelded till it
cools. 6010/6011 would be good to get the most
penetration but would also produce the most
spatter and sparks. I'd use 6010 followed by 7018
but just about any rods would work. I don't think
that crack was caused by stress on the loader

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