Other Hobbies...... Do you have one?

Hello all,

One of the post down below (Different kind of history- Olustee 150th) got me to thinking. How many YTer's have other hobbies not tractor related?

I have been collecting/restoring/showing/pulling tractors for only about 8 years. I have been around tractors my whole life, but never had a real interest in them until I had the opportunity to restore one in AG class in high school, which started the "tractor fever"......

My other hobby is Civil War reenacting. I have always had a deep love for history and I have been reenacting for right at 20 years. I'm a member of a unit based here in NC, who strives to portray the common infantry soldier during the CW. We portray both Union and Confederate soldiers. I'm proud to not only bring history alive for todays generations, but to honor my ancestors and all of those who fought on both sides during the war.

Well, there's what I do for fun.... What other Hobbies do all of you enjoy?
I play tuba in several area community bands and collect old band instruments, especially tubas of which I have 10.
My other interest is history of the Indian Wars and the Frontier Army.
I raelly dont have any "hobbys" other than tractors....The farm is my 'hobby'. But I/we like to hike,go to the mountains,shoot(guns).ride motorcycles/4 wheelers,Used to do lots of square danceing.Never got into fishing
HO Trains I try to stick to the steam engine age but I do get a few of the new diesel here and there.
Also have quite a few old guns love to shoot them but I don't get the chance now as often as I would like.
Volunteer Search & Rescue and volunteer Firefighting - been doing both for over 50 years; Hard-rock Gold mining; Rockhounding; Lapidary work; and making Jewelry. Used to be in Amateur Rocketry but haven't done that for about 35 years.

Where did you take the eagle pic? There are
several in this area but never see them if i take
my camera.
I've been a barbershop quartet singer for about 40 years. Present quartet, the Midas Touch, was started in 1978. I am the only original member left, but one other guy came aboard in about 1985. We sing mostly for our own amusement, but do occasional gigs around the area.
Along with tractors I have old cars, toy collection, miniature horses and building miniature horse drawn things in the size of my miniature horses.
Seems lately that I have a newer hobby of setting in my chair with this laptop computer that steels time from my other hobbys.

I worked on engine parts this forenoon for two hours which is the first in months. 22º with sun gave me the kick in the rear when I got the horses fed.
I have been on the farm my entire life and I must have had calluses on my back side from riding on that thin fender of a Farmall M with my Dad. When I was eight years old Dad took me on a DC3 and I knew that day that somehow I would learn to fly. I first got my private license then the instrument rating and then the commercial license. As I look back after over 7,000 hours of logged instrument hours in the air it has been a wonderful ride and a tremendous goal to have been able to do this. It opened up a whole different world. I have been in and out of most every major airport in the US, Canada, Bahamas and West Indies. Many of the flight hours have been transporting Air Lifeline and Angel Flight patients which is always a rewarding experience.
I have always enjoyed shooting a shotgun but never liked killing anything so when introduced to Skeet, Trap and Clay shooting I just had to learn how to be my best at that. Clay shooting can be a very humbling experience.
Skiing was the most addictive thing that I have ever done and when I had both knees replaced the Doctor said there is no reason that you cannot ski but if you should tear one of those new knees up you are very limited on repairing it so that warning brought that activity to a halt.
Of all the things that I was so Blessed to do I think that I have spent more time in my office reading than anything else. I seem to always have a book going and never seem to have enough time to read everything I would like to.
About twenty years ago I caught this disease known as old Tractor and Implement Fever and have had an acute case of it since. I don't know the cure for it but my wife says when I pass on it will be in the obituary that the memorial service will be at ten o'clock, free lunch at noon and the auction will start promptly at two. She says that she knows farmers will come out of the woodwork if you put up a free lunch and an auction.
Good Morning Walt

Walt What gauge trains do you have ?
The Wife bought me the ho gauge John Wayne train through Hawthrone Village . I want to make it into a South Western theme . I just can t find any layouts in the theme that I want . I guess that I will have to go to the Library & see if I can come up with anything .
Right now there stored away in the closet . This one is on the old Steam model . I also want to get some old cattle cars for it .

John in Az.
History revision.
Most of the news today is a bunch of outright lies.
The first causality in a war is the "TRUTH"

"U-ha o-s-da i-ga
Besides the old tractors and other things related to agriculture, I enjoy taking my firearms out to the range, reloading, woodworking, camping, hiking, reading about and visiting historical places. Too many interests, not enough time or money.
Not necessarily hobbies, just active interests: reading--primarily Civil War history; travel; playing guitar and harmonica; photography and family history; singing bass in a southern gospel quartet; woodworking; woodcarving; restoring antiques; guns. Also, continuing the process of converting 17 acres of dense forest and underbrush into a liveable homeplace. I suppose I should also list the renovation of old houses, because it seems I've spent a good part of my life doing that, intended or not.
I enjoy motorcycle riding, wood working, hunting, fishing, collecting antique rifles. Four farmalls, one John Deere, and one new holland. Any time I have left the wife find something for me to do.
Early on as a kid loved to bird hunt. Joined a Duck hunting club in the Hennipin, IL. area when I was 20 and had a few great bird dogs.
But, Like Tom below, I always had a terrible desire to fly so I finally got my private license when I was 27. Got my ratings including instrument, multi engine and CFI and a commercial license and taught part time. Liked primary and taught over 30 folks how to fly.
Then got the bug for aerobatics and bought a Pitts Special. Flew that for about 5 years, sold it and built a newone in my garage that was highly modified with a Lycoming engine out of a helicopter, full span ailerons and plywood covered wings. Flew mostly aerobatic competitions all over the central US, including the US Nationals near Sherman, Texas. I was the Illinois State unlimited champ in 1994 and 1995. The only airshows I flew were charity shows as I never wanted to make my "hobby" my business.
Dad had a couple mik cows, 'bout 25 hogs and chickens and rented some ground. Farmed it with a '37 JD A an a Farmall F-20. All the neighbor farms had Oliver 70's with rubber fronta and tip toe rears and I thought they looked like race cars when I was a little kid. Finally got some Olivers fer myself when I was 35 and farmed 450 acres part time in the early 70's. I started collecting Olivers when I lost my medical for flying in the late 90's and have 26 tractors now plus implements...still make about 30 acres of hay with them!
I not only have a "thing" for tractors, but also have a "Thing" for guns. I used to say ATF should be a convienience store not a bureau of the US Government. Since that I have given up the tobacco, and nearly given up alcohol, so all I have left is my firearms.
I am an avid hunter - birds, deer etc. Other hobby that contributes to my enjoyment of rusty rigs is home brewing beer - really like red and brown ales.

I like a good beer while busting my knuckles on rusty nuts :)
I've got too many hobbies. Wood working, gardening and volunteering at the local rail road museum are on top of the list. I'd have more hobbies if working to pay for the ones I have didn't keep getting in the way.
I several different kinds of motorcycles I like to work on. I did some bottle collecting before all the houses came along and ruined all the digging sights. Stan
Thanks to all of you that have replied so far and for sharing your hobbies and interest with not only me, but to the rest of the YT community. I enjoy reading what everyone has wrote....
I collect petroliana. That's a high priced word for old gas station junk. Gas pump globes are the focus of my collection.
Most of my adult life I have spent working to provide for my family. It seems like I never had the time/money for any hobbies. Now that I am older and slowing down I kind of regret that but I am not sure we would be where we are if I had a hobby in years past.

I have seen some real poor decisions made because of a hobby.

I really do not see how people afford the time and money for many of their hobbies.

I talked to a fellow the other day that has a dirt track car. He has a 150K travel home with a enclosed trailer for the car behind it. He figures he has close to 300K in the whole thing. He told me he usually spends $1000-1500 a weekend when he races. He has a 50-60K job in town. So how in the heck does he make that work???? I would guess that he is into hock on everything else he owns.
Sorry about the first post, I like Mustangs and I have a 2003 Mustang Cobra that I DRAG RACE A COUPLE TIMES A YEAR. iT'S BEST TIME IS 11.61 @ 120.95 MPH. Chuck
Our youngest brother drug us into asphalt racing for several years. Had a lot of success and fun.Don't regrett a minute of it. Didn't you tell me about turning your puller 5000 rpms?
volunteer fireman for over 50 years, emt for 30 years, hunt every year, have a boat and fish every summer, ski and snowmobile every winter, build houses for family and friends (9 so far) and run a small marina part time with my brother (was my fathers since 1941)
I enjoy wood working and photography. Cross country sking and bicycling are relaxing too. I hate to do the same thing all the time.
(quoted from post at 21:19:33 02/15/14) Most of my adult life I have spent working to provide for my family. It seems like I never had the time/money for any hobbies. Now that I am older and slowing down I kind of regret that but I am not sure we would be where we are if I had a hobby in years past.

I have seen some real poor decisions made because of a hobby.

I really do not see how people afford the time and money for many of their hobbies.

I talked to a fellow the other day that has a dirt track car. He has a 150K travel home with a enclosed trailer for the car behind it. He figures he has close to 300K in the whole thing. He told me he usually spends $1000-1500 a weekend when he races. He has a 50-60K job in town. So how in the heck does he make that work???? I would guess that he is into hock on everything else he owns.

If the guy travels much his toter home is probably a good investment. I know guys that race dirt cars for a living and do pretty well financially, and I know some guys that have very successful businesses that spend 200K a year more than they take in with their racing operations.
Very few racers at the local level will have 300K in their operation. Guys with that kind of investment usually travel regionally and can earn a substantial amount of money.
I've been around dirt track racing for 50 years. Racers are like farmers. They're always complaining about money. Truth be told many racers over state what they have invested, and they don't talk about how much they get in sponsorships, winnings and contingencies. A good regional racer will race at least twice a week for 6 months a year and they'll be racing for $1000 at a weekly show to $10,000 for some special events. At the national level they race for 10K to the sky is the limit. There was even a million to win race several years ago.

Everyone should have a hobby. Quality of life is not measured by quantity of dollars. Everyone should be careful to not let their hobby (or their profession) turn into an obsession.
Motorcycles real ones, model cars I have a very large collection of models cars, trucks, motorcycles
Diecast I collect same as the models plus track loaders, tractors, construction equipment. Pocket knives , fixed blade knives. Hand tools especially hammers. I participate in toy shows I sell, buy, trade as a vendor it keeps the money I spend on my toy hobby manageable. This summer I"m going to try my hand as a vendor at some flea markets.
Currently I am using a Canon XS50HS-it is a point and shoot-cannot interchange lenses! I still have a Pentax DSLR w/lenses, but wanted more zoom and it is next to impossible to do that on the Pentax! This current Canon does 50Xs optical and 200Xs digital zoom! I would need about $5000 to change camera and get the lens I want. For now, this $400 unit will have to do!
Have allways been an avid outdoors man. Lots of waterfowl hunting. My to kill time and do serious relaxation is wood-mizer saw mill. Wife and I also do a lot of traveling.
Seems I've gone thru fazes. Was a time had to fish every day then camping then boats now tractors and guns. And there was British sports cars too. See what tomorrow brings
Hey, Chuck, bet you're drooling to get your hands on one of the new "Cobra Jets" (only $70,000 without warrantee or title) but run in the low 10,s box stock. Some tweeked ones hitting 8,s at 160. Watched a couple at the local strip here in MI last summer. Front tires should never wear out, if ya know what I mean.Punch em up on youtube.
My tractors are more for working than for showing. Each one earns its keep here on the hog farm. But if there's a parade in Eldon, I'll be in it.

As far as hobbies, I have a small (about 50 head) of antique outboard motors. Oldest is a 1920 Caille and the youngest is a mid-60s Minn-Kota. I have Johnsons from 1927 to 1958 and Evinrudes from 1928 to 1958.

I also play dobro and a little lap steel. I'm in 3 different bands that play mostly at area nursing homes.

The Turkey Festival in Eldon last Fall was fun. I had a band mate drop off my dobro at the stage while I went over to the parade staging area. As soon as the parade was over, I hopped off the Farmall and on the stage. I played with all 3 bands throughout the day. Then hopped on the tractor and went back to the farm.
In order according to my age...age 20-35 motocross and ice racing,drag racing, horseshoes. age 35-now bowling (205 avg,three 300 games and one 299 and some tournament wins) horseshoe tournament pitching (60% ringers ( out of 100 pitched) on a good day,some tournament wins)Antique tractor rides or anything to do with same. Extreme table tennis (gotta go to the city tournaments to get ant competition other than my brother who grew up with he and I competing from age 13. Not party ping-pong, these things will hurt if one hits ya. Now that I'm getting old,euchre tournaments might be next.Above all, trying to be the best "Grandpa" to my grandkids might just be catagorized as a hobby.
Drag raced in late teens, raced motocross from early to middle 70's, play hockey, just got back from a game with some guys at Church. And Church. Plus gardening and canning.
(quoted from post at 23:18:44 02/15/14) Our youngest brother drug us into asphalt racing for several years. Had a lot of success and fun.Don't regrett a minute of it. Didn't you tell me about turning your puller 5000 rpms?

If that was directed towards me. I did help build a few pulling engines. I was getting paid for building them for someone else.

One year we did pull my Grand Fathers 4020. We would switch the turbo and injection pump. We did that maybe 3-4 times. Was not much fun after we did it the first time. Too much work for little reward.
(quoted from post at 15:39:28 02/15/14) volunteer fireman for over 50 years, emt for 30 years, hunt every year, have a boat and fish every summer, ski and snowmobile every winter, build houses for family and friends (9 so far) and run a small marina part time with my brother (was my fathers since 1941)

Where do you go snowmobiling?
I like to collect coins. try to collect one from each year, mint, and denomination. nothing to extravigant. I mostly collect circulated coins and not mint or proof sets. That helps so I don't have to much money invested in it. Also do not collect gold coins. thats way to rich for my blood. was into model trains as a kid. have been an ameture fiddle player since age 18. played alot of pool at one time and was one of the top shooters in a league when I was playing my best. I like beer. Sadly have probly spent more time and money on that than anything else. maybe that should of been left un-said, but I think I might as well be honest. LOL
Nice Photo's Greg. I too, dabble with photography. Been doing it most of my life, and finally a couple years ago bought a DSLR and lenses to pick up where my film cameras left off. I've been loving it. !!!

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