
Well-known Member
Is there any place on this web site a person can rant and vent without being poofed?
In this day and age of the controlled news medium and people not allowed to speak the truth, where is a place people can exercise their freedom of speach?
I know of a vet that got of the military. He rants a lot on his face book about the commander in chief. Didn't take him long to discover he had an uninvited facebook friend that he couldn't block out watching him.

Be careful what you rant about. Big brother is watching.
I'm sure we are all being monitored on whatever forum we use. I don't think there's any doubt what I think of those alphabet soup of agencies if they read my comments. TDF

I don't remember the URL right now, but there is a site that has the words "off topic" or "ot" in it that some of the guys on here use for that kind of stuff. Big Mike, down in the Tales section of this board uses it quite a bit, or at least, he used to use it quite a bit.

It's a little bit too rough and tumble for me, but it's been around for a long time.

Tom in TN
(quoted from post at 22:14:58 12/20/13) Is there any place on this web site a person can rant and vent without being poofed?
In this day and age of the controlled news medium and people not allowed to speak the truth, where is a place people can exercise their freedom of speach?

Freedom of speech does not exist on most forums. When you joined this forum you had to agree to the terms of use for this site. Certain topics are off limits on this and most other forums. When you agreed to the terms of use for this forum you voluntarily gave up a portion of freedom of speech.
Don't like it? Start your own forum without the limitations on speech.

Also, freedom of speech has limits. Freedom of speech stops when it infringes on someone else's rights. Slander is one example.
Start your own website. Figure out how to pay for it all. Rant as much as you want. Hope someone reads it.
George, Big brother is not too worried about a bunch of old retired farmer/geezer types living in the past. No body is lurking behind a tree to see you or me pee in the yard.Nobody cares. Get over it.

Here is one called the bash board

Another one called off topic, most of these guys where on this one at one time or another.
Who needs a tree, I just stop and go.

Personally, I'm on the other side of the issue. I think we big brother to watch the wack jobs. We blamed big brother for not connecting the dots before 911 and no some are saying we shouldn't be using all the tools to connect the dots.
No, it's not a bash board. That's why some folks got kicked off Tales and this board. If you can't find a place to rant on the net, you must not be looking too hard. If you go off into personal attacks, threats, you might be talking to yourself, no matter what board. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can slander or threaten folks without consequences.
I think the NSA has the ability to monitor us, but why would they bother? A bunch of old farts like us are not likely to fit the profile - we don't communicate with certain regions of the world, we don't belong to certain organizations, we aren't trying to commit crimes.
Now! if I said, that I loved my fellow man, I would be lying, and folks might think I was strange, NOW the ladies.... that is another story!
A beagle forum I visit has a politics topic. Turns into nothing but guys bad-mouthing each other. Rarely go there. Even the other topics get a little heated. Wish the host would use her "poof key" a little more often.

(quoted from post at 20:26:21 12/20/13) George, Big brother is not too worried about a bunch of old retired farmer/geezer types living in the past. No body is lurking behind a tree to see you or me pee in the yard.Nobody cares. Get over it.

Big Brother DOES care. That's why they sicked the IRS on conservative non-profits, it's why a straight male teacher with a family was fired by his lesb ian boss for being a straight male family man, why guns are part of health forms now, why your religious views are being censored more and more as in Duck Dynasty. BB does care Edd, you might not, but the true believers DO CARE and they watch to a greater or lesser degree.
There USED to be a political forum here, downstairs BELOW the Talers. Miss Kim finally pulled the plug on it because a Google search on YT Mag forums sent more people to the political side than to the tractor side...and this forum is run by a BUSINESS that sells tractor parts. Unfortunately, the purpose of the business was getting lost.

So, since this is Miss Kim's house, I figure we'll either live by Miss Kim's rules...or we'll leave. Try going into someone else's house that has "NO SMOKING" signs posted everywhere, and lighting up a stogie...see how long THAT lasts.
True believers? Big Brother? You mean the ones that make laws to suit their beliefs...but not the other way around?

You mean like the ones that want to close the liquor stores on Sunday so everyone can go to the one true church...theirs?

You mean like the ones that are opposed to casinos in Kentucky, because as the red head of the state senate said "we don't want people wasting their money on gambling"....whats next Big Red? beer? potato chips? old tractors?

Those are the folks always worried about big they are one!

The big brother concept works on both sides..think about it?
Try getting your own radio show. Those guys get paid millions to rant. You really only need about 5 minutes worth of rant, then you can repeat it over and over for 3 hours to a constantly changing audience.

It must be nice. Wish I'd a thought of it.
I think Rush Limbaugh is still on the radio somewhere. Listen to him a few hours and that will help get it out of your system.
Respectfully I think that governments, and this government in particular, do not like independent people and really don't like people that express ideas that don't conform with their themes.

This forum seems to be full of such folk.

The gov't seems to have unlimited funds to hire people to eavesdrop.

Problems? ALWAYS remember this:
80% of the people don"t care about your problems.
The other 20% are glad you got them.

LA in WI
Actually, my recollection was that the political forum just got too vile, so she pulled the plug. Couldn't blame her- I'm not a big fan of incivility, expecially salted with f-bombs and n-words.
Whenever I need to rant. I just go to Wal-Mart and check out how some of the people are dressed. Then I don't feel so bad.
As for the comments about "big brother". It's not that those in office have an agenda. Everyone has their ideas of how they want things to be. It's that those that the citizens have elected are misusing the power of their office to quash those that disagree with their views, rather than to serve the public like they are supposed to.
WOW !!!!!
This is not poofed yet.

All I did was mention one simple idea to teach kids in schools and to start teaching this idea in a big city first and got poofed.
It was clean and very simple! !! Pretty much common sense really,which is not at all common anymore.

(quoted from post at 02:01:49 12/22/13) WOW !!!!!
This is not poofed yet.

All I did was mention one simple idea to teach kids in schools and to start teaching this idea in a big city first and got poofed.
It was clean and very simple! !! Pretty much common sense really,which is not at all common anymore.


the definition of common sense just keeps changing as the people keep changing.
I agree with George and spook, Just let some nut pull off a major terrorist attack and the whole country will be up in arms complaining that our government was not doing its proper job of survallence. Leadership is a tough job, bitching is easy.
See Buzzman and Mike below. The Political and Tractor Wars Forum on this website was designed to take that type of ranting out of otherwise tractor related topics. Instead, it attracted a lot of people to the website who didn't know a thing about tractors but just came to make outrageous comments. YT was becoming known as a political rant site and on New Years Eve of 2007??? they pulled the plug. I enjoyed it. But, in answer to your question, some of the guys started their own website. Oh Tee it was called but I can't find it now. There were some good guys there. "ATOZ" and "Lord of the Norge" come to mind.
(quoted from post at 20:12:09 12/21/13) Oh Tee it was called but I can't find it now. There were some good guys there. "ATOZ" and "Lord of the Norge" come to mind.

Here you go Bill if you;re looking for the OT forum.
Go into your Bathroom; look the mirror "square-in-the-eye"; and Go For It. It helps; besides, you can say things there that you CAN'T put in print.



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