Crop report???


Well-known Member
As some you know there was a USDA stocks report today. They lowered the carryout stocks a few million bushels saying usage remains good on the near record crop we had in 2013.

We had average to above average corn here in eastern Iowa and below average on soybeans.

Yet in my travels in a 60 mile radius of here I know of only one or two piles NE of here 60 miles. Elevators that normally have piles every year have none.

So where is all this grain from this above average crop. Is there piles outside in your area that are normally there?

I know more inside storage is built all the time but not at the elevators that normally have the piles in this area.

I also know that most were empty going into the fall but still there should be some piles.

Are they in your area? Bigger or smaller than years past?

Speaking personally,I had to pile some ear corn. First time in about four years. That said,precipitation was so variable around here that I know two guys just east of town who had to turn in a claim for crop insurance.
Good point Gary, I've noticed that also. Was just discussing that with my Son. Two trips to Wisconsin and another west to Dixon, Il. and I passed at least half dozen granary's, not one had a kernel outside.
Could be big brothers way of lowering the price of grain ? Wouldn't be the first thing they been lying about!
When I got feed last week at the mill they told me they are full and trying to get rid of a lot of corn to make room. The have told thier customers to stop thier combines until they make room and aren't accepting any corn from anyone they haven't already done business with in the past. Still a lot of corn in the field.
My corn averaged 148 this year. My 5 year average is 160.

No piles at the elevators where I have seen them in past years.

I'm about 60 miles N.E. of St. Louis.
No piles here in Western PA or Eastern OH that I have seen. Still a lot of unharvested corn locally. This cold snap should help solidify some fields enough to get on them.
on a recent trip thru SD and to the edge of MN on I-90 I seen maybe a dozen piles of Corn and what I am guessing was Milo (red/brown piles?) but that was my first trip there at that time frame so I do not know if that was normal or not, I did see 6-8 machines still working as well
Can"t tell if they"re bigger or smaller.......haven"t seen any this year. Haven"t been out much but next week"s road trip thru the usual pile areas should tell me. Considering local yields, I"ll bet I don"t see much next week.
In central Minnesota yields are down a little from last year. There is very little corn stored on the ground this year.

Over the past few years the local elevators added a lot of storage bins (doubled their storage capacity?). They also dismantalled the conveyors and panels for outside storage. Maybe corn is too expensive to store outside now?
you have farmed long enough to know those usda reports say exactly what the grain traders want them to say, pretty much everything has been corrupted by America's love for the almighty dollar
Super yield on corn and beans around the Norfolk Ne. area.lots of elevators are full and piles on the ground with a million plus bu at 2 locations and numerous smaller piles all within a 50 mile radius.Lots of ag bags filled too.Just about every bin was empty to start the season because of the drought last year.
biggest pile ever at our local coop. record acres and above average yields in SE NE. 7.5 million bushels on the ground if you include there satellites! they've been building added storage every year.
South Eastern Illinois. There are big piles at most elevators and the river terminals at Mt. Vernon In. We had a bumper crop, except for the low bottom ground (It flooded at least 3 times)
cgb has 1.3 million under a tarp at Jeffersonville ind,except for last yr.,,.they .,usually do have a pile this time of yr ...
Local ethanol plant has two large bunker systems, only one full. Local elavators usually have three large piling systems full of corn and several long piles on the ground with augering systems. This year no auger piles and and piling systems not completely full. We were dry this summer and so lower yields across the board, but corn was wet due to late rains. Elavators dried almost all the corn coming in, but my longest wait at the elevator this year was half of an hour, the average was ten minutes. Pastures are being planted to corn and beans at a record pace, local vet said he had 50,000 less cattle that he usually does work to this year than two years ago.
Not an inch of empty bin space for miles around here. Neighbor still has about 200 acres of standing corn, waiting until he has somewhere to put it. Very little corn that wasn't sold early ever left the farm here. Beans are another story, but still a good bit in bins. I guess everyone is hanging on to their crop. waiting for the price to drop even farther....

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