Depressing Month/Day! (Long post)

JD Seller

Well-known Member
Hello Fellow YTers.

It has been a tough 6-8 weeks this fall. Many changes in my life and very few of them good.

1)My wife and I switch homes with my middle son, Bill. There where several reasons for the switch. Bill and his wife are having twin babies here soon. They also have the three daughters that have the horses. So they would have had five kids in a three bedroom home. My wife and I where living in a five bedroom, eleven room house. We only used maybe 3-4 rooms. Also Bill"s house has a level/single level down stairs, There are two bedrooms upstairs but they will just be storage for us. The old farm house has different levels as it has been added to several times. With my wife"s health issues the level floor plan will work better long term.

2) Not only did we switch homes but Bill took over the majority of the livestock chores. His good paying job moved to Texas. He had the choice of moving or taking a generous separation deal. He stayed here. He and my older two sons have picked up additional farm ground and some pasture for additional livestock and grain farming.

3) The change from the farm was not completely want I really wanted but I know that if I stayed involved on a daily basis I would be smothering the boys at times. My personality is just too head strong/bossy to not have had issues if I get too involved. So I have been put out to pasture kind of. LOL I still do the stock cow care. I also control all the land use and crops on the home place. Still I miss the daily routine of the livestock. Sounds crazy that I miss the challenge that caring for the cattle in the cold/winter is.

4) My Father had a stroke six weeks ago. I really have not gotten along with him in more than 30 years. HE is a cheating womanizer that can be a total a$$hole most of the time. He is a very selfish person. The heck with worrying about anyone else type of guy. The trouble is that my wife get along with him. So she took upon herself to care for him.

5) Four weeks ago he fell going down his front steps. He knocked my wife down the steps as she was helping him down. He landed on top of my wife. He was not hurt bad. She broke her left hip and right arm.

Her diabetes is causing her hip to not heal correctly. We have talked to several orthopedic Doctors and the last one was honest enough with us to tell us she more than likely will never heal correctly. She is not a candidate for a hip replacement because of her heart/diabetes issues.

My wife is not fifty years old yet and is not handling this very well at all. She is suicidal. I have all of the meds under lock and key. I have moved all of my guns upstairs in a locked bed room. She just started mental health care this last week. I hope it works.

6) Finally got the nuisance phone calls stopped. It was no one involved with YT. It was a fellow that is mentally unstable that blames me for his problems. His Mother sold me her farm 15 years a go and he thought she should have given it to him for free. It did not matter to him that she needed the money to live on.

7) I had to put my Father in assisted living care last week. He just is not able to care for himself. I just could not care for him and my wife both any longer. I had to chose one.

My sisters are mad at me for doing this. They came an helped for ONE week and then quit coming but I am supposed to keep doing it. They both are screaming that I am after "Dad"s" money. That is a laugh. HE sold me his house 10 years a ago because he had blown all of his retirement money. He was living the high life taking "Younger" women on fancy trips and all. My sisters are in for a big surprise when he passes. He does not have much money. My one brother and I are paying for his assisted living care.

So this is not a real "UP" lifting Thanksgiving day. The kids all are at their in-laws for this holiday. Which is fine, they will be here for Christmas. This is the first time in a long time that there was not a turkey cooking in the oven along with all the trimmings. I did cook a ham and some other things but the wife eat about two bites and went back to sleep. Mine tasted like saw dust by myself.

I have missed YT and you fellows. I liked the debates/arguments with many of you. Liked to tease rrlund about his Olivers/Whites being high priced to repair. Bison and Traditonalfarmer about farming in general. Loved seeing Larry and Sweetfeet"s pictures. Lyle, the super Canadian, projects just make me tired think about doing that much work LAMO. John T"s electrical knowledge has taught me a lot. Hope Lance is catching his dreams. There are many more of you that I miss too. This would be much too long If I could remember all of you but your in my thoughts.

I just am not going to have the time to be here much. My wife"s care is going to be time consuming for a while longer. I think she will get better mentally. She is a tough woman that will come to grips with her "new" issues. She has fought them down before and I am sure she will again.

My Uncle took some of what I have ranted about, while mad at the world, and wrote on here about it. He has gotten 2+2=5 on much of it. I have been MADDER than HE!! about how things have been going. Not much I can do different just life sucks sometimes. I can be a grouching old fart at time like this. So If I have offended anyone I am sorry for that.

Old Iowa is my uncle. He has been here some today. He has been a big help just being here the last few weeks. He is leaving for his winter home in AZ on Monday. I will miss his company. I will not miss his sense of humor(Pain in the butt). LOL
Great to here from ya ! Let me say I miss the post and to the rest I say push a rope up hill! If you have the time or want to I have a problem with a 4010 had system that needs attention with the help of the knowledgeable. You can email me if you like . Trucker
prayers know about mental problems did it for 15 years finnally she lost her parents and kids from prevous marrige caused trouble. finnanly some of her family steped in after a failed suicide attempt. her family stepped in and said i had done enough hard times she went down hill from there sorry if i run on still i would give anything to change it put you cant so remember you cant take care of loved ones with out taking care of yourself and family also has to help if i could i gladly help so for now prayers and god bless
Glad to see you back. You had some wisdom that you have shared time and time again.. Don't know whether to take everything you say at face value, but I enjoy reading your posts. Am sorry for your trials of late. Sounds you have more than your share of troubles right now
My brother sells a product that is supposed to help the body regulate itself. I don't know what it is, but maybe you can use a search engine to find it. One of the stories they tell is about a woman who was given about three months to live and has survived for years. And the cancer may have even disappeared. A few of the other stories are about the improvements seen by people that are Diabetics. Improved not cured.

I wish you the best. Maybe tomorrow will be a sunnier day.
Good Luck and welcome back.
Well first of all glad to hear from you and glad you are back. Sorry to hear about all you misfortune. We all have our ups and downs , just remember it is a long road that does not have a turn.. Things will get better.
Sorry to hear of your problems. Glad you came back, you have a lot of friends here. Keep us up to date, and post when you can. Bill
Good to hear from you JD. That is some tough stuff, but hang in there. Just remember, a wise man once said "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world."
Take care of yourself. Get some help where you can have several hours two to three time a week for yourself. It will help. Prayers are and will be sent.
will pray for your wife physical and mental health, there is help, just not a fast, take a few pills , its all over, you already know that. you are a strong individual , she will need that stability; give sons advise (when they ask for it) or maybe they want/need to do it their way. It will all work out in the end, if its not worked out yet, your not at the end ( old woman told me that - and i guess its right) Check in here when you can , will do you good and we all enjoy hearing from you
Sorry about all the things you are going through. I can relate as I have seen more rainy days metaphorically speaking than bright sunny ones in the last twenty years. Going through kind of a tough stretch now but hoping things will be more bearable around here by spring time. I don't think I will ever know the life where everything goes my way most of the time. I guess things are harder spiritually because in the last few years I had to suffer through some unpleasant life changing events. Somedays it just feels like that little black cloud is following you and only you when the reality is that there are others who feel the same way. Take care and keep coming back when possible.
JD, it's good to hear from you. I thought I was having a little stress right now but it's nothing compared to your problems. I'll be thinking of you. Keep in touch with us when you need to vent. Jim
Welcome back JD,Life can get tough.We all would rather face hard work than what you are facing,DONT forget GOD .GP
I have had some good things go on too. I should have wrote about them as well.

We have two little ones (twin boys) going to be here in the next month or so. So that will be more grand kids to watch over/spoil.

My oldest grand daughter got a real good job in Cedar Rapids. She was overjoyed to find out her Army experience counted for more than she thought it would.

My Oldest Grand Son is working In Chicago and getting married in the spring. He is doing very well and is happy.

The crops around here where the best we have had in years. So that helps a lot. The price of corn is down but we will feed a lot of it so that may work out better.

My personal health is pretty good so that is always a blessing. Just need to vent at times.

So there is much good with the not so good. Sometimes it is easy to over look the good things and focus just on the bad.
Welcome back with open smiles and best and hopeful wishes. Tough dealing with selfish family especially when those closest are selfless and give. May the healing on all fronts be swift. Jim
Well,Hello JD it is very good to hear from you . Sounds like you have had more than your share of troubles dumped on you. Rather a huge load. We all are hopeing for better days ahead for you. Please do not give up hope, just take it day by day. Please stop and think of all the times that you have helped all of us on here in the past,in one way or another.
I have endured some of the same troubles as yours in my past but got thru those dark days by listening to friends. You can do it to!
Do not be afraid to chat with your friends on here anytime. We will be here to help you in any way . clint
So glad to have you back! Missed your posts and especially missed the wealth of knowledge you have. Ive had some issues and changes lately also and I know even if I have time sometimes I dont feel like posting.Hang in there and know we are praying for you.Although I don't post a lot I feel like many of you are family.Good luck old friend!
Sorry to hear of all the struggles you are dealing with, but very glad to see you back with us here on yt.
Welcome back JD. I have always got a lot out of your posts whether my problems have been personal or mechanical. I'm sorry to hear of your troubles but believe you will work through it using your experience and support from family/friends.
Take Care,

Oh my! Seems the older we get that life doesn't just throw us one curve at a time, but a whole bunch of them at once. I am praying that your wife will be healed and her thoughts would turn to the good things of life that are worth staying around for. The good Lord knows these curves are going to happen and provides the help for slugging through those curves. I know from reading your great posts on here that you are a problem solver and not use to others having to help you. Please let others help you when they offer, or ask for help when you need it. It is not just you and your wife that gets blessed when someone offers or stops by to help, the person that does it gets blessed too. Be sure to tell your wife that many on here are praying and thinking about her.
Prayers uplifted my wife has sugar too and it has destroyed her feet. We are just past 50 and mil has alzheimers. My folks passed away too young several years ago. Never met anyone (including myself) that did not have some messed up close relatives. There is no normal, may God give you comfort and strength with these life challenges. I find Jack Daniels to be one of God's greatest assistants several days every month! :)
DARN and I thought that was in the clear, well welcome back Buddy. I thought I had troubles having an 88 year old wife but she does get around pretty good even better than I do when MS flares up. Anyway keep your up and think about all the good days behind and those o come.
Good to see you back. I don't comment much here anymore, I have been on here almost since it started. But I have seen that you have brought a lot to this forum. Good luck on your problems, I hope they work out for you.
Stop by when you can.

Sorry to hear your plate is so full, you seem able to deal with things well.

Life takes so many twists and turns. Not good at saying stuff in a cold text message, but wish all of you well.

So pleased to hear from you JD but sorry for the problems. I wanted to thank you for your former post about the New Mellery Abby. I visited there last week and would not of known about it if it were not for you. Stay strong and know that many of us have had to reach up to touch the bottom at some time or other in our life. Remember our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Tom
Hey JD, wondered where you been! Didn't realize you were getting the crap kicked outta ya.
Glad to hear from you here and downstairs.
You can count on me for some thoughts and prayers for you and your wife.
Welcome back JD just don't forget the family you have on YT. Wish I was closer would be happy to help out in any way if even just someone to bs with. You and Your family will be in our prayers

It is good to hear from you again. That alone made this Thanksgiving a better day.

My wife talks almost daily about the major life changes we will need to make as we approach our 70's. Like you, I am not real anxious to move out and somehow start over. At least you have the satisfaction that your old farmhouse will be put to good use by family, and I can only wish that my place could share the same fate. But the city has moved out upon us and when we go, everything I have built will be dozed over. I would prefer by far to do what you have just done by trading houses. So take that as a complement, you made a major life decision for good reasons and are in the process of settling in.

But gosh, the problems with wife are the heavy ones to bear. We have a good friend (and one of our landlords) that is in similar condition with diabetes and a severe hip problem. But she is now in her 70's and is making progress, so I think it is a good possibility that your wife will heal even faster (she is 20+ years younger). There are new and better medical techniques being developed continously, and you and I are both in states that have a very progressive medical community. Patience will be needed, and that may be the hardest part of this ordeal. As farmers and good mechanics, we are attuned to turning the screw on a carb or diesel pump, or changing a bearing in an engine or transmission, and getting things back to good working order in a short time. We are not made of the patience needed to repair a human problem that may take many months or even years. Successful farming requires a "getter done" attitude. And so now it is a new challenge to work with the slow progress your wife will be making.

Drop in as often as you can, hundreds of us are pulling for you and your wife.

Best wishes!!

Paul in MN
Glad you are back, sorry for all your troubles. I found your posts interesting and appreciate all your help. How are Steve and Carol getting along? I pray for you all everyday. Chris
We are praying for you and your family. Wife has diabetes and her legs and feet are in a lot of pain. Don't want to see the day she starts down hill, but I know its coming. So far every day is sunshine. You always seemed like a guy going 90 mph all the time. Always enjoyed your comments, but take care of family and business first.
JD Seller,
Truly sorry to hear about your problems. I guess one could compare life to the weather, You never know when things may take a turn for the worse. Yet, as you stated, concerning your grand kids, there always seems to be a ray of sunshine somewhere. I know this sounds old and outdated, but I have found it to be very true. My wife was diabetic, so I understand the fight you have on your hands there. We understand, also, that sometimes life's demands leave little time for other things, so, stop by when you can, and I'm wishing the best for you and yours.
Super99: Steve and Carol are doing fine. Steve and my son farmed this season together. They will be in partnership for the long term I think.

Steve is OK as long as he does not spend too much time on his leg. He has pain in the break area if he is on it too long. Doctors tell him it should get better with time.

Carol and the kids are doing great.
JD welcome back. I'm sorry to hear about your problems but you seem to be the kind of guy that when a problem comes your way you just put your nose to the grind stone & do what needs to be done.
JD, it's always good to read your posts, even when they have bad news. I've always admired your broad knowledge and the way you face life head-on. Looks like you're going to have to do it once again, but lots of folks will be rooting for you and your family. Your input here will be always be welcomed and read with interest and concern.
Sorry to hear things haven"t been going so well lately. Personally we"ve been through he!! around here the past few years, with multiple family related problems, economic problems, etc. Through it all I always told the wife that, "there are always those that are worse off than we, and that things will eventually get better". Thankfully things have started looking up for us here lately, and I pray they will do the same for you. Just remember, when times are at their worst, and your at your lowest, the only way things can go is up......and as much as we all usually think otherwise, they always do..... So, good luck, take care of the things that need your attention, and always know that any time you need us your YT family will always be here for you. Wayne
I feel like I am late to this welcome back party. Sorry life is throwing you all these troubles, but give it time and they will pass. I have my ups and downs too so know where you are coming from. This fall has been tough around here too. I don't post much because It's better I keep my mouth shut, learned that a few years back on another forum. People are jealous and can be real pricks.
JD you hang in there and post when you have a chance, I'll stand beside you in the war any time. I would love to meet you sometime.
Take care of your wife and let the boys do there thing.
Im not really known on here but i recognize knowledge when i see it. I always enjoyed your posts and are the first ones i read. I enjoy the topics on this site and i am from IOWA. Im sorry for all your problems but you are tough. Hang in there.
JD,Seems like others have said it all,just take one day at a time,Love God,your wife and family,let others help you even if you feel you dont need it,your actually stealing a blessing from your friends when you refuse help or try to pay them.Have thick skin dont pay attention to others that feel they have something to prove.With all your medical problems and your father,have patience,if you can learn to deal with John Deere problems you are a head of the game{just kidding}Go buy a RED tractor and God will bless you

When it rain it pours but all that rain greens up everything real nice on brighter days. I for one make a point to try to catch your posts they are very informative for me. There has been allot I have learned from this site and a few others just from reading post from knowledgeable members and quite a few that there input on here is missed. Brighter days are ahead the grass always Greens up after a long cold winter thank you for letting us know what's up even if it isn't the best news. just think there wasn't three hrs worth of pots and pans for you and the misses to clean up after everyone left for home
Dave Eklund
That is a lot for several people to handle let alone one. I hope your wife gets better soon. With your wisdom, I can't offer much advice, but wish you better days in the Lord's care.
JD Seller,I am glad to see you come back an am so sorry for the problems you have going on.I dont know if you realize it or not but you have Quite a following here on YT.I am extremely glad to learn that no one from YT was the one that was harassing you with phone calls like had originally been suggested by some on here.I was one of the ones in the original discussion about your corn harvest and have felt sick to my stomach ever since reading where some were calling and e mailing you just to cause you grief.Nothing in my response to your post was ever meant to cause you grief in any way. The world is full of crazy people but for the life of me I could not figure what someone would gain by calling you in person just to harass you over something that was posted on a discussion board.I have actually posted very little since then thinking that some little something would set someone off and make them go off the deep end.Glad to have you back and please accept my sincere apologies If my discussions in your original harvest post contributed to your problems in any way because that was NEVER NEVER my intentions.I look foward to more discussions and Know that my family will be praying for yours.
Do whatever is necessary to get your wife walking again. Diabetes and a bad hip is a nasty combination, since exercise is essential to maintain diabetes control. That can quickly lead downhill, as it did for my father who died at 60 several years after he broke his leg.
sorry to hear you are down on your luck,we will send prayers,One time many years ago,there were some young children in a hut in Vietnam,strarving,,,,,,Their luck turned around,,,,yours and your wifes can too,Please e mail us if there is anything we can do to help you....Larry and family
i am not on here much,work long hours at the day job making blacktop in a big city then drive an hour an half back home one way everyday.but i always enjoyed your post,i hope things in life get better for you,and your wife and hope to see more of your post in the future.
You have always been one of my favorite posters. Very sorry that you are having so many problems and I will be praying for you and your wife.
Good to see you back, hope everything works out for everyone. Don't forget to take care of yourself, the stress of being a caregiver can take an awful lot out of a person. I am sure you will make it through, just don't sweat the bad days too much and enjoy the good ones. Take care.
Great to hear that!!! Thank you, your family and others that helped them out. I wish I had some words of wisdom to help you thru your problems, but the only thing I can offer is to trust in the Lord. I have often heard people say; God will never give you a bigger burden than you can carry. I usually reply, I'm not as strong as God thinks I am. BUT, we have always made it thru with God's help. Praying for you and yours. Chris
Thanks for clearing it all up. Some people had as much trouble dwelling on you as a subject as they have had with ethanol.

Best of luck to you. When it rains,it pours sometimes.
JD Seller,

Will keep your wife and you in my prayers. Hope your wife heals much better physically than the doctors are expecting. I hope her depression lifts as she adjusts... and that you both adjust to the changes in your life and new home. Take care.
JD I had the same problem with my wife. Had diabetes with a bad heart and lung cancer.Finally found a doctor that told her the truth.Also told her to stop sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. I was upset with the way he talked to her. But it worked. She went for help. Took a while but she was back to normal in a few months.Never did heal completly but she was no longer feeling like killing her self.

You have done the right thing. By locking up her meds and the guns. I gave her the pills she needed for the day every morning. Kept them in a safe along with all the sharp knives. Took a while but she got over it.

If you want to talk to someone that has been through it let me know.
Welcome back big fellow and same as you I enjoy our batering back and forth.This getting old thing ain't what its cracked up to be for sure as when we get to point we don't have to worry about ourselves making a living all the time we have to start worry about a bunch of other people.My wife and I are truly Blessed that we are basically healthy at our age,anyway here's hoping your wife has a speedy and complete recovery. good to see you back. Like the others have already stated, I too have missed your posts. Sounds like you have the support of your family, that my friend is worth it all. Look around, there's always someone struggling harder than yourself. Count your blessings and take care.
JD Seller, Sorry to here that life has thrown you so many curve balls lately but you seem like the type to me to battle back and eventually succeed.
I can only tell you that I"m glad you are still one of us on YT, I truly enjoy your posts. You can be hard headed but hey most people that are hard headed are successful at what they endeavor to do.
Happy Holidays from my family to yours.
Glad to see that you are back. sounds like you had a monsoon of problems all at once. Hope your are over the hump and can let the younger generation carry the mental and physical load.
Your a smart man knowing you could be a PIA if you are in the middle of things. I think your boys will know when they need your help.
When the wife and I took over the family machinery dealership, my dad said that he was out of it, and he did just that. He retired to cutting firewood for everyone in the family, and his beloved sugarbush. My grandfather didn't afford him the freedom to run the business, as he saw fit. Both dad and the uncles bought grandpas interst out in the farm and dealership, but rather than going through a bank, grandpa was the bank. When grandpa died, an overjellus step daughter thought she was going to own everything, and contested gramp's handwritten will. She dam near won.
Anyway kick back some and let the boys do their thing. They will ask for your help when needed.
Good luck to you and the wife.
Hope you have more time to enjoy all your friends here.
Loren, the Acg.
After reading all these posts, two things seem clear. 1. JD Seller came (back) here looking for support. That in and of itself is VERY worthwhile. When a man has troubles, he goes to where he thinks he'll find support. It is obvious he has support here. You should feel good about that JD.

2. JD Seller, you should take note of how many people were happy to hear from you. I too was one of them. Perhaps you don't realize it, but by "showing up" again, you have helped us too....once again. I thank you for that.

I'm not a big poster but I really enjoy reading and learning from other posts. Glad to see your posts with your excellent knowledge base.
My personal aim is to strive to learn as much as possible about anything that comes my way. I see your challenges as an invitation to expand your knowledge base into the area of health (physical, mental and spiritual). For Knowledge Protects, Ignorance endangers!! And a big part of striving to learn is Networking with others (like this forum) and staying alert and Alive.
Hindsight is the best sight and maybe sometime down the road you'll be able to look back and see some of these challenges as being opportunities to learn.
Best wishes and know you have many friends on this forum.

Strive, strive and be Alive
Get on your tractor and go for a Drive.

:) :)
JD, I am glad to see you are back, You have been sorely missed. So terribly sorry You and yours have had so much laid on your plate. Will keep Y'all in our Prayers.
John A.
Glad you are back, was wondering how you were doing. And I know about the depression problems. Wife had just gotten out of hospital before I met her 36 years ago from problems due to ex husband that had no idea what he had. Mental Dr. after meeting me releaed her that day after being sure I was not going to set her back. And I have had problems myself, get so down that at times I cannot function. Grandma was one I could not stand and only went to funeral to be able to convince me she would not cause any more problems. So hang in there and post when ever you can even if it is only one word, Hi.
Take care.
Glad you're back JD, i always liked your no BS postings. (been wondering what happend when you disappeared from the site)
Hang in there man,. everybody has his demons and life can be pretty rough at times. At least you got kids and grand kids close by and they are continuing your farm.
I hardly see my kids anymore(live to far away) and the one living closest to me doesn't bother coming at all.,I got no grand kids and no other relatives in the country either(makes living rather lonesome,.. just me and the Wife(Wife is D as well)on our rather nice ranch none of them seem to want.
But as the saying goes,..
When the going gets tough the though gets going :wink:
Not to diminish what you say, but remember it really can be a lot worse.

Two years ago, right at this time of year, a friend of mine was walking down the small staircase in his house - somehow lost his balance and fell.

He woke up on the floor to find himself paralyzed from the neck down. And that's how he'll be for the rest of his life.

He's in his 40's, two young kids, a good job, pretty wife, loved golfing, loved to work. Typical independent type of guy like anybody on this board. Never asked for anything from anybody.

Now he's frozen in a chair and can barely even speak. But other than that he's perfectly healthy.

I realize "it can always be worse" doesn't provide much comfort, but if you really think about it, it can help put things into a better perspective.

My thanksgivings I can't help but think of him now, or what his wife must be feeling, or his kids. It certainly helps me remember and treasure the good parts of life.
JDSeller.....I am happy to see you back. You were missed the MAJORITY, overwhelming majority at that!

Like kicks us hard sometimes...Been there done that. Your wife will hopefully pull through. Doctors can be wrong, but at least she knows the worst scenario.

Keep your stick on the ice....we are here to listen. Venting is a very healthy thing to have available when needed, I know.

Glad to hear from you, take care of yourself.
Good Luck in everything.
As far as the sisters saying you are after your Dad's money. That reminds me of a guy I used to know in the late 90s, His dad was a shop foreman and had 3 sisters that were white trash, at their mother's funeral all 3 of these women were at my buddies dad saying, where's our money?, where's our money? my buddies grandmother was broke, so he said to his 3 sisters, ok....Fine! You each owe me $3,000 for the $12,000 funeral. Their isnt any money and since you have been such 8itches about it all you can each foot 1/4 of the funeral bill. His dad was going to pay the full bill himself, but since the sisters wanted "their share" they got it.

Glad to hear from you but sorry about the health issues. Hope your wife gets on the road to recovery.

Always enjoyed your posts. On about the last time you posted you replied to my questions about NH 270 baler repairs and the reply was very helpful, thanks. Repairs are a work in progress.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I hope things will turn around for your wife soon. As you can see there is a great respect and concern for you. I am glad you shared your problems with everyone.
Glad you're back. Sorry to hear about your problems, seems like when it rains it pours. On a positive note, glad to hear you're using your head about letting your boys take over more of the responsibilities without smothering them. They'll know when they need you, and will be damn glad of sound advice. Hang in there
WOW JD Seller you really have had a tough patch. I sympathize! All at once WOW!
About your wife and the hip not healing right. Now's the time to demonstrate that you kow how to be an As* H**l@. Telling you that to get used to it is a cop out. From your posts I know you know how so be one.
Little thing going on in my life for example. Eye doctor has been hinting around that I have something wrong with my eyes for couple of months, let's do this experiment or that one. Finally I just looked at him and said I have glacoma don't? "Yes" I just got really serious looked him straight in the eye and said so what are we going to do--going blind is NOT an option. At first he looked at me kinda shocked then he starts looking anywhere but at me and finally says these drops are the only thing we can do. Both my parents had glacoma, Dad did the drops Mom refused--she went blind Dad didn't. Dad also had cateracts (sp) and the drops stop when he had the cateracts fixed. Asked the doctor about that--yes we can fix the pressure issue when we are in there. So when are we doing that? He smiled a little and said in about 2 years when we are sure the drops are controlling the pressure. That's the path.

The morale is: be firm, don't give up, don't let the doctors give up even to being as A-H*le if necessary.
You can do it!
wonderful to hear from you jd ,,so sorry you are having such a tuf run ,,.. wrote you a nice note this am ,but the potty filter would not let me write about G od and bib le
,, kept tryin to space bar the words , finally gave'r up and said a prayer for you ,got 20 + acres of corn yet , ,.just want to say ,,your Most Important Job is to be the spiritual leader for your sons ,,and family ,,and that may be quite a challenge,,. but you can do it with G o ds help
Sorry to hear of your troubles.I do hope that things can work out for you.Glad you are back as I always look forward to your posts and have been glad for the answers to questions you have given.Life is hard to understand as I am having troubles now as well. Best wishes. Tom
JD, Hang in there.

You are doing things the right way by facing them head on and dealing with them.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, even if it seem awful dim at times.

Looking forward to you being able to spend more time here when things settle down.


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