Off topic but very important info.

Watching one of the Sunday morning shows Diane Fienstien just said yes you can keep your own doctor or insurance right up till the the new bill went into affect. Bummer.
Well,I don't see how his majesty could just come out and say otherwise just because the whole thing is nicknamed after him. Contrary to what he and his loyal subjects think,the law can only be changed by Congress.
As far as your comment, they knew that from the start, but who would have supported the plan if they were told the truth. Thing is it"s now been spun that "If your policy holder dropped you, it"s OK, and was expected because it just means you"ll now have a BETTER plan than you had before"....They still neglect to tell you that it might cost more, have to be subsidized with tax dollars so you can afford it, and ultimately they can put a lien against your house if you don"t play ball with them and pay for the coverage that our illustrious governmental tsar says we all need.........

"We all need"...There in lies the biggest problem with the whole thing, other than it just being another gigantic, government controlled waste of tax payers money, is that it is a "one size fits all" plan. Read and listen to the news, and you"ll hear all about it. Basically we have men now paying for plans that include, and charge premiums on paying for maternity leave, women who have had their tubes tied paying for plans that include maternity leave, prenatal care, birthing services, etc, etc, all when they can"t have kids anymore. Then there are the, shall we say "adult industry" workers, be they legitimate or the street corner variety, that now have their contraceptives, their VD tests, etc, etc all paid for by us. Not to mention the drug addicts that will now have coverage, meaning we"ll all be paying for them when they OD and wind up on life support as a vegetable, instead of them just killing themselves and us being "rid" of them as more commonly happens. Yes, that last might be a mean and cruel outlook, but if someone wants to kill themesleves, regardless of wether it"s doing drugs, drinking, smoking, etc then I don"t feel it"s my place to be required, by law, to pay for keeping them healthy....but that"s just my .02
Plus, there are very high deductibles before the insurance pays anything. Many won't be able to afford any of it, guess that's why it's called "affordable" health care.
Yep, I had a perfectly good plan, that worked fine on a hospitalization I had last January- 80/20 plan, $2,750 deductible. I paid the deductible, then they paid 80% on everything thereafter.

Got a letter, they'll have to cancel me. I knew that was coming, because mine was a Health Savings Account plan, and of course, we can't have those because they make good financial sense for many people. Most comparable plan they're offering me is the same 80/20, premium $608 (up from $408), deductible $4,000 (up from $2,750). They explained the differences- and the ONLY difference is that I now have maternity and pediatric coverage. As a 64 year old male, I don't expect to get pregnant, but I guess you never know.

The Washington state website is apparently working fine- 48,000 folks signed up during the first two weeks, but the bad news is, 87% of them are Medicaid, and will get the insurance for free. Guess that answers the question of whether you can get folks to take free stuff (and vote for you next time). What remains in doubt is whether any of the younger, healthy folks who don't qualify for subsidies, and will face much higher premiums, will buy in. The smart money says no- they'll just pay the fine and be on their merry way.

I took the easy way out- went on Medicare in August.
(quoted from post at 10:37:29 11/03/13) Yep, I had a perfectly good plan, that worked fine on a hospitalization I had last January- 80/20 plan, $2,750 deductible. I paid the deductible, then they paid 80% on everything thereafter.

Got a letter, they'll have to cancel me. I knew that was coming, because mine was a Health Savings Account plan, and of course, we can't have those because they make good financial sense for many people. Most comparable plan they're offering me is the same 80/20, premium $608 (up from $408), deductible $4,000 (up from $2,750). They explained the differences- and the ONLY difference is that I now have maternity and pediatric coverage. As a 64 year old male, I don't expect to get pregnant, but I guess you never know.

The Washington state website is apparently working fine- 48,000 folks signed up during the first two weeks, but the bad news is, 87% of them are Medicaid, and will get the insurance for free. Guess that answers the question of whether you can get folks to take free stuff (and vote for you next time). What remains in doubt is whether any of the younger, healthy folks who don't qualify for subsidies, and will face much higher premiums, will buy in. The smart money says no- they'll just pay the fine and be on their merry way.

I took the easy way out- went on Medicare in August.
The same thing happened to me, but mine will go up 90%....and I have 7 years before Medicare....
Very good Op-ED piece in today's news by Charles Krauthammer. This is what Barry wanted; the new system to fail so they have to go to a one payer gov't controlled ins plan. This is the largest transfer of wealth in recent history. Cancel your plan, make you pay more for a plan with features you won't use, and use the money to buy ins for others. Duh! "Does your obammy sticker make you feel stupid yet?"
It became an "entitlement" when the elected officials decided to continue to court the vote of an entitled targeted "voters". You will also note that there is a BIG push on now to pass some concocted bills to get all the "legal voters" made into Legal citizens as soon as possible.
He already changed it by "Executive Order".
Lawsuits have been filed in lieu of that.
The changes He made were the side deals He cut with Federal workers and the Government branches, along with certain businesses and some unions.
Or in other words one more new law or bill and one if not more lost freedoms here in the once was proud of U.S.A. now not very proud that I have to put up with this bull but no place better either so got to live with it till maybe they put it to a vote of the people which is what should have been done in the first place and given people the choice at the very least
The premiums my wife and I pay now are $6000 a year. If we keep similar coverage our premiums will be well over $12,000 a year.
Not to worry. The reprieve that big companys received will be up after the election and their policies will not qualify then they will be in the same boat as you.
I have talked to several that made the comment that they was not affected by external_link care as their employer covered them. Just for another year and then the reprieve expires. That is the 80% with their head in the sand.
I pay $492 a month it will go up to $526 but the govnment pays 73% of mine. Funny back 68 when first took it out I payed $20 then the gov. Started paying more of it thought it would go down but you know that is. BUMMER
(quoted from post at 22:42:48 11/03/13)
Watching one of the Sunday morning shows Diane Fienstien just said yes you can keep your own doctor or insurance right up till the the new bill went into affect. Bummer.

Haven't y'all learned that ALL politicians lie?
I have a solution for those complaining about the Affordable Care Act. Simply in 2014 and 2016 elect a nnalert congress and a nnalert president and your worries are over. For those suggesting you didn"t get to vote on it...yes you did. Your represtatives in Congress voted to make it law--that"s how the system works!
(quoted from post at 18:06:48 11/03/13)
(quoted from post at 22:42:48 11/03/13)
Watching one of the Sunday morning shows Diane Fienstien just said yes you can keep your own doctor or insurance right up till the the new bill went into affect. Bummer.

Haven't y'all learned that ALL politicians lie?
ost accurate line of whole thread!!
I don't think it matters much which party they belong to. Washington seems to have a way of ruining politicians. After two terms I think they should come back home to their old jobs (if they had one).
After they work at another job for the equivalent of two terms I might (or might not) consider voting for them again.
Too many problems, external_linkcare website does not work (never mind if external_linkcare is a good idea), good paying jobs continually being shipped overseas, ammo is just beginning to return to the shelves after about a year, etc. Need new blood.
Just talking to a customer this morning. Retired from military, and now teaches politics. He said we (USA) are the only country in the world that has a privatized health care system. I've often said to myself, "What does the rest of the world do for medical attention".
I am on medicare. Part A only. Can't afford part B at 449.00 a month. With an out of pocket limit of 6700.00. No drugs covered. There is only one program that will cover the county I live in. But I just can't afford it on what I make on disability.
I think some one is watching TOO MUCH FAUX NEWS. I have gotten screwed by Blue Cross for about the tune of $60,000 over the years. I got diabetes and could not get any other insurance because of that. Now being on Medicare, I have 3 plans and have to see the dr more often. Yet I have a hard time just getting 3 months supply of meds. I guess they think you will soon die and they don't want to waste them.

Like one of the others said, we are one of the few countries that do not provide health care for all. Do other countries have health plans with donut holes in them? I have been self employed most of my life, so I did not get FREE or very low cost insurance.

For all of those that think the pubs have all the right answers, why don't the rest of us have the same health care the politicians have?
Actually, I seem to recall that the House did not vote on the final bill. The Speaker (Nancy Pelosi) used a mechanism called "deem and pass" so that members could plausibly deny voting for it.
It used to be something you just paid for, no insurance. Then in WWII, the federal govt imposed a wage freeze, and the only way industries could get the best workers was to offer non-wage incentives, in the form of health insurance. Prior to WWII, few had health insurance, and almost nobody had employer health insurance.
What good is insurance if the deductible is more than a guy can afford? One gal had her deductible go from 3,000 to 12,000. She might as well just have catastrophic insurance--oh wait, that's illegal under the government. And O saying if your insurance is cancelled just go to the exchange. Forget that I lied to you. Pay more for stuff you don't need so someone else can have free insurance. Medicaid roles are exploding. If the young healthy don't buy in, who pays for all these extra people? Might look good to an academic on paper but in real life it will be a flop. Just like they planned. Businesses are next to not meet the standard.

Actually if you watch ANY news channel its the same story. Apparently even CNBC can't carry the water on this one.
(quoted from post at 11:49:06 11/03/13) No problem. Vote the s.o.b.s out at the next election cycle. nnalert congress and White house and the affordable health care act is history in days.

Well Geezer, That is a pretty numb statement unless you can tell us how 40% can vote out 60%. Any one that can figure out how to do that will very quickly become a rich man. And how will the nnalert ever get votes when the nnalert keep offering to pay everyone's bills with other people's money. There are always going to be way more have-nots than there will be haves to take it from.
Just the facts:

Americans pay a higher percent of our gross national product for Health Care than any of the other 30 industrial nations.

Americans die younger than any other of the 30 industralized nations.

Look it is a fact.

We pay twice as much...get less. That is the old healthcare system you love. I don't like the new system, but the old one was broken too.

How about if my guys...quit making noise and come up with a better plan. If we vote them back you think they will do something about it this time? They did not the last time.

Neither party will stand up to the huge healthcare lobby. $5 Billion a year....buys lots of votes in congress.
(quoted from post at 21:00:40 11/03/13)
(quoted from post at 11:49:06 11/03/13) No problem. Vote the s.o.b.s out at the next election cycle. nnalert congress and White house and the affordable health care act is history in days.

Well Geezer, That is a pretty numb statement unless you can tell us how 40% can vote out 60%. And how will the nnalert ever get votes when the nnalert keep offering to pay everyone's bills with other people's money. There are always going to be way more have-nots than there will be haves to take it from.
How right you are and the 60% is on the increase triple what the 40% is. Birth rate=triple , New fed $$$ hand-outs gaining new recruites=triple.
I do believe they "have it by the tail with a down hill drag" at the polls.
It seems funny that only 15% of the country did not have insurance and the rest did so they through out everybodys insurance for the crap will will have now. Under the new plan I will pay less after the kick back from the government(where do they get the money to give me?)but my deductible goes from a max of $5,000.00 per year to $12,000.00.
And the $12,000.00 has to be paid first every year before the insurance pay anything.
When even his news media partners have no choice and are now trying everything possible to distance themselves from him in an effort to show even the most modest amount of credibility at the same time not following him over the cliff that they helped him sell and deliver to us, someone is in trouble. And trouble does not end with him or them. Trouble includes those members of congress now running for cover after voting for this 2,700 page law that they did not and could not have possibly read after it was first released from committee to them to read at 4 AM on Thursday December 22, 2009 before they voted in a floor vote just slightly more than 2 days later on the afternoon of Saturday December 24, 2009 (Christmas Eve) while people were too busy readying for Christmas to have noticed.

A whole lot of people elected this, whether they knew it or not. There is an old saying, "They made my bed for me, and I'm dragging them in it with me by their throats".

(quoted from post at 17:58:53 11/03/13) I think some one is watching TOO MUCH FAUX NEWS. I have gotten screwed by Blue Cross for about the tune of $60,000 over the years. I got diabetes and could not get any other insurance because of that. Now being on Medicare, I have 3 plans and have to see the dr more often. Yet I have a hard time just getting 3 months supply of meds. I guess they think you will soon die and they don't want to waste them.

Like one of the others said, we are one of the few countries that do not provide health care for all. Do other countries have health plans with donut holes in them? I have been self employed most of my life, so I did not get FREE or very low cost insurance.

For all of those that think the pubs have all the right answers, why don't the rest of us have the same health care the politicians have?

I'm sorry for your condition Frank, but it's not up to the rest of us to pay your bills. And for the record, in a lot of those countries you think have "free" healthcare, you'd be just as poor because your' taxes would eat up a lot more of your income, if you even had a job. Many countries have no healthcare coverage at all. In others they'd let you die or offer you euthanasia because you're too big a drain on the system.

Healthcare is not and has never been some sort of "right". It's a responsibility, not a right, and the responsibility rest on the shoulders of the recipient and his family, not on the "collective", that is, your fellow countrymen that pay taxes.

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