Long winter when?


Well-known Member
You know its been a long winter when the wife asks you to step outside then you both agree its much warmer now than a few hours ago while feeding cows. you look at the thermometer and its all the way up to 14. When 14 feels warm, you know its been a long cold winter!! Over 120 inches of this white stuff been brought from the heavens so far. 3 more night before last, eight more tonight. Someone bring on the global warming, we need some sun and heat! Enough of the lake effect snows.
Been a long winter when the last time the temperature got above freezing was December 6, 2013, that's 74 days ago. Also a long winter when we've had 50 some days with a temp below zero. Even longer when you have 240+ inches of snow and climbing. Even longer yet when Lake Superior is nearly frozen solid in the middle of February.
Mr. Bill Mart,
Yo are correct. Are you very familiar vith the language that the quote I sent is from?
Vhat part of the kuntry are yo'all from?

Here is another,Yom Na'im(D'ya dl')
When I was a kid growing up, was read the entire Laura Ingalls Wilder book series that began with "Little House In The Big Woods". One of the books was called "The Long Winter". As I recall, in that book they had gone as far west as Minnesota, and had such a long winter and deep snow that they actually dug tunnels under it to connect the stores and buildings in town, like caves. Some years back, bought the whole series for a school teacher that I was dating to read to her kindergarten class. After lunch and recess, turn the lights off, let them put their heads down and use their imagination as she read a couple chapters to them every day until she went through them all like my kindergarten teacher did us.


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