Had some great 4th crop hay. Made some idiot cubes!! Pics

JD Seller

Well-known Member
The older alfalfa stand( 6yrs old) just did not grow back as fast as the newer stands. The rains we got a few weeks back really kick it in gear. I know your not supposed to mow it after Sept. 15th but this stand is due to be torn up next spring anyway. So I will just see how it winters.

Also the middle son is taking over most of the feeding chores here at the home place. He is adding some smaller calves so the small squares will come in handy.

Plus I have some help right now and the weather has been clear and cool. Just good of a opportunity to make some good hay. My oldest two Grand Kids are here right now so I am putting them to work. LOL The Grand son told me it was easier than carrying full combat gear while being shot at. I told him I could shot around him some if he was missing it. LAMO

We baled 23 acres today. We got 1280 small square. That is great for 4th crop. This stand does have some fine grass in it that helped but it still did good.

Raking the old way this morning. JD 5210 and JD 672 rake.


Looking across the field toward the East. You can see the unraked hay, raked hay and corn. I just liked the view from my "office window" this morning.


Like how the hay looks in windrow after it is raked. Makes the field look all organized.


Close up of the hay. It is real dry and green.


Wagons where a few bales short of holding all of the bales. I had to put the old Trail Gator to work. LOL Kind of had it over loaded.

I was raking and did not get any pictures of them baling and loading the hay. They still have three loads to unload in the morning. We still stack the hay behind the baler. I don't like how a kicker twists up the bales. Plus your wagons will hold a lot more hay stacked. My wife drove the tractor and baler. The grand kids stacked the hay on the wagons. Then after 4 PM my older sons got home and they started unloading wagons. I have enough hay racks so they could have just loaded wagons today but the boys jumped in and helped unload four big loads. Even with that we where close on holding it all. If we bale more next year I will need to empty some flat bed wagons off. I have 12 and there are only five empty ones.
Quite a bit of hay still being cut around here to. Be interesting to see if the stands survive the winter. Last year any hay cut after the first of September was mostly all winter killed.
JD Seller,Thats some beautiful land you farm there! The corn looks like it is still pretty green and not quite ready to combine.Several years ago I bought a combine out of Monticello Iowa and the truck driver that delivered it to me in GA couldn't believe our corn was almost ready to combine and thiers was just silking.
looks good .. all that green, (LOL) Love the photos, not much on those small bales, lots of work.

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