Ot sugar maples dying.


Well-known Member
My brother has a bunch of older and young sugar maples in his woods that are dying. They seem to have lost there leaves from the top down. Anyone know of any reason for maples to be dying? I thought they were pretty hardy.
I have been aware of the same problem here. I think Dave hit the nail on the head.
Remember back about 3 yrs ago when the tent catipilers ate off all the leaves on all our trees? Then last year we had the spring drough! I am seeing this same senario here, very hard this fall, in our sugarbush. NOT GOOD at all.
If the current goverment doesn't drag us under; mother nature Will!!.
Loren, the Acg.
I've lost some here, looks similar to what was posted. Another maple with less shaggy bark, seems to self destruct, wind, storms, splits at where the canopy starts, which is not that high up, the trunks are relatively short compared to others. These at a certain age, just split into 3rds or so, one in a hedge row, part of the privacy between these old fields, now with homes, 2/3 split off, yet I let the other 3rd stay, to keep the tree line and privacy, is doing fine, full canopy, I'd have thought different, not near anything, eventually with the exposed heart wood, but, for now its hard to believe looking at it, it did run sap, and was sweet, I'm not wise to the species of these maples, and how to tell em apart yet.

That storm a few days ago, left cords of maple on the ground, nice healthy ones, uprooted, we must have had a wind shear, downdraft, Derecho ? or something isolated, really did some damage. I'm almost overwhelmed with firewood logs now, but I'll get em in and probably be ahead for 2-3 seasons.
That same thing seemed to happen here, but it may not have been so dry, the following year, the trees came back and have looked normal since, but given the right conditions, according to that information posted not so good. I hope it does not take a toll on your sugarbush, you'll have lots of firewood but no darned sap to evaporate. These cycles of nature never coordinate with the "best laid plans of mice and men"!
My dad tought me and his brothers well about conserving the resources of a sugar bush.
It has been self sustaining for his active lifetime, but I have seen it declining for the last few years. We never "over tapped" trees, two buckets for a tree that you could strech your arms around, without touching fingers and if they wern't as big around as a sap bucket they wern't taped at all.
I have a maple in my back yard that was very slow on putting out leaves this spring. Half of it put out very limited leaves, which have since died off on a major portion of the tree. The tent catipiller hit this tree hard 2 falls ago.
Loren, the Acg.
That's to bad, my brother tapped his trees this past winter, and many are dying. He dosent know weather to cut the bad looking ones down so they don't effect the live ones, or what??but many have leaves turning and dropping already.
I've got around 70 acres of woods that is maybe 1/3 to 1/2 sugar maple. All look same as usual - so far. Beech are all sick but maples are fine. I have an area of pretty much pure sugar bush that was looking bad after 3-4 years of tent caterpillars. I stopped tapping it. Looks okay now.
This is in Otsego County, central NY. I have a smaller stand in Hamilton County, NY (Indian Lake, Adirondacks) that also looks fine. Hope it stays that way.

I'd hate to see this area turn out like Michigan. I just came back from northern Michigan where just about every ash tree was dead. This happened quick. Many big healthy trees died in one year. To make things worse - there are areas where the state is removing all Beech trees because they are sick.
Jay in NY,
I have noticed maples in MN, even fairly young and otherwise healthy looking trees with a dead spot up top/center too. I had also wondered about the cause.

Also seems to be some problem with blue spruce around here too... needles turn brown and drop.

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