TOTALLY OT... cell phones at work...


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Saw this today at the pizza and sub counter at a convenience store.

Wonder how long before they get sued for employee abuse? ;-)
As a farmer I got one of those planting and herbicide survey thing by a young guy working at one of those boiler rooms. We started with the usual question and answer deals, got about 5 minutes into it when what sounded like a human cat fight started in the next booth.
The young guy went silent for a bit, then came back on saying " This is crazy, our manager caught the gal in the next booth on her cell phone". After a few more seconds of the background cat fight, the young guy said" The manager taped her cell phone to the wall and she has orders not to touch it untill her shift is over". We both chuckled a bit then went back to the boring survey.
Prolly the most fun both of us had that night.
I've never understood the attraction to them. Every young person is attached to their phone. Are they really that great? Totally rude too when they do it while serving you.
(quoted from post at 21:33:23 03/08/14) &lt;img src = ""&gt;

Saw this today at the pizza and sub counter at a convenience store.

Wonder how long before they get sued for employee abuse? ;-)
y work requires us to keep our phones on, mainly because they are too cheap to provide enough radios. Was asked once in a toolbox meeting if I would shut my phone off when it rang during the meeting. Said sure, but if I turn it off it stays off the whole shift. Put it in a different light for em .
Being a teacher for 21 years you would not believe the younger generations obsession with phones. Texting twitter instagram snapchat facebook selfies.... the next generation is addicted.
Towards the end of my employment, we hired two new young guy helpers, and I never could break them of the habit. We'e be working some project, I'd ask for something / help / tool, turn around and they'd both be looking at their phones.
It seems like they are addicted to being "connected" to their friends 24 hours a day. And I DO MEAN 24 hour. My grandson sleeps with his turned on in case his girlfriend texts him in the middle of the night.

Of course, it's a cast-iron b*tch to get him out of bed for school in the morning.

I know just how far that would have flown with MY parents.
At cousins funeral cell phone went off playing girls just wanna have fun it was my aunts cell shes 60 + her mother who was90 + looked at her all i could think was hadnt you settled that issue yet? So i guess we can blame the younger generation . but i wonder if i had put that in the coffin???
The daughter is now off to college, but I still have two high school boys at home. One hard, fast rule that we always had was that the phones stayed in the kitchen at night, in an area that we call "the charging station".
There was an attempt or two to sneak a phone upstairs, but the "Oh, I forgot" moments quickly stopped when I would always do a phone inventory right before I went to bed.
How long before cell phones become implants? Probably not long.LIke the woman not long ago that ran into some flood waters with kids in the car she said "I grabbed my cell phone and got out of the car" Of course she left her kids in the car for strangers to rescue that were in real danger.Pretty bad that its gone so far that the first impluse a person would have in a life threatening emergency is to save their cell phone and not their kids.
There is a time and a place for everything.

I am a retired Physics teacher who believed that cell phone use was for outside the classroom. The first person who texted in my class was asked to stay after class so I could write him a pass to his counselor. That way he could drop my class. After the tears subsided, I explained to him how my class works. Didn't text again until the last week of class.

If the student's phone rang during a class, it would be like any other disturbance and I asked them to step out into the hall. I then gave a quick oral quiz. Like "Name the ship that hit an iceberg in the early 1900's" If the student in the hall complained that they were not given the opportunity to take the quiz, I gave them the makeup. "The Titanic hit an iceberg in the early 1900's. Write a list naming all the people who died due to that collision."

Some people sleep with the cell phone under their pillow. Not too bad if the tower is close but if it is not, the electromagnetic energy of that phone might be causing brain damage. Easy enough to check, if the battery drains quite a bit during the sleeping hours that energy has to go somewhere.

Considering the higher frequencies used by the cell phone industry it might be a problem.

Or take a look at the link and see other problems.
Teens sleeping and cell phones
Our 15 year old son we have to force him to take his to school with him on days when He has band practice so we can know when to pick him up.
What chaps me is people that call to gab during work hours. I answer but if it does not pertain to business I tell them I will call them back after hours or when I am not busy. My brother on the other hand has His old high school buddies that have a knack for calling at the most inopportune times.
The representative for the company we do most of our work is as busy as me and we text each other To find out when its convenient to call and have time to talk.
Next time you're in a hospital, either visiting or as a patient, note how many of the younger CNA's, techs, service workers and nurses are texting on their cellphones. Good luck getting them or their fatcat administrative bosses to actually participate in anything to do with healthcare.
i can understand it,it may not be "nice" but when you work for a man and take his pay, when your at work, your time is his time, it is for doing his work, not yours, if theres an emergency thats one thing, but to see a employee talking or texting while customers stand and wait is something i hate , my time is valuable, you can talk about hair color and who is seeing who on your break or after work
at our shop cell phones stay in you locker or in you vehicle. or in the lunchroom small crew most leave them in the lunch room to use at thier breaktimes
If it weren't for the boss needing to get a hold of me or vice versa I'd put it up on a shelf and forget about it. Probably borrow a phone when I felt like talking to my dad.
My daughter teaches music in a small elementary school, normally will have around 20 to 30 students at any given time. All of them have cell phones of some kind or other. She requires them to furnish phone numbers at the beginning of the school year and from time to time texts important dates or events (school related) to those numbers.

That's well and good and works great if everyone is on the same page. The story goes that she detected two of the girls in the back of the room texting each other and, without being seen doing so, she texted each of them to put their phones down. The reactions were priceless.

Her rules are that phones must be on but silent in her classroom. Yes, I said on. This is part of an ongoing safety program where if something were to happen any student can make a call or text. You can fill in the blanks here.

Where I work we have an unwritten rule with customers using phones while shopping: We are polite and don't bother them, don't wait on them, don't even say anything to them while they are having their "important" conversation. When they finally figure it out, they either get mad and leave or get off the phone so they can get what they need. They sometimes are irritated but never have said anything about it out loud.

Phone etiquette needs to be taught in schools and other places. Too much like common sense, guess it will never happen.
i see that all of the time kids too wrapped up in their cell phones to do their jobs I would fire anyone on a cell at work unless they were at lunch or on break.My phone stays in the lunch box and I look at it only on my breaks/lunch .
Welcome to the real world every body at my job has to give there cell phone number to our employer. They will call it and tell you where and what to do. The best part about mine is when I go to visit parents. My parents live in what they call a dead zone(no cell phone service). You guess it gets my employer all pissey because they cannot get ahold of me by cell.L.O.L they have to call by land line.
Here in ohio the teachers use texting to flirt with the students.Almost every week some teacher,coach,sub,or student aid is arrested for R rated text to students.
I noticed that recently when I was at the hospital. But they seemed to have hospital-provided phones so they could hit a button and have the line they needed instantly, rather than have to dial, page someone, and wait for them to call back.

I say hospital-provided, as I don't see the nurses giving out their personal cell numbers to patients.
Saw an ad for a job in the Newspaper. The Last
sentence said something like:
"If you can work all day without a cell phone at your ear, give me a call."

I got upset myself at the tire store a few months ago. The Kid who was supposed to fix the tire was wandering back and forth talking on his phone.
I'm referring to the younger ones sitting there at the nurse's stations on facebook, tweeting or whatever while others are obviously doing all the work.
My cell phone is a necessity at work. It's how my bosses and customers and suppliers find me!

It works really well too, anyone that needs to talk to me knows the cell number. Anyone that calls the company phone and asks for me, well there is a 99% chance it's a telemarketer.

And the time I save... Do I reach in my pocket and answer the phone... Or do I stop what I'm doing, run to the sink and wash my hands, run to a phone only to find someone on it, run to another only to find they gave up and are gone, and now have no call back number...

Do I use it for personal business? Yes, but I keep it to a minimum and I do not text, it's just a dumb flip phone, no games, no internet. Just another tool!
At the children's heart hospital where my son doctors, pagers have all but been eliminated, replaced by cell phones/texting to keep the doctors, nurses, and technicians in contact. I'd guess that's probably the norm at hospitals now?
(quoted from post at 08:33:34 03/09/14) Here in ohio the teachers use texting to flirt with the students.Almost every week some teacher,coach,sub,or student aid is arrested for R rated text to students.

Must not like their jobs.
I have a "dumb-phone," so I can't do internet on my phone...nor do I want to. And as much as I hate talking on the phone, the only time I'm even checking my phone is when I'm on break, at lunch, or before or after work. 99.999% of the time, there is nothing so important that it can't wait until I get around to checking my voice mails. And if I have business to conduct by phone, I damn sure don't do it at work where every nibby-nose nobody can hear my business.

I figure I owe my employer as that much. I believe it used to be called respect.
I didn't see that. Of course I went to Cambridge and not McCook. Maybe that's why service is so lousy in McCook?

I told the vet last summer while we worked calves that if I had the choice to go to them, go to McCook, or bleed to death on the way to Cambridge, there was a good chance I'd show up there.
One of my sons works at a place where cell phones are off limits. Get caught talking on a cell during work hours you get a couple of days off to think about it. 2nd time you get a lot of time to think about while you look for another job.

Couple of years ago while my wife was taking some college courses she would come home laughing when a student was kicked out of class because their cell would ring. Was kind of funny but on days I went to town with her and I would be there when classes let out to pick her up watching the younger people coming out of the building. Seemed like every one had a phone glued to their ear.


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