The reason everyone moves to Fla.

You guys stay safe and warm tonight.
I can take the cold better than I can take the heat and humidity.

The other day the sun was shining and the air was dead still. I was working on the south side of the one barn in a tee shirt. The temperature was 25 degrees. Now the opposite side in the shade was a another story.

Went an visited a friend two years ago in Florida. It was July with 95 degree temps and 90% humidity. I had to stay inside where it was cool.
It is 4 AM and -25 just south of Minneapolis, St, Paul at the moment. One winter, maybe in December can't remember when but it was warmer in Minnesota all across the state than it was in central florida and up. That just happened one day that I know of. You can always put on more clothes if cold, if you are too hot you can only take off so much without getting arrested.
The retired snow birds that travel south for the winter right after Christmas and return home up north around Easter have the right idea.
JD Seller,

You're right, of course, about the heat and humidity down here. Funny thing is, the day we left Cedar Rapids for Florida in July 1977 the temp in CR was 103 and the humidity was way up there too.

Only the one day though.

The other thing is, I hope my memory is correct.

This cold front is gonna hit you folks too. I think the coldest I ever was in a rental house with an unheated pool and no furnace. Everything in that place was tile and the high for the week was 60 degrees. The only two warm places were the shower and BED!!! Damp and cold!
Yea it gets a little hot with some humidity in the Summer in the South but I'll take that ten times over some miserable place like North Dakota where it stays below freezing for weeks at a time.At least I can go swimming to cool off try that in ND to warm up(LOL)
I'm guessing that you're somewhere west of the Mississippi river, eh?

Here in Florida, there are a lot of folks from the upper east coast (NY, NJ, etc.) on the east coast of Florida (I-95 southbound). On the west coast, a lot more from the Midwest (I-75 southbound).

My daughter and younger son moved there.My other daughter is thinking of moving there. One brother lives there and the other does during the winter. So I have plenty of places to stay when I do go down for a week or so at atime.

They think I'm nuts staying here.I even brought a fifth wheel to winter in there. But I enjoy my play farm here in Mi. I retired from my real job so I don't have to go out other than to care for a few head of cattle. When I go out I can come in and warm up when needed. I got to head out now to take care of 16 inches of snow that fell. With a heated cab and blower on my loader tractor it will be fun.
Had a friend call from Tampa area Sunday and had the nerve to ask how the weather here in southern Indiana was. He was in shorts sitting on the beach with 78 degree weather. I told him he should take up farming down there as he is good at loading a manure spreader. We have been to Florida 3 times in the winter and each time, it snowed, even south of Tampa. We are not allowed back in until summer.
NO way Id stay in Florida in the summer, too dern HOTTTTTTTTTT. But I sure enjoy the 60 to 80 often typical normal winter temps MUCH WARMER then Indiana Jan through April or so woooooooo hoooooooooooo. But, its NOT for everyone and we each have our choices, I found mine, but its getting crowded here, I prefer the rest of you stay up North lol

John T
NO WAY Id stay in Florida in the summer, TOO DERN HOTTTTTTTTTTTTT. However, the often typical 60 to 80 in Jan Feb and March sure suits me and its MUCH better then cold Indiana those months brrrrrrrrrrrr

John T
With no income tax they tax everything else and rob the dickens out of you on property taxes. I haven't lived there since 67, am purty sure groceries and clothes are taxed. They put their hands deep in your pockets every chance they get.
Come to Kansas.

They have state income tax, sales taxes on everything - including groceries, and property tax on everything except your furniture. The schools are still whining that they don't get enough money. Wait until they have to elbow the welfare class when medicaid starts drawing more money because of external_linkcare.
Florida has or had an impact fee on just about everything. They were putting a tax on the Yankees cars that they moved to florida in. The Yankees had already paid tax on them when they bought them in the north. That tax got repealed. Their homestead credit is a joke.

All schools beg for more money because they can't manage what they have. Biggest black hole in the tax system. A school in Minnesota ripped out almost new carpet so they could spend money so they would not lose that amount next year. All states tax the dickens out of you in one way or another but I feel Florida is terrible. Florida may have changed, but they usually change for the worse.
If I lived in cold country, Florida would be the LAST place I would move to to get away from the cold. WAAAAAAy to many people. Took grandkids to Disney World and I will never go to Florida again.

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