O.T. Shop tools needed

Hello: an old order Amish gentleman was over today and asked me to post this on here. He is looking for shop tools, specifically engine lathes with a bed swing of 28 inches or less, milling machines, shears, press brakes, ironworkers, and bending equipment. He is hoping to locate defunct manufacturing businesses and closed machine shops that might have this equipment available for sale at a reasonable price. They're concentrating their search in an area approximately from Minnesota to Eastern Pennsylvania, South to Kentucky, and West back to Iowa. If anyone knows of equipment like this for sale in that area please post a message or send me an e-mail. Thank you
28 inch lathe???? Oh those are just laying around like empty beer bottles. Dis-assembled each section would weigh a ton. From New Jersey to North Dakota narrows the search down quite a bit... Amish seem to think us English just find and transport tonnage like Scotty beaming stuff aboard the Enterprise...
Where ever they ARE, tell them to contact industrial equipment dealers and machine shop tooling shops, heavy equip auctioneers, they might know what's around..
Amish are tearing down a barn on a neighbors farm. They hired a local guys trailer to haul the lumber to their farm. Trailer is a 18 foot bumper hitch 7000 pound. They put a 6 foot pile of oak lumber on it and expected the guy to deliver it! Tires were rubbing on the fenders!
My local Amish machine shop would be the envy of a good portion of the English machine shops I've been in. No, no CNC or computerized stuff, but lots of very well cared for older equipment and most importantly- a man that's willing and able to work on about anything you can ask for at a reasonable price.

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