Speaking of tree stands


Well-known Member
A few pages back there was a lengthy discussion about them. I missed this hook by an inch. Had no clue until I started splitting the blocks.
Lucky you didn't get into it with a saw. Sawyers hate to get into wood with nails, bolts, etc. Does a number on chains, blades. Father-in-law said they didn't take "door yard trees" for that reason. Frustrating when you run into something like that and you know you didn't put it there - someone else did, probably without permission.
Several years ago I cut up fire wood in 10-12' lengths. Haul them into the buss saw. Stacked the wood, and then carried it into the house. Cleaning out the ashes I found two mule shoes. They must have been hung on a branch and the tree grew around the whole thing. Wished I would have seen them before burning.
Yeah Ray - yard trees are risky. This tree was back in the woods. There was an old stand in a tree beside it, so I'm wary of that one, but I didn't know there was any metal in this one. Not the first time I've done that - last year had a similar near miss on another tree. There may be more - I didn't get it all split before dark.
That is one of the reasons I use strap on ladder stands and I build them my self from scrap iron like old water pipe or bed frame rails etc. Little to no harm to the tree unless you leave them there to long like some that I have had up for 20 plus years and the tree is starting to grow around the steel that sits on them and is strapped on
Be careful of those straps Rich. About 20 feet from this tree, there was a big heavy contraption strapped way up high. I called it a "nose bleed" stand because it was waaaay up there. Rusty bed rails and a rotten plywood box, and a pretty good looking ho-made pipe ladder that supported one end of the stand. I always wondered how to get that thing down safely. I guess the tree grew enough to bust the straps, because it's on the ground now. An old guy I worked for years ago had a strap bust and drop him - broke his leg or hip - can't remember which. Nobody knew where he was hunting, and he spent a long night before they found him.
In 1998 we had a wind storm go thru and a neighbor had a large ash tree that was leaning against his house, he said I could have it. I took it to a saw mill and had it tonge and grooved and used it for paneling at our cabin. While we were installing it we found a bullit that had been cut in two and still is a conversation piece today. It was a large caliber and it would be interesting how it got there and how many years that it had been there. Gordy in Mn.
When my father in law was alive he had a Woodmizer portable bandsaw mill that he used in custom sawing lumber. One day we were sawing a log making 4x4 post. In the center of the log was a small hollowed out area and in the hole was a large snake.

We hit so many nails and fence wire in logs it wasn't funny. Everytime you hit one it cost $35 for a new blade.
I have 22 stands and I check the straps every year to make sure they are still good. I have replaced some 5 or so this year. My tallest stand is around 14 feet but due to where it is looks higher
Didn't you have a blade sharpener? I hit many nails & resharpened & good to go again. If I hit a pole barn nail or fence insulator, the blade was junk.
Several years ago I was cutting down a large, 2 foot diameter, oak tree that I new was hollow to make snow plowing near a tractor shed when I hit metal in the hollow part. Opened a section and looked in. Turned out to be a octagonal gun barrel. After sherif investigated the historical society thought it was from the 1800's. Must have been hidden or lost in tree a long time ago. Sure made the tree removal a long term project. Just interesting.

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