Now whats wrong in this picture?

Now when I seen this after two county trucks and a road grader go thru it should be a job well done. It must of been too close to there quiting time and was in a hurry to head back to the county barn.
It doesn't look deep in the photo but it is about foot or more deep in places where the snow must fell of the sides of there blade. I pulled out 3 cars and the mail lady and 1 pickup w/out 4/wheel drive since monday morning.
I even gave the county a call about the good job or I mean the poor job the boys done and she said they was to come back and reopen the roads again but no show. I might as well talk to the tree in the fence row! So today I got my Oliver 880 out and clean some of there mess they left the best I could. Drifts on left tside of picture are about 7' deep and I really couldn't make a very wide path thru there but at least you can get thru it without getting stuck. I can remember blizard of 78 and it not close but it looking more like each day goes buy!
Winter tax is a waste this year to me the farmers are doing more of there work each year with there own equipment. And they say we may get more snow again this weekend.
I'm ready for spring! I got more hours on that tractor seat this winter putting the past 3 winters together. Getting old I guess cold bothers me more than it use too. Take care & keep warm!

Mike in SE MI

They need to take a few minutes to push it all from left to right. The higher they pile it on the windward side, the deeper it will drift in. Our current road agent is a general contractor who brags that he works for the "rich people" in town, and our town has them. He ran because he was one of three who were constantly at the prior road agent because of the jump in asphalt price while he was half way through a two year project. The current agent's budget is three times what the prior one had six years ago, yet he still spends all of the $80,000 winter contingency fund every year, weather it snows or not.
Hey, wait a minute.
You mean there are parts of the country where
the roads DON'T look like that.......... :D

seriously, pretty normal here.
The problem actually is getting worse
as the farms got bigger over decades.
Here, they remove all the old hedgerows.
miles of open fields.
truly amazing road drifts
Yep that's what it looks like around home
because the snow banks are too high for the
snow plow's.. If the driver would use the
wing plow correctly & raise it up, take some
off either side & lower the bank, push it back
farther so it can drift in the next time Deeper!
We have areas like that too.

Last week on lunch hour - watched a 4WD tractor working ahead of the state plow truck to "cut-back" the banks.

It was pretty cool. He'd just drive right into the snow-filled ditch to blow the bank back... then back out of there like nobody's business. I had never seen a 4WD tractor in action like that before. (Would have taken some video, but it was too darn cold.)
That's about par for the course in rural areas.
Our township does well to make a pass each direction once let alone go back and re-plow areas that drift over after they've been plowed. It's rare to see a wing plow on anything but a highway truck around here.
Is this an east-west road looking east? It looks like an older gravel road, probably last rebuilt in the 1930's?

The snow in the road could well be new snow that blew in after the the road was cleared. There are trees and thick brush right up to the road ditch on the near right hand side of the picture. That brush would make a great wind break and snow fence if it was 200 to 400 feet away from the road. Being that close to the road, I would expect deep snow drifts to be deposited on that spot of road any time you have high winds from any direction, or lighter winds blowing from from the right hand side. On windy days spots like that may need to be plowed out several times a day.

Is there enough room along side that road to wing out the banks? The second knoll on the left hand side has grass or branches sticking out of it. Is that a cut bank or heavy brush that close to the road? If it is, snow will drift in next to banks or heavy brush like that too.

1978 was 35 years ago. The trees and brush along that road were probably a lot smaller then, and the wind may have been blowing from another direction.

In the 1950's, some counties in western Iowa started rebuilding their north south gravel roads to reduce snow drift problems. Cut banks were knocked down and brush was cleared from the road sides. It helped. Many of the east west gravel roads were low traffic and lower priority, so they were left as-is. They can be closed for part of winters like this one.

Your tax money might be better spent rebuilding that road once rather than plowing it out daily. Good luck.
Nothing is wrong with the's winter, we get cold, we get snow, it's not permanent....get over it.

Now, what is wrong with the picture? Nothing with it either, if you like craning your neck way over there.....

LA in WI
Just looks to me like a lot of hard wind has drifted more snow in since the last pass. Not much the crews can do except come back again, but you are probably not the only complainer with the same problem.

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