OT:Looking for car for daughter, people are pigs,rant


Well-known Member
Been shopping for a used car for my second daughter. OMG! I have had all the body odor I can handle! What do people do in their cars? What are they thinking? Or as my daughter says This one smells like skid marked underwear". Looked at a clean "bought new, one owner" car that was "scheduled for detailing in 3 days". The lady told me she was getting it cleaned because she was too embarrassed to sell a dirty car. But she was showing it... and she has a pet rabbit and hauled hay in the car and apparently the rabbit too...on the floors, the seats, and the CIELING!? I know I can't be too choosy when buying used, but come on. "alittle rust" means holes in quarter panels and doors. If its a standard color like white, black, silver, a spray can over rust perforation means "its solid down there". I'm beginning to see why we throw our cars away. I'm seriously thinking about leasing a car for my wife and giving her car to daughter.
As far as the smell,I wonder how much of it is from a plugged drain in the AC evaporator? Seems like the guys on Car Talk get more than just a few call on the subject. I remember some Fords having a real problem with that not too many years ago.
What's up with people who just smell bad? Stopped at a corner and there was a guy riding a mower on the other side of the street. When I turned, I could smell HIM and the mower. UGH!!
I judge people by the condition of their car. It could be 20 years old and well maintained or a year old and just ruined. That says a lot about people and how they value their possessions.

Sure, my pickup isn't the cleanest, but it also checks cattle, hauls hay, and doubles as a workbench in the field. It is still much cleaner and well taken care of than many others in my county. If it takes more than 45 minutes to look decent you aren't doing your best. Knock off the floor mats, rinse it off, and hose off the engine!
Ell, Ya can't judge a person by a drive by smell!!
He may of been out with the boys last night ande had beans, eggs fer lunch.
You never know the motive. I generally keep a few pairs of dirty skivvies and socks under the seat of my Dodge one ton dually...keeps my Grandkids from wanting to borrow it all the time!
I get what you're saying, My girlfriend was looking for a car online. she would text me and say look at this one or that one.

I would blow up the pictures online of the interior. 95% looked like c@#p, so told her don't even bother.
The one she got was a good deal it has the odd stone chip or mark on the interior, mechanically it's A1 if it wasn't right it got fixed.
A couple we looked at where supposed to be real nice, until you got it sitting in the right light, the Bondo and paint touch up might as well of been reflective orange, it stood out that much!.
And the asking was stupid money too!. Then these guys all talk about how many tire kickers they had, well usually if it's right for the price I buy not tire kick!.
Good luck in your search.
Regards Robert
Son was looking for a S-10 Blazer a while back, Found one at a reputable used car dealer. We drove it about six blocks and turned around. Returned it to dealer, told him to put an ozone machine on it for the weekend, then air it out for 6 weeks. Tobacco odor was so strong we both were getting sick. I will NEVER buy a smoker car.
A little over a month ago I flew my son to the emergency room with our van. He had a bad arm injury and left a pool of about a cup of blood in the passenger seat. We've been cleaning with peroxide ever since and the stain is gone but there's still a little smell left so sometimes a bad smell isn't intentional.

Thirty years ago there was a story going around about an old livestock scalper buying a new Mercury and driving it to the sale barn where he bought a couple of calves and threw them in the back seat. I halfway knew the guy and he was the kind of character who would do something like that. He was well enough off to buy the car with petty cash but to look at him you wouldn't have guessed it. My guess is he kept the car till the wheels fell off and then parked it in the grove. Jim
If someone smoked in one of my pool cars, we had a place detail the car inside. The offenders org was charged for the detailing.

OdoBan (available at Home Depot, Sam's, & other stores) will do a good job of getting rid of odors. OdoBan itself has just a faint, pleasant odor. I have chemical sensitivity, but OdoBan does not bother me.
I don't know how many "rust free" cars and trucks I have looked at when shopping for my kids cars.
Owners must be blind as all I ever see is rust !!
Did finally find a couple that really were and bought them.
One I found on a dealer lot after closing hours it was sitting there with no plates. figured it was just traded in. Called the next day and told them to hold it for me. Paid a premium but it had just had alot of service done on it and it was clean. Dealer knew what they had if I passed I'm sure it would of sold fast.
(quoted from post at 19:30:14 08/29/13) Some people can come up with an excuse for anything.

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