Soybean input cost's

Dave from MN

Well-known Member
Would anyone be willing to share their input cost's for soybeans, not including rent of course? Updating the spread sheet and want something to compare with. Please also include what you 'expect' for yield. Seems now that I have gotten down to the actual cost of every cent per acre, and $11N NC14 beans price, marginal drought prone soils with beans are not that profitable.
Beans are always questionable in our clay, low wet and peat ground here. We can get 150-200bu corn, beans want to stall out at 40-45.

I love a crop rotation, and am at 2/3 corn, 1/3 beans just because beans never pencil well.

Dave, send me an Email, I think it's open. If you have Excel on your computer I could send you my spreadsheet. Jim

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