Get rid of computor games for kids under 10


Well-known Member
We watch the twin grand kids who are about 7 years old. The parents work for the fire dept, and sometimes they both work the same shift. They come to our house with computor games in hand, and would play them all day if they had the chance. When I'm at at my shop area they are always doing something constructive. the other day they had built a fort, in some trees,and with pieces from my scrap iron pole made all kinds of things, which to them were something special. When I was little I was never sitting around in our house. Stan
I agree. Problem is schools use and encourage computers. Kids need to be outside expanding their imaginations. My wife played "bulldozer" for hours with old cow bones in the sand. We played cowboys and army, fished, explored the river until I graduated from high school. We slowed some when we discovered girls, but still got outside.

This is much more serious than people understand. The young brain is developing for many years, just like the body. The young brain can't handle the life and death situations animated in a video game. We will just have more and more youngsters arming themselves and murdering innocents, and all sorts or deviant behavior from that on down.
Ah but don't you know that's good for them? It trains them to fly drones for the military.
Not a problem in my house. Yes my kids (5 and 7) watch tv but they don't ask or beg. My wife decided we needed a Wii this year for Christmas. We played it Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Hasn't been turned on since. Not sure what she was thinking. All my 5 year old daughter wants to do is either play with her ponies or go outside and play with her real pony. My 7 year old son is a hunting and fishing fool. When we're not ice fishing he's wandering around the yard with his bb gun keeping the sparrow count in check.

Casey in SD
It is a nearly-free baby sitter for dog-tired 2 worker parents. It is a problem, but the parents are too harried to develop an alternative.
Shoot back when I was still in the navy we did a ship refit on the JFK and one of the things they did was install a bunch of video games on board in the mess decks. PAC-Man an Space invaders etc.
Back in my day young'ns under 10 didn't have time for no video games. We had to plow the fields, cut the wood and build the barns etc. I remember being four when the storms hit and swimming the flooded river to save the big kids who were trapped. We didn't have no video games in my day, and we ate gravel and broken glass each night for supper.
When you think about it, part of the problem has been government policies that have driven the spouses into the workplace because the economy has been so butchered it takes two to maintain a household.
...and that's all I gotta say bout that. :)
Many people don't own a television but they do hope to pay it off before it gets too old!......LOL
Well if you truly go back and look why we now have a 2 person income base it has to do with equal pay for women. Before than the pay a man got was higher to make up for the woman staying at home. Then you have the abortion laws an the killing of the unborn etc
the world is ever evolving
just the way it is.
everything in moderation.
teach em good, make them work hard, a good mix of outdoor, indoor activities.they'll be fine.
video games, tablets, computers, smartphones are here to stay
and young people need to grow up with them,
or they will be helpless in todays world when they are adults.
One that is allowed none of these things will be 'outcasts' in their age group....not good.
my solution with my son and now grandson was to pick up the controller and get in the game!
spent hours with both just having fun and it is a good way to screen games...actually playing them.
(and yes, in the beginning you will hear 'Grandpa, you are such a noob')

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