Its been 18 years since I milked cows....


Well-known Member
.....and my brother asked me today if I would give him a hand as the hired man was off today. I didn't actually milk the cows as I am not familiar with the milkers he uses now, but I still remember how to shovel cow poop!! I was reflecting as I worked on when I did the milking and all the times good and bad that I experienced in building and working in that barn which is now over 40 years old. He expects to get moved into his new facility within a month if the cold weather doesn't hold up the construction crew too much. Right now he is milking 80 cows in 32 tie stalls, and will be moving into a 108 freestall barn with a swing 8 parlor so should cut milking time from four hours to less than two.
yes the good old days 5 am cold dark you sit down next to a cow and she wraps a tail full of industrial byproduct around your neck .i had one cow and i seen her do it so many times take a gutter that had been bedded and with her tail work it till it was bare at the bottom and start soaking and i really do miss that heat in the barn the smell the soft rustle of the bedding the chatter of the milkers cats waking up( at least the ones that didnt make the mistake of taking a snooze under a cow) stretching then coming over for milk yes i really miss that thanks for the memories
I went into my Uncles milking parlour last weekend, I had my working clothes on.....funny how you hate getting the by-product on your clothes now! and all of a sudden you can smell cows. I don't remember smelling of cows when I milked them? I remember smelling horse people and definitely hen and pig farmers when you met them at the shop and used to wonder why children held their noses when I walked in! LOL......
Its been 20 years on feb 14 that I milked for myself.I go down and help neighbor who has small dairy.I miss it. There were 7 different milk trucks going by my house then .Now only 3 farms operating.Thanks Greg

Its been 51 yrs. for me and I still have nitemares of having to milk.
God blessed me with not liking cows at an yearly age and have been able to be a life long farmer without one animal on ranch.
However, Cows were my Dad's & brother's life.
Growing crops was mine.
You can take the boy off the farm , but you can't take the farm out of the boy. I am sure that this is an exciting for your brother. And I am also sure that you are quite proud of his acomplishments , and share in the excitement of this new barn. I still milk cows everyday , coming up on 33rd aniversry ,and I still enjoy the life it offers. Looking forward to pictures of this new barn with cows in it. Bruce
1989 is when I gave up the dairy. But I still like cows and I could walk into anybodies barn and start milking this morning. I think it's like riding a bicycle or roller skates. 80 cows in 32 stalls would be a lot of work. He will be glad I guess when the new barn is ready though myself I'd rather milk in a stall barn. I like the interaction with the cows that you don't get in a parlor.
It's been over 60 years for me, but I don't think you ever forget. I was drafted during the Korean War and my brother joined the Air Force. Hal
I was 18 the last time I milked cows. Never looked back. Just glad someone else likes to dairy. We too had 32 tie barn. Milked between 60-70. We bottled, pasterized, and delivered.
Our motto was we squeeze, your pour.

Our free stall barn was 3 sided metal pole barn. All the moisture from the cows breathing, peeing, and poo froze on the rafters and metal roof. It was a rain forest when the sun melted the condensaton. That's the main reason, I will never have a metal roof.

You know it requires a BS degree to shovel cow poo? If you have many cows, a MS degree. If you pile it up to spread in the spring, it requires a PhD.

It's been ten years for me. I miss the cows but don't miss the work! Especially with this cold weather! Frozen waterbuckets, gutter cleaners, and silo unloaders, don't know how we did it. Didn't know any different I guess. I do miss coming into a warm barn and listening to the cows munch hay! And drinking ice cold milk out of the bulk tank.
Just got back in from milking our three. Nothing better than fresh milk and homemade butter! I won't stop milking until they pry my cold, dead hands from her teats....
It has been 17 years for me. I took a week off work to help my brother chop corn. He caught some very bad intestinal bug and was so sick he could leave the toilet for 4 days. SIL is a city girl and was 7 months pregnant and didn't know the routine. Luckily Dad was able to haul the wagons to the silo. But I had to do the milking and I was afraid I wasn't doing the washing/cleanup properly before and after milking and a whole truck load of milk would be condemned and my brother would be financially responsible.
Re dairy smells, one of my good friends from high school married a dairy farmer and when they renovated their milking parlor, she had them install a washer/dryer and shower in the office area. So after any barn work and before anyone is allowed back in the house, they most shower and change clothes!!!
I spent allot of time in my uncles stanchion barn in the fifties growing up. He milked about 35 head.
I have cared for livestock all my life and enjoy being around them, even with our recent cold snowy weather. But never had the desire nor could I get excited about milking them.

I have never been afraid of work. I just can't get excited about being tied down and having to be their the exact time morning and night 7 days a week.
It was 10 years the 23rd of November that mine went down the road. I don't know what it would take to get me back in a dairy barn. I suppose I'd do it if somebody was in trouble and needed a hand. I'd do it free,but you couldn't pay me enough to do it for somebody who was capable.
Just got done milking couple hours ago. Still not a job but fun, the cold does make it tougher and difficult at times.
I milked cows on my own for 30 years. Started with 28, maxed out at 75. Last heifer got on the trailer 10:30 AM, Sept 23, 2001, but who keeps track? She kicked me again, same spot she got me 3 weeks before, which was almost healed up. Miss "em? (no)
20 years in June for me, miss the cows, the smells, and most everything else on the farm, but do NOT miss the volatility of milk prices.
38 years since I left the farm and the cows....I don't miss them either. I think a lot of the bad memories had to do with having to milk while all my buddies were out having fun....probably wouldn't be too bad if you were married and settled down...and YOU got the paycheck LOL!
I grew up on a dairy, never wanted nothing else for 35 years.
Finally realized after i quit 20 years ago that i had spend most of my life tied down.
Took a while to get the hang of being free but i don't regret getting out of dairy.
(quoted from post at 18:17:37 01/25/14) Not only the wet tail, [b:0c6e786e2a]but I seemed to get my toes stepped on alot.[/b:0c6e786e2a]

Don't miss it one bit.

Now you know the reason Dutch farmers wear wooden shoes ;)

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