Funny how you can search for some thing and find it close!!

JD Seller

Well-known Member
I had a Oliver/White plow back in the late 1980s. It was a 4,5,or 6 bottom plow. You just bolted the extra bottoms on and lengthen the lift and steering tubes. I used it as a 4x16 behind my Oliver 1655 and as a 5x16 behind the JD 4020. I really liked how the plow worked. It turned sod over smoother than my JD plows. Like fool I sold it when someone offered me twice what I had given for it. If I remember right it was $1500.

So I have been looking for another one since then. They either where junk or went higher than what I wanted to pay for one.

I posted on the Oliver board a few months ago to help me find what model I had. Mine was a red plow but the knowledgeable fellows there are pretty sure it was an Oliver 565 painted red. They where GREAT in helping me find the model number.

So I have been looking a little harder as I have some dirt work to do and want a good plow to start it with.

Last week we had a light rain shower. It stopped any field work. So I went to Dyersville to pick up some things. On the way back I decided to go by a friend's organic crops. He rented a farm that just came out of CRP this spring. I found his crops, which looked good for organic ones.

On the was home from there I went on a road that I have only been on maybe once before in my life. It is not 5 miles from where I live but there are only two houses on that road an I never had a reason to do business with them.

Half way across that road there set a set of Oliver 565 4x16 plows. Not more than 50 feet from the road, in a pasture field. Went to a neighbor and found out who owned them. I found the son of the owner an asked about buying them. The fellow told me that they had been his Dad's but he had been dead for 15 years. I got the son's permission to look at them closer. They are in great shape. The moldboards look real good. The cover boards are good. I could not tell what the shears or land slides look like as they where down in the dirt. Rolling cutters are all there but do need new blades.

The son told me he had to talk to his Mother and see what she would want for them. HE called me up yesterday. I went up and met his Mother and we started to deal with the son on the plows. His Mother stopped us and told him he needed to show me the extra stuff that went with the plow. He was confused. She told us to go look in an old hog shed. That her husband had extra parts for the plow in there.

So we went and looked. I guess he had extra parts!!!! He had NEW moldboards, rolling cutter blades, new shears/points, landslides, and cover boards. They still had the Oliver/White stickers on them. These are not cheap aftermarket parts. All are OEM parts.

So the son and I went back to his Mother. I did not even try to dicker any more. They did not know what to ask for everything. She told me that the scrap guys had been bugging her for years. They had been offering her $100 for the plow. She knew that was too low but did not know by how much.

I had six one hundred dollar bills in my pocket. I just handed them to her and ask her if that would be good with her. She was delighted. She was very happy. I am happy too. I think I got a great deal with all the new parts.

I am going to go pick the plows up next week sometime. I will try to get some pictures of the plow.

It just struck me as funny how they had been setting for 15 years or more not 5 miles from me. Just what I was looking for not far away. I have driven to several sales only to see the plows bring sky high prices or be a piece of junk. It sometimes supprises you what you can find in your backyard.
That happened to me one time. I was looking for another tractor, hopefully a John Deere. I would look in the want ads every so often but nothing. One morning I checked and a guy not 3 miles from me had a JD 50. That was over 12 years ago and I use it for mowing, snow removal and wood splitting. A even drove it home. I"m still a happy camper.
Now I can't wait to see how that plough turns some ground! Well done and do get us some pics.....Sam
I was watching one of those car shows where the guy goes out and finds od cars he can buy and sell. He saw a car under cover in an old garage and looked the owner who was an old widow, her husband had been working on the car for years to restore it. All it needed was a few little things and the reassemble it. She said was just an old junker and was ready to just give it to him. He got into the garage looked at what she had and then called up and told her that this was and piece of junk and offered her $40,000 for it. Made two people really happy he got a deal she got an extra 40 grand to play with.
Worth every penny and then some! Its great the scrapper did NOT get them either ! Also nice to find exactly what you are looking for, knowing the performance from past experience. I thought the story was going to lead up to this plow being the one you sold.

I have a single bottom Ford, that takes Oliver shares, and it does a perfect job of the worst root bound sod, no idea why but the kill off is as good as it gets, areas I have worked you could hand spray what came back, say for a late summer planting. I too keep spares on the shelf, well what I know I could end up using, a new rock share, shin etc. So if someone stumbled upon my old junk after I'm gone, they'd find most things in good repair, and spares. Someone may not know whats what, so I mark my spares with a paint pen/parts marker so its seen easily, and known it goes with something. Definitely want to see photos when you do some plowing.

One of the things I like about going out and finding/buying from people, like off CL, often times they have more than what you came to look at or buy, you meet nice/interesting people, and the deals are often very good. Yesterday, I called about a used cutting edge a retired boiler maker had, needed something for my dilapidated old tractor bucket, perfect $25, sure its worn, but still plenty left,have had an eye out for years too, its not mild steel, and the wear is to either side, middle is square, course I can build it up a bit and hardface. He's had all kinds of things listed over the years, very reasonable, turns out I worked next door to their large shop for 4 years, knew some of his co workers, etc., small world, he threw in another piece of plate steel for nothing that I could used to repair a corner of the bucket that rusted through.
Only way the story would have been any better would be if the plow was the one you sold way back when.

And thanks for not taking advantage of a widow.
Mike and Billy, the plow I sold is in Eastern Kentucky. I traded with the fellow for years. He bought the plow to use. I assume he still has them.
Nice find! Do you still have either the 1655 or 4020 yet? I was thinking like the others in that it would be the plow you sold.
I still own both the JD 4020 and the Oliver 1655. The 1655 was bought by my Uncle new and I rented it for years before I could afford to buy it from him. The JD 4020 was boughten by my Grand Father. So they both will not be for sale.

The original plows I traded from a dealer in Indiana in the early 1980s. He and I traded truck load of equipment. He wanted two tractors I had and he had implements I could sell.

Like I posted below the plows ended back in Eastern Kentucky.

It is funny how things get moved around these days.
I do not think you can get the good Oliver moldboards anymore. We tried aftermarket one time on a 508 plow and they did not last long. Also, did not throw a furrow like the original White or Oliver moldboards.
You will probably will keep them to use. In this area any NOS White-Oliver wearing parts will bring more than they did new.
That's a great story, thanks for sharing it. All I have is these little Dearborn 2 bottom plows! Lol. Glad the Oliver plow you got dident get scrapped. I thought you were gonna say they had extra plows for it.

Last fall I found an Oliver 565 4x16 not 2 miles from the house, This one was about to be cut up for junk with some other equipment. I asked the fellow what he wanted for the equipment he said $300 for the for the 5 pieces, I said I'll take them for that price. Spent the next day running back and forth getting the 5 pieces to the farm. I did a good clean up of the moldboards and went to plowing the next day while dad was bush hogging the corn stocks. They did a really good job plowing that ground up and covering the stocks up for a plow that had not been used in 20 years. Once you use a good Oliver 565 plow you will never want any other brand of plow to use. I just goes to show you that when you are not looking for something it will fall into your lap after looking for it. In the picture dad is plowing with my 1550 diesel in 4 Hi about 8 inches deep. You just cant beet a good Oliver plow. Bandit
Went with a friend a couple years ago to see a 4-14 jd trailer plow. After the 50 mile ride we found it to be a f620a plow, but was 4-16's. My buddy decided to pass on it as it was bigger than he thought his tractor could handle. All the iron was bad and the tail wheel had been broken off. Since he had decided to pass I asked what the price was. The old man said he didn't realize it was in such poor shape and felt bad that we had come so far. He offered it to me for half his original price. After another brief discussion with my buddy, I bought it and we loaded it on the trailer. Money was exchanged any we were ready to hit the road. The old man stopped us, and said we were in to muck of a hurry. Of To the house he went and returned with the owners manual, then to the barn and came back with a trail wheel and new old stock mold boards. In the truck they went as he said the plow would surely need them. We tried to pay him more but we're told the deal was final. What a great deal that turned out to be.

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