
Well-known Member
Just thought I would post some before and after pics of some of our beans for this season. I posted pics of some of them about a month ago and they looked like 45 - 50 bu beans, which considering the ground they are on, plus average rainfall here in KS, that would have been pretty good. However, the rain stopped, the temps went up to right around 100 or even slightly higher, and the hot wind blew for about 3 weeks or longer, and knocked the tar out of them. Right now they are making between 28 and 30 bu per acre, which is still pretty good for the area. Just a kick in the teeth to see them so nice and then start going backwards. This is Central KS.



Nice pics.

We suspect much the same results will be found here in MN, only a very few have started beans, on the high spots, so we don't really know yet.

28-30 is real good for what they went thru...Beans in my area look like they might make 20-30 but most need another 3-4 weeks.

All beans here got planted in late June...They had 5 weeks of drought,3 weeks of rain,then another 5 weeks of drought before getting 1.35" of rain last week..
You are very lucky. here in central wi we had monsoon until the 1st of july, then nothing untill last week. The beans that did get in did not even set pods and the dairy farmers are cutting them for hay.
I know what you mean about the kick in the teeth comment. That is the feeling that all farmers get now and then when their hard work gets slammed by mother nature. And worse when you get cheated on the price by some fat cat broker who never grew a crop in his life.
Might be why we used to consider Kansas a wheat state. As for Paul's Mn predictions,it wouldn't matter what the first beans yielded as the first liar never has a chance.
Our first ones are coming out Friday. I will post the results. They were a shorter maturity and actually look better than the longer ones.
Kansas is still considered a wheat state, but with the newer drought resistant beans it's usually a pretty good ROI. 20 bu beans will still out gross 60 bu wheat, and here it's tough to get over 45 bu wheat.

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