
I officially retired 23 minutes ago.
Now the work really begins.
I am blessed with my wonderful wife of 43 years with a 2 1/2 page honey-do list and a 95 year old house.
Enjoy it and don,t get too busy. Real easy to get real busy. Remember you always have tomorrow.
Congats!! I did that in July of this year. You will wonder in 3 or 4 months how you ever had the time to go to work :shock:
Only you can control your retirement, but don't just quit. I retired @60, then at @69, and now I help friends most of the time, BUT I can say no if it is two much. Took two days off this week. No Money to re-due tractors all the time, so might as well play with friends tractors. Rental tractor, my 74 F600.

Congratulations.I went out 3 years ago October 29th.I was fortunate to be able to go at 53 with 35 years service.I still haven't got the list done.

A friend from high school stopped by not to long ago and asked some questions about how I handle not working.I told him I still work but not as hard.I have around 40 acres of hay and help some friends out when they need it.Last week we cut beans and corn.I hardly miss a good auction either.Do something everyday if you just mow the yard.And if push comes to shove go fishin or load the suit cases and take a ride.What ever you leave will be there when you get home.

Good luck and enjoy.
JUST 2 1/2 pages? You must have been doing something right! When I retired I had a list a mile long of stuff that I wanted to do, not counting hers!
Enjoy yourself, don't try to do it all at one time, as someone said, it will still be there when you get a round tuit.
I am into my third year of retirement and my second, or is it third career? I retired from teaching at age 60 and spent some time getting stuff done. The school asked me to substitute bus drive a regular route rather than the couple days a month I did for 20 years. Now I have my own route, drive a special needs student and take one or two field trips a year. The schedule fit perfectly with my needs to take keep an eye on my dad and caregiver. He's gone now and so might be the bus driving, at the end of the school year. Time to travel and kick back some.

And I am still a volunteer firefighter, since 1975.
Congratulations Chuck(ca)! Retirement will be as good as you want to make it. I taught 36 years, decided to leave when the bosses started making too many young man thinking, short term solutions to long term needs of students. Wow, I never knew I could be politically correct! Anyway, there"s something empowering about having the flexibility to solve problems while the sun still shines.
Dave I Love My H
Chuck that is real strange that you say that. Just spent the better part of a year so my Grand Son could get married here on the farm last May. Lots of thing just cleaning up, making room for parking, building a stage, acquiring a large tent structure for the reception and lots more. Can offer a lot of suggestions when you get in to it. E-mail open.
Things to think about that you will never think of.
Congratulations Chuck, been retired for five years now and I'am still not on page two of my honey do list. Enjoy
Way to go.

I'll be there as soon as the cows are sold. Giving up lease on our family ranch after 32 years..Let someone else deal with the day to day problems. Will have time to finish some equipment repairs,build a little fence and maybe a little custom work.
Winters will be in California or Texas.
Thanks to all for the kind words.
I think the strangest thing will be that we can travel and not have to be back on a certain day. And like some of you said, if I get tired, the work will still be tomorrow.
This of course will be after the granddaughter's wedding.
When I retired this past Sept 6th, I told the wife to write that honey-do list on that roller tissue paper. That way I could work on it once a day anyway.
Lucky dog. I still got three years to go and then, as they said below, the real work begins. I can't wait.

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