Greg K

Well-known Member
Gotta love the news sometimes. This morning on ABC they were advertising for their evening news segment like 20/20. Today's big news story: " the knockout game! What is it? Who's doing it! Tonight we talk to a victim who survived it!"
WTF! Its the knockout game not attack someone with a machete game. Survived a sucker punch is what was survived. This is not to say that the punks that are doing it should be let off the hook, and someone could be seriously hurt or killed by it, but the survival thing seems a bit far fetched.
Sometimes makes you wonder what you believe since you may not know the whole story and first them.
They sure are grasping for straws for stories. Apparently they could not find enough "doom and gloom" to report on. The one that is getting me is the front page handling of the GW Bridge scandal going on in NJ. Bridgegate???? I'd like to slap somebody on that one. The Nixon administration is so far in the past that the "gate" thing should have died off 20 years ago.
And what about the philipines how are they doing? Sure this is tragic and maybe if we were taught about family and family values not us or i or me maybe things would change.
Has anybody noticed how magazine titles have changed it used to be life magazine then us now its self.
Why a does the media insist on calling it "The Knock out game"? I"ve always understood it to be "Polar Bear Hunting" A game almost exclusively practiced by black youth against light skinned victims.
But then again in this world we wouldn"t want to call anything what it is.

From what I have seen or read in the news about it is that people have died as a result. It's really not like in the old movies where you hit somebody on the head with your gun butt and twenty minutes later they are like new.

The one that happened in East Lansing cracked me up. The attacker used a stun gun on the man, but it didn't work. The man had a CCL, and shot him.
Society itself is very ill, a lack of real education and leadership. Adolescent people running astray doing these things. News/media is a farce today.

I hate bullies, this infuriates me, and one has to conduct themselves in a highly alert manner when around a group of teens on the street because of this. Sucker punch some random person, then watch them fall face first into the concrete curb, it could easily kill someone, survive is a relative word here.

Well, heres one that fought back properly armed, and rightfully so. POOF
News Story
In my area a teenager sucker punched an elderly man, was caught on store camera. Now he's in legal trouble and his family had to pay hospital bill for ole guy.
Some day I may write a book, or at least an article, on all the clichés and stupid comments made both in the media and by advertisers.

Example: In grocery ads and on menus, anything tasty is ALWAYS referred to as "mouth watering".

Or in a football game when the ball carrier takes off down the field, the announcer yells, "That boy can run!" Of course he can, that's what he's doing, Doofus.

I think I'll start a file on my computer and add to it as they come to me.
Problem is, these aren't random attacks. Typically the assailant will study the crowd seeking someone who appears defenseless.

Recently happened in Houston, young white thug attacked an elderly black man. Broke his jaw, multiple other injuries, now in rehab/nursing home, probably rest of his life.

Lets see, hate crime charges, attack on elderly charges... Hope he enjoyed his moment of shame.
Anything that happens to the idiots doing it is just what they deserve whether its jail time, getting shot, or getting beat up themselves. I sure don't mean to make light of the actions just the way the wording is to make it seem so great. Every year hundreds of people are killed by falls in their home, but I don't claim to have "survived" a bath. Thousands are killed every year in car accidents, but I didn't "survive" my drive to the grocery store either. Just gotta laugh at the hype.
Just anthor thought have we caused this ourselves ? Have we become to protective of our young? doing volunteer work how many times have i heard you cant touch me. i rememeber the day if you got in trouble at school it was nothing compared to what you got at home never bring shame on your family
If I had been caught doing something that stupid when I was younger, I would have wanted the police to lock me up. Otherwise the old man would've given one heck of a whooping. Direct result of parents today that don't/ can't discipline their kids.
Yep. He's the one who said on facebook or youtube or something that he wonders if it would be a hate crime if a white kid did it to a black man, because it isn't when black kids do it to a white man.

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