Strange Election.......


Well-known Member
I mentioned on a previous thread that I had filed for County Commissioner because the incumbent in my district hadn't filed for re-election. I expected some competition with serious campaigning because it pays fairly well. The filing deadline came and went yesterday at 5pm and no one else filed against me. I was in the County Clerk's office when the deadline passed.

Out of a five member board, three incumbents did not file for re-election. The remaining two seats are contested. So theoretically we could have an entirely new Board.

By the same token, our local State Senator could not file for re-election because of term limits. A friend of mine filed for that seat--and no one
filed against him. Usually that seat is hotly contested with close results. My cousin ran for it a number of years ago, and at 11:30pm on election night he was predicted the winner. He woke up the next morning and found out he'd lost.
Are people just getting turned off by politics anymore, or what's going on?
People like myself are getting disgusted with the whole of politics.
Elected representatives are not representing the people. They only represent their own selfish interests for the most part. They are too easily influenced by lobbyists. They cave to financial and political pressures from big interests. It doesn't matter who gets elected, they will usually be corrupted by the system.

Then too, if a candidate wants to change things, eliminate corruption, or make any other bold statements, they get "character assassinated" by the ones with the big influence. Remember that homework assignment you missed in the third grade? They will dig it up and throw it in your face.

Want to fight against saome of the corruption? See how quick somebody will take you aside and explain the consequences of not "playing ball."

Should I go on??
Served two six year terms as county commissioner here in the 60s & 70s . Be prepared for ever kind of call in the world. Folks will call you wanting the grass mowed on their neighbors lawn or just all kind of off the wall things. This (Tennessee) is a haven for retires and big thing to me was folks from up north moving in and then immediately they are before the cc wanting to change things to like they were "Back home". Dua why did you move if they were so good back there..
Yes, I'd say so.

I was on the town board for one four year term, then served one year on the variance board, before being supervisor for two years. I only accepted the supervisor job because it is a two year term! I wasn't willing to commit to four years in case I couldn't stand it!

I was much younger then, and struggling to build my own business. The frugality I had to live with at home was not welcome in the public arena. And all these evening meetings are on the wrong end of the day for me to do business. I never put so much time into anything else with so little to show for it.

I have been asked several times since, but long ago decided I would only ever serve again if retired.

Best wishes. It is difficult to not fold and become one of the big spenders.
Like I said when you posted originally,it's a job. It's not a popularity contest where you go home with a crown and a bunch of roses when it's over.
You can't satisfy anybody these days. Everybody's an uninformed or misinformed expert. Folks can get on township,county and state government websites,read statistics without a clue how to interpret them,spread rumors through social media and you'll be FOREVER defending yourself. Add in to that a local news media who seem to live to dig up mud and make accusations and it just intensifies.
I wish you absolutely the best of luck. You've got no idea how you're gonna need it.
I think that's universal Jerry. We have two "all sports" lakes here in the township. The smallest shack is worth a fortune and the only ones who can afford them are folks from the city. They buy these places and retire here,then just like you said,EXACTLY like you said,they want things to be just like where they came from. Sadly,they're the ones who usually end up running for office so they can change things from the inside and it works,because the locals just won't sit there and deal with them.

Although I've only held one public position in my whole life, I've been involved in local politics for many years.

On the other hand, I've held leadership positions in various churches for the past 45 years. I can tell you from experience that people can be (probably will be) pretty nasty. I used to try to defend myself, but many years ago I decided to just smile and shrug it off.

Do what you know to be right, and let the circumstances work themselves out. State your case and don't bother arguing with irrational people.

Good luck. I commend your willingness to serve.

Tom in TN
I don't think local elections have been very popular with people for a lot of years. Aging population and a related proliferation of apathy makes for short lines at the polls. Plus, these jobs have gotten a reputation as being high stress. The public that does attend meetings has gotten pretty contentious. My wife used to take public record at aome local zoning meetings and it was getting so she felt safer in a courtroom with felons than at town hall. Then there are the national elections. My impression there is that aging 60's era liberals are wanting to see their agendas fulfilled before they die. They would elect Satan if he were a minority. They have had their black president but it won't be over until we have elected a woman and a (insert your favorite word for people attracted to others of the same gender). My feeling is we need a gay woman candidate to become the next president and then we can get back on track 8 years sooner. All kidding aside, and this is not intended to provoke anyone, we are making a joke out of politics by electing people for reasons other than their qualifications. A lot of folks are seeing this and turning away. IMHO

(filters gave me the devil on this one!)
looks like you are a shoo in , I was a county commissioner , now in 2nd term on the county council ,,,, ,,BE A GREAT AMERICAN and all will be well ...but NO One who has ever held that job and know the trail, can happily congratulate someone who is just getting in,, you will find out you have wonderful good folx and some real nut jobs ,, be careful that you handle both groups properly with integrity .You will be their best and Only Voice in Government..
the consequences of not playin ball??,, I luv it when those party hackShitz with peanut butter pants try to muzzle me around Thing I CAN NOT STAND IS A INJUSTICE ...gets my blood boilin ...
Congratulations: Now remember WHY you wanted the job. It sounds like you can really make a difference with a whole new board. My advise is to be careful what you wish for, every change has far reaching effects on people. I spent 12 years on a School board, I have been there.
Don"t know how it works in your area, but there"s been "setups" like that with the county commission or school board around here where no one files, and someone agrees to run only to be defeated by a large (hidden from the general public) organized write-on campaign.

It"s a pretty strange feeling to run, unopposed, for a position that supposedly no one wants, then find out you lost, big time, in an underhanded write-in campaign.

Hope that"s not the case where you are!
Boy, RR and jm, you could not be more right. Many of the liberals that wrecked everything they could in California disliked the results of their politics and moved to Kalispell, MT and Las Vegas and proceeded to wreck everything they could in their new place. I'm sure they did this in many other places, but I know about these two.
Ronald Reagan told America that government is the problem. Nobody wants to be a part of the problem.

That's MY theory.

[The rest of them are just here for the guaranteed paychecks.]
I hear ya on the churches. I spent five years as Chairman of a nine member Board of Trustees at a church with 3,000 unruly members and a K-8 school.

Considering the politics I had to play in that situation, it's easy to see how Washington is as screwed up as it is. Plus, I was once Buildings and Grounds Supervisor for a fairly good sized public school. In that spot, every taxpayer on the street thinks they're your boss.

It all was probably good training for being a County Commissioner.
Congratulations, we need more people on these various boards who will think thru problems and call them like they see them. Having served on our local school board for 10 years, and still serving on several other local boards, I have been there. Fortunately my popularity in the county never affected me financially, so I could be pretty independent in my decisions.
Goose, I think guys like you and me have to look at it as "service" to our communities. That's why I'm on our Town Board. I'm a political conservative in a tiny Town with a very low amount of tax revenue. We're at the mercy of the County and State and 98% of our residents have absolutely no clue that that is the case. Between the welfare mutts, the retirees that want every possible service, the elderly that are already at the end of their rope fiscally and the average Joes paying for's a balancing act. The hardest part is keeping a civil tongue when another Board member makes a big deal about keeping taxes low and then 5 minutes later endorses the idea of spending thousands or tens of thousands on some wild idea. It would be a lot simpler if we could just be frank and call an idiot and idiot. But if you do that you hurt his feelings and his backers declare war. So you have to try to be diplomatic. Same when a citizen comes in and either wants the Board to address some issue the board has absolutely no business involving itself in or when they want the Board out of something they have a responsibility to address. And it's true, the citiots that buy the camp on the lake are always the biggest whiners. Get used to that.

I almost hope you lose, it would be better for you, but probably not for your community. :cry:

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